#include <stdio.h> #include "esp_log.h" #include "i2c_bitaxe.h" #include "EMC2101.h" static const char * TAG = "EMC2101"; // static const char *TAG = "EMC2101.c"; static i2c_master_dev_handle_t emc2101_dev_handle; /** * @brief Initialize the EMC2101 sensor. * * @return esp_err_t ESP_OK on success, or an error code on failure. */ esp_err_t EMC2101_init(bool invertPolarity) { if (i2c_bitaxe_add_device(EMC2101_I2CADDR_DEFAULT, &emc2101_dev_handle) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to add device"); return ESP_FAIL; } // set the TACH input ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_REG_CONFIG, 0x04)); if (invertPolarity) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_FAN_CONFIG, 0b00100011)); } // We're using default filtering and conversion, no need to set them again. // //set filtering // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_TEMP_FILTER, EMC2101_DEFAULT_FILTER)); // //set conversion rate // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_REG_DATA_RATE, EMC2101_DEFAULT_DATARATE)); return ESP_OK; } void EMC2101_set_ideality_factor(uint8_t ideality){ //set Ideality Factor ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_IDEALITY_FACTOR, ideality)); } void EMC2101_set_beta_compensation(uint8_t beta){ //set Beta Compensation ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_BETA_COMPENSATION, beta)); } // takes a fan speed percent void EMC2101_set_fan_speed(float percent) { uint8_t speed; speed = (uint8_t) (63.0 * percent); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_write_byte(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_REG_FAN_SETTING, speed)); } // RPM = 5400000/reading uint16_t EMC2101_get_fan_speed(void) { uint8_t tach_lsb, tach_msb; uint16_t reading; uint16_t RPM; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_read(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_TACH_LSB, &tach_lsb, 1)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_read(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_TACH_MSB, &tach_msb, 1)); // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Raw Fan Speed = %02X %02X", tach_msb, tach_lsb); reading = tach_lsb | (tach_msb << 8); RPM = 5400000 / reading; // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Fan Speed = %d RPM", RPM); if (RPM == 82) { return 0; } return RPM; } float EMC2101_get_external_temp(void) { uint8_t temp_msb, temp_lsb; uint16_t reading; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_read(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_EXTERNAL_TEMP_MSB, &temp_msb, 1)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_read(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_EXTERNAL_TEMP_LSB, &temp_lsb, 1)); // Combine MSB and LSB, and then right shift to get 11 bits reading = (temp_msb << 8) | temp_lsb; reading >>= 5; // Now, `reading` contains an 11-bit signed value // Cast `reading` to a signed 16-bit integer int16_t signed_reading = (int16_t)reading; // If the 11th bit (sign bit in 11-bit data) is set, extend the sign if (signed_reading & 0x0400) { signed_reading |= 0xF800; // Set upper bits to extend the sign } if (signed_reading == EMC2101_TEMP_FAULT_OPEN_CIRCUIT) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "EMC2101 TEMP_FAULT_OPEN_CIRCUIT: %04X", signed_reading); } if (signed_reading == EMC2101_TEMP_FAULT_SHORT) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "EMC2101 TEMP_FAULT_SHORT: %04X", signed_reading); } // Convert the signed reading to temperature in Celsius float result = (float)signed_reading / 8.0; return result; } uint8_t EMC2101_get_internal_temp(void) { uint8_t temp; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_bitaxe_register_read(emc2101_dev_handle, EMC2101_INTERNAL_TEMP, &temp, 1)); return temp; }