#include "esp_event.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "nvs_flash.h" // #include "protocol_examples_common.h" #include "main.h" #include "asic_result_task.h" #include "asic_task.h" #include "create_jobs_task.h" #include "esp_netif.h" #include "system.h" #include "http_server.h" #include "nvs_config.h" #include "serial.h" #include "stratum_task.h" #include "user_input_task.h" static GlobalState GLOBAL_STATE = { .extranonce_str = NULL, .extranonce_2_len = 0, .abandon_work = 0, .version_mask = 0, .ASIC_initalized = false }; static const char * TAG = "bitaxe"; static const double NONCE_SPACE = 4294967296.0; // 2^32 void app_main(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Welcome to the bitaxe - hack the planet!"); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_init()); GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value = nvs_config_get_u16(NVS_CONFIG_ASIC_FREQ, CONFIG_ASIC_FREQUENCY); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "NVS_CONFIG_ASIC_FREQ %f", (float)GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value); GLOBAL_STATE.device_model_str = nvs_config_get_string(NVS_CONFIG_DEVICE_MODEL, ""); if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.device_model_str, "max") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "DEVICE: Max"); GLOBAL_STATE.device_model = DEVICE_MAX; GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count = 1; GLOBAL_STATE.voltage_domain = 1; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.device_model_str, "ultra") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "DEVICE: Ultra"); GLOBAL_STATE.device_model = DEVICE_ULTRA; GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count = 1; GLOBAL_STATE.voltage_domain = 1; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.device_model_str, "supra") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "DEVICE: Supra"); GLOBAL_STATE.device_model = DEVICE_SUPRA; GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count = 1; GLOBAL_STATE.voltage_domain = 1; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.device_model_str, "gamma") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "DEVICE: Gamma"); GLOBAL_STATE.device_model = DEVICE_GAMMA; GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count = 1; GLOBAL_STATE.voltage_domain = 1; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Invalid DEVICE model"); // maybe should return here to now execute anything with a faulty device parameter ! // this stops crashes/reboots and allows dev testing without an asic GLOBAL_STATE.device_model = DEVICE_UNKNOWN; GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count = -1; GLOBAL_STATE.voltage_domain = 1; } GLOBAL_STATE.board_version = atoi(nvs_config_get_string(NVS_CONFIG_BOARD_VERSION, "000")); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found Device Model: %s", GLOBAL_STATE.device_model_str); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found Board Version: %d", GLOBAL_STATE.board_version); GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model_str = nvs_config_get_string(NVS_CONFIG_ASIC_MODEL, ""); if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model_str, "BM1366") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ASIC: %dx BM1366 (%" PRIu64 " cores)", GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count, BM1366_CORE_COUNT); GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model = ASIC_BM1366; AsicFunctions ASIC_functions = {.init_fn = BM1366_init, .receive_result_fn = BM1366_proccess_work, .set_max_baud_fn = BM1366_set_max_baud, .set_difficulty_mask_fn = BM1366_set_job_difficulty_mask, .send_work_fn = BM1366_send_work}; //GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = (NONCE_SPACE / (double) (GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value * BM1366_CORE_COUNT * 1000)) / (double) GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count; // version-rolling so Small Cores have different Nonce Space GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = ASIC_BM1366_JOB_FREQUENCY_MS; //2000ms GLOBAL_STATE.initial_ASIC_difficulty = BM1366_INITIAL_DIFFICULTY; GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions = ASIC_functions; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model_str, "BM1370") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ASIC: %dx BM1370 (%" PRIu64 " cores)", GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count, BM1370_CORE_COUNT); GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model = ASIC_BM1370; AsicFunctions ASIC_functions = {.init_fn = BM1370_init, .receive_result_fn = BM1370_proccess_work, .set_max_baud_fn = BM1370_set_max_baud, .set_difficulty_mask_fn = BM1370_set_job_difficulty_mask, .send_work_fn = BM1370_send_work}; //GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = (NONCE_SPACE / (double) (GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value * BM1370_CORE_COUNT * 1000)) / (double) GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count; // version-rolling so Small Cores have different Nonce Space GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = ASIC_BM1370_JOB_FREQUENCY_MS; //500ms GLOBAL_STATE.initial_ASIC_difficulty = BM1370_INITIAL_DIFFICULTY; GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions = ASIC_functions; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model_str, "BM1368") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ASIC: %dx BM1368 (%" PRIu64 " cores)", GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count, BM1368_CORE_COUNT); GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model = ASIC_BM1368; AsicFunctions ASIC_functions = {.init_fn = BM1368_init, .receive_result_fn = BM1368_proccess_work, .set_max_baud_fn = BM1368_set_max_baud, .set_difficulty_mask_fn = BM1368_set_job_difficulty_mask, .send_work_fn = BM1368_send_work}; //GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = (NONCE_SPACE / (double) (GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value * BM1368_CORE_COUNT * 1000)) / (double) GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count; // version-rolling so Small Cores have different Nonce Space GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = ASIC_BM1368_JOB_FREQUENCY_MS; //500ms GLOBAL_STATE.initial_ASIC_difficulty = BM1368_INITIAL_DIFFICULTY; GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions = ASIC_functions; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model_str, "BM1397") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ASIC: %dx BM1397 (%" PRIu64 " cores)", GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count, BM1397_SMALL_CORE_COUNT); GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model = ASIC_BM1397; AsicFunctions ASIC_functions = {.init_fn = BM1397_init, .receive_result_fn = BM1397_proccess_work, .set_max_baud_fn = BM1397_set_max_baud, .set_difficulty_mask_fn = BM1397_set_job_difficulty_mask, .send_work_fn = BM1397_send_work}; GLOBAL_STATE.asic_job_frequency_ms = (NONCE_SPACE / (double) (GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value * BM1397_SMALL_CORE_COUNT * 1000)) / (double) GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count; // no version-rolling so same Nonce Space is splitted between Small Cores GLOBAL_STATE.initial_ASIC_difficulty = BM1397_INITIAL_DIFFICULTY; GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions = ASIC_functions; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Invalid ASIC model"); AsicFunctions ASIC_functions = {.init_fn = NULL, .receive_result_fn = NULL, .set_max_baud_fn = NULL, .set_difficulty_mask_fn = NULL, .send_work_fn = NULL}; GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions = ASIC_functions; // maybe should return here to now execute anything with a faulty device parameter ! } bool is_max = GLOBAL_STATE.asic_model == ASIC_BM1397; uint64_t best_diff = nvs_config_get_u64(NVS_CONFIG_BEST_DIFF, 0); uint16_t should_self_test = nvs_config_get_u16(NVS_CONFIG_SELF_TEST, 0); if (should_self_test == 1 && !is_max && best_diff < 1) { self_test((void *) &GLOBAL_STATE); vTaskDelay(60 * 60 * 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } xTaskCreate(SYSTEM_task, "SYSTEM_task", 4096, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 3, NULL); xTaskCreate(POWER_MANAGEMENT_task, "power mangement", 8192, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 10, NULL); // pull the wifi credentials and hostname out of NVS char * wifi_ssid = nvs_config_get_string(NVS_CONFIG_WIFI_SSID, WIFI_SSID); char * wifi_pass = nvs_config_get_string(NVS_CONFIG_WIFI_PASS, WIFI_PASS); char * hostname = nvs_config_get_string(NVS_CONFIG_HOSTNAME, HOSTNAME); // copy the wifi ssid to the global state strncpy(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.ssid, wifi_ssid, sizeof(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.ssid)); GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.ssid[sizeof(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.ssid)-1] = 0; // init and connect to wifi wifi_init(wifi_ssid, wifi_pass, hostname); start_rest_server((void *) &GLOBAL_STATE); EventBits_t result_bits = wifi_connect(); if (result_bits & WIFI_CONNECTED_BIT) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected to SSID: %s", wifi_ssid); strncpy(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.wifi_status, "Connected!", 20); } else if (result_bits & WIFI_FAIL_BIT) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to connect to SSID: %s", wifi_ssid); strncpy(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.wifi_status, "Failed to connect", 20); // User might be trying to configure with AP, just chill here ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Finished, waiting for user input."); while (1) { vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "UNEXPECTED EVENT"); strncpy(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.wifi_status, "unexpected error", 20); // User might be trying to configure with AP, just chill here ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Finished, waiting for user input."); while (1) { vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } } free(wifi_ssid); free(wifi_pass); free(hostname); // set the startup_done flag GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.startup_done = true; xTaskCreate(USER_INPUT_task, "user input", 8192, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 5, NULL); if (GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions.init_fn != NULL) { wifi_softap_off(); queue_init(&GLOBAL_STATE.stratum_queue); queue_init(&GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_jobs_queue); SERIAL_init(); (*GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions.init_fn)(GLOBAL_STATE.POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODULE.frequency_value, GLOBAL_STATE.asic_count); SERIAL_set_baud((*GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_functions.set_max_baud_fn)()); SERIAL_clear_buffer(); GLOBAL_STATE.ASIC_initalized = true; xTaskCreate(stratum_task, "stratum admin", 8192, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 5, NULL); xTaskCreate(create_jobs_task, "stratum miner", 8192, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 10, NULL); xTaskCreate(ASIC_task, "asic", 8192, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 10, NULL); xTaskCreate(ASIC_result_task, "asic result", 8192, (void *) &GLOBAL_STATE, 15, NULL); } } void MINER_set_wifi_status(wifi_status_t status, uint16_t retry_count) { if (status == WIFI_RETRYING) { snprintf(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.wifi_status, 20, "Retrying: %d", retry_count); return; } else if (status == WIFI_CONNECT_FAILED) { snprintf(GLOBAL_STATE.SYSTEM_MODULE.wifi_status, 20, "Connect Failed!"); return; } }