stages: - build - release - cleanup variables: CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE: GO_REPO_TOKEN: $GO_REPO_TOKEN SUNGRO_HOST: $SUNGRO_HOST SUNGRO_USER: $SUNGRO_USER SUNGRO_PASSWORD: $SUNGRO_PASSWORD SUNGRO_ID: $SUNGRO_ID SUNGRO_SECRET: $SUNGRO_SECRET SUNGRO_GIT_REPO: $SUNGRO_GIT_REPO SUNGRO_GIT_DIR: $SUNGRO_GIT_DIR SUNGRO_GIT_TOKEN: $SUNGRO_GIT_TOKEN SUNGRO_DIFF_CMD: $SUNGRO_DIFF_CMD TZ: $TZ build: stage: build image: name: entrypoint: [""] script: # This relies on GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS being set and pointing to the Google Service Account JSON file - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --destination $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE --cache=true --build-arg "GO_REPO_TOKEN=${GO_REPO_TOKEN}" --build-arg "GO_REPO_TOKEN=${GO_REPO_TOKEN}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_HOST=${SUNGRO_HOST}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_USER=${SUNGRO_USER}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_PASSWORD=${SUNGRO_PASSWORD}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_ID=${SUNGRO_ID}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_SECRET=${SUNGRO_SECRET}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_GIT_REPO=${SUNGRO_GIT_REPO}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_GIT_DIR=${SUNGRO_GIT_DIR}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_GIT_TOKEN=${SUNGRO_GIT_TOKEN}" --build-arg "SUNGRO_DIFF_CMD=${SUNGRO_DIFF_CMD}" --build-arg "TZ=${TZ}" release-image-master: stage: release needs: - build image: name: entrypoint: [""] # This relies on GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS being set and pointing to the Google Service Account JSON file script: - gcrane cp $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE $CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE only: - master variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none #cleanup_temp_tag: # stage: cleanup # image: google/cloud-sdk # when: always # script: # # This relies on GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS being set and pointing to the Google Service Account JSON file # # Untag the test image we created (but don't delete, as it's likely to be tagged with a latest tag too) # - gcloud container images untag $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE