menu "Bitaxe Configuration" config ASIC_VOLTAGE int "ASIC Core Voltage (mV)" range 1000 1800 default 1400 help The core voltage to set the ASIC to. 1200 for BM1366 or 1400 for BM1397 is typical. config ASIC_FREQUENCY int "ASIC Hash Frequency (MHz)" range 50 800 default 250 help The BM1397 hash frequency endmenu menu "Stratum Configuration" config STRATUM_URL string "Stratum Address" default "" help The example will connect to this Stratum pool address. config STRATUM_PORT int "Stratum Port" range 0 65535 default 21496 help The stratum server port to connect to. config FALLBACK_STRATUM_URL string "Fallback Stratum Address" default "" help The example will connect to this Stratum pool address if the primary fails. config FALLBACK_STRATUM_PORT int "Fallback Stratum Port" range 0 65535 default 3333 help The stratum server port to connect to if the primary fails. config STRATUM_USER string "Stratum username" default "replace-this-with-your-btc-address.bitaxe" help Stratum user to use with pool config STRATUM_PW string "Stratum password" default "x" help Stratum password to use with pool config FALLBACK_STRATUM_USER string "Fallback Stratum username" default "replace-this-with-your-btc-address.bitaxe" help Fallback Stratum user to use with pool config FALLBACK_STRATUM_PW string "Fallback Stratum password" default "x" help Fallback Stratum password to use with pool config STRATUM_DIFFICULTY int "Stratum default difficulty" range 0 4294967296 default 1000 help A starting difficulty to use with the pool. endmenu