{ "Source x Target Mapper": "Source x Target Mapper", "select an source image": "选择一个源图像", "Preview": "预览", "select an target image or video": "选择一个目标图像或视频", "save image output file": "保存图像输出文件", "save video output file": "保存视频输出文件", "select an target image": "选择一个目标图像", "source": "源", "Select a target": "选择一个目标", "Select a face": "选择一张脸", "Keep audio": "保留音频", "Face Enhancer": "面纹增强器", "Many faces": "多脸", "Show FPS": "显示帧率", "Keep fps": "保持帧率", "Keep frames": "保持帧数", "Fix Blueish Cam": "修复偏蓝的摄像头", "Mouth Mask": "口罩", "Show Mouth Mask Box": "显示口罩盒", "Start": "开始", "Live": "直播", "Destroy": "结束", "Map faces": "识别人脸", "Processing...": "处理中...", "Processing succeed!": "处理成功!", "Processing ignored!": "处理被忽略!", "Failed to start camera": "启动相机失败", "Please complete pop-up or close it.": "请先完成弹出窗口或者关闭它", "Getting unique faces": "获取独特面部", "Please select a source image first": "请先选择一个源图像", "No faces found in target": "目标图像中没有人脸", "Add": "添加", "Clear": "清除", "Submit": "确认", "Select source image": "请选取源图像", "Select target image": "请选取目标图像", "Please provide mapping!": "请提供映射", "Atleast 1 source with target is required!": "至少需要一个来源图像与目标图像相关!", "At least 1 source with target is required!": "至少需要一个来源图像与目标图像相关!", "Face could not be detected in last upload!": "最近上传的图像中没有检测到人脸!", "Select Camera:": "选择摄像头", "All mappings cleared!": "所有映射均已清除!", "Mappings successfully submitted!": "成功提交映射!", "Source x Target Mapper is already open.": "源 x 目标映射器已打开。" }