diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c076f9a..8f00306 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -38,27 +38,25 @@ For MAC OS, You have to install or upgrade python-tk package:
brew install python-tk@3.10
-##### DONE!!! If you dont have any GPU, You should be able to run roop using `python run.py` command. Keep in mind that while running the program for first time, it will download some models which can take time depending on your network connection.
+##### DONE!!! If you don't have any GPU, You should be able to run roop using `python run.py` command. Keep in mind that while running the program for first time, it will download some models which can take time depending on your network connection.
+#### 5. Proceed if you want to use GPU acceleration (optional)
+Click to see the details
-### *Proceed if you want to use GPU Acceleration
### CUDA Execution Provider (Nvidia)*
1. Install [CUDA Toolkit 11.8](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-11-8-0-download-archive)
2. Install dependencies:
pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-gpu
pip install onnxruntime-gpu==1.16.3
3. Usage in case the provider is available:
python run.py --execution-provider cuda
### [](https://github.com/s0md3v/roop/wiki/2.-Acceleration#coreml-execution-provider-apple-silicon)CoreML Execution Provider (Apple Silicon)
@@ -68,65 +66,52 @@ python run.py --execution-provider cuda
pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-silicon
pip install onnxruntime-silicon==1.13.1
2. Usage in case the provider is available:
python run.py --execution-provider coreml
### [](https://github.com/s0md3v/roop/wiki/2.-Acceleration#coreml-execution-provider-apple-legacy)CoreML Execution Provider (Apple Legacy)
1. Install dependencies:
pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-coreml
pip install onnxruntime-coreml==1.13.1
2. Usage in case the provider is available:
python run.py --execution-provider coreml
### [](https://github.com/s0md3v/roop/wiki/2.-Acceleration#directml-execution-provider-windows)DirectML Execution Provider (Windows)
1. Install dependencies:
pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-directml
pip install onnxruntime-directml==1.15.1
2. Usage in case the provider is available:
python run.py --execution-provider directml
### [](https://github.com/s0md3v/roop/wiki/2.-Acceleration#openvino-execution-provider-intel)OpenVINO™ Execution Provider (Intel)
1. Install dependencies:
pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-openvino
pip install onnxruntime-openvino==1.15.0
2. Usage in case the provider is available:
python run.py --execution-provider openvino
## How do I use it?
> Note: When you run this program for the first time, it will download some models ~300MB in size.
@@ -174,7 +159,11 @@ options:
Looking for a CLI mode? Using the -s/--source argument will make the run program in cli mode.
-### Webcam mode on Windows 11 using WSL2 Ubuntu
+### Webcam mode on Windows 11 using WSL2 Ubuntu (optional)
+Click to see the details
If you want to use WSL2 on Windows 11 you will notice, that Ubuntu WSL2 doesn't come with USB-Webcam support in the Kernel. You need to do two things: Compile the Kernel with the right modules integrated and forward your USB Webcam from Windows to Ubuntu with the usbipd app. Here are detailed Steps:
This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up WSL2 Ubuntu with USB webcam support, rebuilding the kernel, and preparing the environment for the Deep-Live-Cam project.
@@ -313,7 +302,8 @@ Follow these steps:
sudo apt-get -y install cuda-toolkit-11-8
## Want the Next Update Now?
If you want the latest and greatest build, or want to see some new great features, go to our [experimental branch](https://github.com/hacksider/Deep-Live-Cam/tree/experimental) and experience what the contributors have given.