#ifndef OLED96_H
#define OLED96_H
// OLED96
// Library for accessing the 0.96" SSD1306 128x64 OLED display
// Written by Larry Bank (bitbank@pobox.com)
// Copyright (c) 2017 BitBank Software, Inc.
// Project started 1/15/2017
// OLED type for init function
  OLED_128x32 = 1,

typedef enum
  FONT_NORMAL = 0, // 8x8
  FONT_BIG,        // 16x24
  FONT_SMALL       // 6x8

// Initialize the OLED96 library for a specific I2C address
// Optionally enable inverted or flipped mode
// returns 0 for success, 1 for failure
esp_err_t OLED_init(void);

// Turns off the display and closes the I2C handle
void OLED_shutdown(void);

// Fills the display with the byte pattern
int OLED_fill(uint8_t ucPattern);

// Write a text string to the display at x (column 0-127) and y (row 0-7)
// bLarge = 0 - 8x8 font, bLarge = 1 - 16x24 font
int OLED_writeString(int x, int y, const char *szText);

// Sets a pixel to On (1) or Off (0)
// Coordinate system is pixels, not text rows (0-127, 0-63)
int OLED_setPixel(int x, int y, uint8_t ucPixel);

// Sets the contrast (brightness) level of the display
// Valid values are 0-255 where 0=off and 255=max brightness
bool OLED_setContrast(uint8_t ucContrast);
int OLED_clearLine(uint8_t);
bool OLED_status(void);

#endif // OLED96_H