package cmd import ( "GoSungrow/iSolarCloud/WebAppService/getDevicePointAttrs" "GoSungrow/iSolarCloud/api" "GoSungrow/iSolarCloud/api/GoStruct/output" "GoSungrow/mmHa" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" mqtt "" "" "" "" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" ) const ( DefaultServiceName = "GoSungrow" DefaultServiceArea = "Roof" DefaultVendor = "MickMake" flagMqttUsername = "mqtt-user" flagMqttPassword = "mqtt-password" flagMqttHost = "mqtt-host" flagMqttPort = "mqtt-port" ) //goland:noinspection GoNameStartsWithPackageName type CmdMqtt struct { CmdDefault // HASSIO MQTT MqttUsername string MqttPassword string MqttHost string MqttPort string Client *mmHa.Mqtt endpoints MqttEndPoints points getDevicePointAttrs.PointsMap optionLogLevel int optionSleepDelay time.Duration optionFetchSchedule time.Duration } func NewCmdMqtt() *CmdMqtt { var ret *CmdMqtt for range Only.Once { ret = &CmdMqtt { CmdDefault: CmdDefault { Error: nil, cmd: nil, SelfCmd: nil, }, optionLogLevel: LogLevelInfo, optionSleepDelay: time.Second * 40, // Takes up to 40 seconds for data to come in. optionFetchSchedule: time.Minute * 5, } } return ret } func (c *CmdMqtt) AttachCommand(cmd *cobra.Command) *cobra.Command { for range Only.Once { if cmd == nil { break } c.cmd = cmd // ******************************************************************************** // var cmdMqtt = &cobra.Command{ Use: "mqtt", Aliases: []string{""}, Short: fmt.Sprintf("Connect to a HASSIO broker."), Long: fmt.Sprintf("Connect to a HASSIO broker."), DisableFlagParsing: false, DisableFlagsInUseLine: false, PreRunE: nil, RunE: c.CmdMqtt, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), } cmd.AddCommand(cmdMqtt) cmdMqtt.Example = cmdHelp.PrintExamples(cmdMqtt, "run", "sync") // ******************************************************************************** // var cmdMqttRun = &cobra.Command{ Use: "run", Aliases: []string{""}, Short: fmt.Sprintf("One-off sync to a HASSIO broker."), Long: fmt.Sprintf("One-off sync to a HASSIO broker."), DisableFlagParsing: false, DisableFlagsInUseLine: false, PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { cmds.Error = cmds.SunGrowArgs(cmd, args) if cmds.Error != nil { return cmds.Error } cmds.Error = cmds.Mqtt.MqttArgs(cmd, args) if cmds.Error != nil { return cmds.Error } return nil }, RunE: cmds.Mqtt.CmdMqttRun, Args: cobra.RangeArgs(0, 1), } cmdMqtt.AddCommand(cmdMqttRun) cmdMqttRun.Example = cmdHelp.PrintExamples(cmdMqttRun, "") // ******************************************************************************** // var cmdMqttSync = &cobra.Command{ Use: "sync", Aliases: []string{""}, Short: fmt.Sprintf("Sync to a HASSIO MQTT broker."), Long: fmt.Sprintf("Sync to a HASSIO MQTT broker."), DisableFlagParsing: false, DisableFlagsInUseLine: false, PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { cmds.Error = cmds.SunGrowArgs(cmd, args) if cmds.Error != nil { return cmds.Error } cmds.Error = cmds.Mqtt.MqttArgs(cmd, args) if cmds.Error != nil { return cmds.Error } return nil }, RunE: cmds.Mqtt.CmdMqttSync, Args: cobra.RangeArgs(0, 1), } cmdMqtt.AddCommand(cmdMqttSync) cmdMqttSync.Example = cmdHelp.PrintExamples(cmdMqttSync, "", "all") } return c.SelfCmd } func (c *CmdMqtt) AttachFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, viper *viper.Viper) { for range Only.Once { cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&c.MqttUsername, flagMqttUsername, "", "", fmt.Sprintf("HASSIO: mqtt username.")) viper.SetDefault(flagMqttUsername, "") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&c.MqttPassword, flagMqttPassword, "", "", fmt.Sprintf("HASSIO: mqtt password.")) viper.SetDefault(flagMqttPassword, "") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&c.MqttHost, flagMqttHost, "", "", fmt.Sprintf("HASSIO: mqtt host.")) viper.SetDefault(flagMqttHost, "") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&c.MqttPort, flagMqttPort, "", "", fmt.Sprintf("HASSIO: mqtt port.")) viper.SetDefault(flagMqttPort, "") } } func (c *CmdMqtt) MqttArgs(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { for range Only.Once { c.LogInfo("Connecting to MQTT HASSIO Service...\n") c.Client = mmHa.New(mmHa.Mqtt { ClientId: DefaultServiceName, EntityPrefix: DefaultServiceName, Username: c.MqttUsername, Password: c.MqttPassword, Host: c.MqttHost, Port: c.MqttPort, }) c.Error = c.Client.GetError() if c.Error != nil { break } c.LogInfo("Connecting to SunGrow...\n") c.Client.SungrowDevices, c.Error = cmds.Api.SunGrow.GetDeviceList() if c.Error != nil { break } c.LogInfo("Found SunGrow %d devices\n", len(c.Client.SungrowDevices)) c.Client.DeviceName = DefaultServiceName _, c.Error = c.Client.SetDeviceConfig( c.Client.DeviceName, c.Client.DeviceName, "virtual", "virtual", "", DefaultServiceName, DefaultServiceArea, ) if c.Error != nil { break } _, c.Error = c.Client.SetDeviceConfig( c.Client.DeviceName, c.Client.DeviceName, "system", "system", "", DefaultServiceName, DefaultServiceArea, ) if c.Error != nil { break } for _, psId := range c.Client.SungrowDevices { // ca.Error = ca.Mqtt.Mqtt.SetDeviceConfig(DefaultServiceName, strconv.FormatInt(id, 10), DefaultServiceName, model[0], "Sungrow", DefaultServiceArea) parent := psId.PsId.String() if parent == psId.PsKey.Value() { parent = c.Client.DeviceName } _, c.Error = c.Client.SetDeviceConfig( DefaultServiceName, DefaultServiceName, psId.PsId.String(), psId.FactoryName.Value(), psId.FactoryName.Value(), psId.FactoryName.Value(), DefaultServiceArea, ) if c.Error != nil { break } _, c.Error = c.Client.SetDeviceConfig( DefaultServiceName, parent, psId.PsKey.Value(), psId.DeviceName.Value(), psId.DeviceModel.Value(), psId.FactoryName.Value(), DefaultServiceArea, ) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Client.SungrowPsIds[psId.PsId] = true } c.Error = c.Client.Connect() if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Options() if c.Error != nil { break } c.LogInfo("Caching Sungrow metadata...\n") c.Error = c.GetEndPoints() if c.Error != nil { break } c.points, c.Error = cmds.Api.SunGrow.DevicePointAttrsMap(nil, "") if c.Error != nil { break } c.LogInfo("Cached %d Sungrow data points...\n", len(c.points)) } return c.Error } func (c *CmdMqtt) CmdMqtt(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { return cmd.Help() } func (c *CmdMqtt) CmdMqttRun(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { for range Only.Once { c.Error = c.Cron() if c.Error != nil { break } c.LogInfo("Starting ticker...\n") c.LogInfo("Fetch Schedule: %s\n", c.GetFetchSchedule()) c.LogInfo("Sleep Delay: %s\n", c.GetSleepDelay()) resolution := time.Second * 10 updateCounter := int(c.optionFetchSchedule / resolution) timer := time.NewTicker(resolution) for t := range timer.C { if updateCounter >= 0 { updateCounter-- c.LogDebug("Sleeping: %d\n", updateCounter) continue } updateCounter = int(c.optionFetchSchedule / resolution) c.LogDebug("Update: %s\n", t.String()) c.Error = c.Cron() if c.Error != nil { break } } } return c.Error } func (c *CmdMqtt) CmdMqttSync(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error { for range Only.Once { // */1 * * * * /dir/command args args cronString := "*/5 * * * *" if len(args) > 0 { cronString = strings.Join(args[0:5], " ") cronString = strings.ReplaceAll(cronString, ".", "*") } cron := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC) cron = cron.Cron(cronString) cron = cron.SingletonMode() c.Error = c.Cron() if c.Error != nil { break } var job *gocron.Job job, c.Error = cron.Do(c.Cron) if c.Error != nil { break } job.IsRunning() c.LogInfo("Created job schedule using '%s'\n", cronString) cron.StartBlocking() if c.Error != nil { break } } return c.Error } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // func (c *CmdMqtt) Cron() error { for range Only.Once { if c == nil { c.Error = errors.New("mqtt not available") break } if cmds.Api.SunGrow == nil { c.Error = errors.New("sungrow not available") break } if c.Client.IsFirstRun() { c.Client.UnsetFirstRun() } else { c.LogDebug("Sleeping for %s...\n", c.GetSleepDelay()) time.Sleep(c.optionSleepDelay) } newDay := false if c.Client.IsNewDay() { newDay = true } data := cmds.Api.SunGrow.NewSunGrowData() data.SetPsIds() if data.Error != nil { c.Error = data.Error break } data.SetEndpoints(c.endpoints.Names()...) c.Error = data.GetData() if c.Error != nil { break } for _, result := range data.Results { c.Error = c.Update(result.EndPointName.String(), result.Response.Data, newDay) if c.Error != nil { break } } c.Client.LastRefresh = time.Now() } if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) } return c.Error } func (c *CmdMqtt) Update(endpoint string, data api.DataMap, newDay bool) error { for range Only.Once { // Also getPowerStatistics, getHouseholdStoragePsReport, getPsList, getUpTimePoint, c.LogInfo("Syncing %d entries with HASSIO from %s.\n", len(data.Map), endpoint) for o := range data.Map { entries := data.Map[o] r := entries.GetEntry(api.LastEntry) // Gets the last entry if !r.Point.Valid { // cmdLog.LogPrintDate("\n[%s] - invalid value - %s ...\n", r.Current.FieldPath.String(), r.Value.String()) c.LogDebug("Invalid: [%s] = '%s'\n", r.EndPoint, r.Value.String()) c.LogPlainInfo("?") continue } if !c.endpoints.IsOK(r) { continue } // if strings.Contains(r.EndPoint, "p13149") { // fmt.Println() // } _ = c.UpdatePoint(r) r.Value.UnitValueFix() // @TODO - Fix this up properly // if strings.Contains(r.EndPoint, "p13149") { // fmt.Println() // } var id string var name string switch { case r.Point.GroupName == "alias": id = mmHa.JoinStringsForId(r.Parent.Key, r.Point.Parents.Index[0], r.Point.Id) name = mmHa.JoinStringsForName(" - ", r.Parent.Key, r.Point.Parents.Index[0], r.Point.Id) case r.Point.GroupName != "": id = r.EndPoint name = mmHa.JoinStringsForName(" - ", r.Parent.Key, r.Point.Id, r.Point.GroupName, r.Point.Description) default: id = r.EndPoint name = r.EndPoint } if r.Point.Unit == "" { r.Point.Unit = r.Point.ValueType } if r.Point.Unit == "Bool" { r.Point.Unit = mmHa.LabelBinarySensor } if r.Point.ValueType == "Bool" { r.Point.Unit = mmHa.LabelBinarySensor } re := mmHa.EntityConfig { Name: name, // mmHa.JoinStringsForName(" - ", id), // r.Point.Name, // PointName, SubName: "", ParentId: r.EndPoint, ParentName: r.Parent.Key, UniqueId: r.Point.Id, // UniqueId: r.Id, FullId: id, // string(r.FullId), // WAS r.Point.FullId // FullName: r.Point.Name, Units: r.Point.Unit, // ValueName: r.Point.Description, // ValueName: r.Point.Id, DeviceClass: "", StateClass: r.Point.UpdateFreq, Value: &r.Value, Point: r.Point, LastReset: r.Point.WhenReset(), // LastResetValueTemplate: "", } switch { case r.Point.IsTotal(): re.StateClass = "total" default: re.StateClass = "measurement" } // if strings.Contains(r.EndPoint, "p13149") { // fmt.Println() // } if newDay { c.LogDebug("Config: [%s]\n", r.EndPoint) c.LogPlainInfo("C") c.Error = c.Client.BinarySensorPublishConfig(re) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SensorPublishConfig(re) if c.Error != nil { break } } c.LogDebug("Update: [%s] = '%s' %s\n", r.EndPoint, r.Value.String(), r.Value.Unit()) c.LogPlainInfo("U") c.Error = c.Client.BinarySensorPublishValue(re) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SensorPublishValue(re) if c.Error != nil { break } } c.LogPlainInfo("\n") } return c.Error } func (c *CmdMqtt) GetEndPoints() error { for range Only.Once { fn := filepath.Join(cmds.ConfigDir, "mqtt_endpoints.json") if !output.FileExists(fn) { c.Error = output.PlainFileWrite(fn, []byte(DefaultMqttFile), 0644) if c.Error != nil { break } } c.Error = output.FileRead(fn, &c.endpoints) if c.Error != nil { break } // All := []string{ "queryDeviceList", "getPsList", "getPsDetailWithPsType", "getPsDetail", "getKpiInfo"} // All := []string{ "queryDeviceList", "getPsList", "getPsDetailWithPsType", "getPsDetail", "getKpiInfo"} //, queryMutiPointDataList, getDevicePointMinuteDataList } // All := []string{ "WebIscmAppService.getDeviceModel" } for name := range c.endpoints { _, c.Error = c.Client.SetDeviceConfig( DefaultServiceName, DefaultServiceName, name, DefaultServiceName + "." + name, DefaultServiceName, DefaultVendor, DefaultServiceArea, ) if c.Error != nil { break } } } return c.Error } func (c *CmdMqtt) UpdatePoint(entry *api.DataEntry) error { for range Only.Once { if !c.points.Exists(entry.Point.Id) { // fmt.Printf("entry.Point: %s - NOT FOUND\n", entry.Point.Id) break } p := c.points.Get(entry.Point.Id) if p == nil { // fmt.Printf("entry.Point: %s - FOUND - EMPTY\n", entry.Point.Id) break } // { // fmt.Printf("entry.Point: %s - FOUND - %v\n", entry.Point.Id, p) // // fmt.Printf("\tValue - Description:'-'\t\tUnit:'%s'\tGroupName:'-'\tValueType:'%s'\n", // // r.Value.UnitValue, r.Point.ValueType) // fmt.Printf("\tDescription:'%s'\tPointName:'%s' - SAME:%t\n", // entry.Point.Description, entry.Current.DataStructure.PointName, entry.Current.DataStructure.PointName == entry.Point.Description) // fmt.Printf("\tUnit:'%s'\tPointUnit:'%s' - SAME:%t\n", // entry.Point.Unit, entry.Current.DataStructure.PointUnit, entry.Current.DataStructure.PointUnit == entry.Point.Unit) // fmt.Printf("\tGroupName:'%s'\tPointGroupName:'%s' - SAME:%t\n", // entry.Point.GroupName, entry.Current.DataStructure.PointGroupName, entry.Current.DataStructure.PointGroupName == entry.Point.GroupName) // fmt.Printf("\tValueType:'%s'\tValueType:'%s' - SAME:%t\n", // entry.Point.ValueType, entry.Current.DataStructure.ValueType, entry.Current.DataStructure.ValueType == entry.Point.ValueType) // } // If Point description matches ... if p.Name.String() == entry.Point.Description { break } // If Point unit matches ... if p.Unit.String() == entry.Point.Unit { break } // If Point group name is set ... if entry.Point.GroupName != "" { break } // ... update the Point. entry.Point.Description = p.Name.String() entry.Point.Unit = p.Unit.String() entry.Point.GroupName = p.PointGroupName entry.Point.ValueType = p.UnitType.String() // if (p.Name.String() != entry.Point.Description) && (p.Unit.String() != entry.Point.Unit) && (entry.Point.GroupName == "") { // // fmt.Printf("\nNOT SAME\n") // // fmt.Println("BEFORE:") // // fmt.Printf("\tName:'%s'\tDescription:'%s'\n", p.Name, entry.Point.Description) // // fmt.Printf("\tPointGroupId:'%s'\tGroupName:'%s'\n", p.PointGroupId, entry.Point.GroupName) // // fmt.Printf("\tUnitType:'%s'\tValueType:'%s'\n", p.UnitType, entry.Point.ValueType) // // fmt.Printf("\tUnit:'%s'\tUnit:'%s'\n", p.Unit, entry.Point.Unit) // // entry.Point.Description = p.Name.String() // entry.Point.Unit = p.Unit.String() // entry.Point.GroupName = p.PointGroupName // entry.Point.ValueType = p.UnitType.String() // // // fmt.Println("AFTER:") // // fmt.Printf("\tName:'%s'\tDescription:'%s'\n", p.Name, entry.Point.Description) // // fmt.Printf("\tPointGroupId:'%s'\tGroupName:'%s'\n", p.PointGroupId, entry.Point.GroupName) // // fmt.Printf("\tUnitType:'%s'\tValueType:'%s'\n", p.UnitType, entry.Point.ValueType) // // fmt.Printf("\tUnit:'%s'\tUnit:'%s'\n", p.Unit, entry.Point.Unit) // // fmt.Println("") // } } return c.Error } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // const ( LogLevelDebug = 0 LogLevelInfo = iota LogLevelWarning = iota LogLevelError = iota LogLevelDebugStr = "debug" LogLevelInfoStr = "info" LogLevelWarningStr = "warning" LogLevelErrorStr = "error" ) func (c *CmdMqtt) SetLogLevel(level string) { switch strings.ToLower(level) { case LogLevelDebugStr: c.optionLogLevel = LogLevelDebug case LogLevelInfoStr: c.optionLogLevel = LogLevelInfo case LogLevelWarningStr: c.optionLogLevel = LogLevelWarning case LogLevelErrorStr: c.optionLogLevel = LogLevelError default: cmdLog.LogPrintDate("Unknown log level, setting to default.") c.optionLogLevel = LogLevelInfo } } func (c *CmdMqtt) GetLogLevel() string { var ret string switch c.optionLogLevel { case LogLevelDebug: ret = LogLevelDebugStr case LogLevelInfo: ret = LogLevelInfoStr case LogLevelWarning: ret = LogLevelWarningStr case LogLevelError: ret = LogLevelErrorStr default: ret = LogLevelInfoStr } return ret } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogDebug(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelDebug >= c.optionLogLevel { cmdLog.LogPrintDate("DEBUG: " + format, args...) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogInfo(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelInfo >= c.optionLogLevel { cmdLog.LogPrintDate("INFO: " + format, args...) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogWarning(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelWarning >= c.optionLogLevel { cmdLog.LogPrintDate("WARNING: " + format, args...) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogError(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelError >= c.optionLogLevel { cmdLog.LogPrintDate("ERROR: " + format, args...) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogPlainDebug(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelDebug >= c.optionLogLevel { fmt.Print(cmdLog.LogSprintf(format, args...)) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogPlainInfo(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelInfo >= c.optionLogLevel { fmt.Print(cmdLog.LogSprintf(format, args...)) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogPlainWarning(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelWarning >= c.optionLogLevel { fmt.Print(cmdLog.LogSprintf(format, args...)) } } func (c *CmdMqtt) LogPlainError(format string, args ...interface{}) { if LogLevelError >= c.optionLogLevel { fmt.Print(cmdLog.LogSprintf(format, args...)) } } const ( OptionLogLevel = "loglevel" OptionFetchSchedule = "fetchschedule" OptionSleepDelay = "sleepdelay" OptionServiceState = "servicestate" ) func (c *CmdMqtt) Options() error { for range Only.Once { c.Error = c.Client.SetOption(OptionLogLevel, "Log Level", c.optionFuncLogLevel, LogLevelErrorStr, LogLevelWarningStr, LogLevelInfoStr, LogLevelDebugStr) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionLogLevel, c.GetLogLevel()) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOption(OptionFetchSchedule, "Fetch Schedule", c.optionFuncFetchSchedule, "2m", "3m", "4m", "5m", "6m", "7m", "8m", "9m", "10m") if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionFetchSchedule, c.GetFetchSchedule()) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOption(OptionSleepDelay, "Sleep Delay After Schedule", c.optionFuncSleepDelay, "0s", "10s", "20s", "30s", "40s", "50s", "60s") if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionSleepDelay, c.GetSleepDelay()) if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOption(OptionServiceState, "Service State", c.optionFuncServiceState, "Run", "Restart", "Stop") if c.Error != nil { break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionServiceState, "Run") if c.Error != nil { break } } return c.Error } func (c *CmdMqtt) optionFuncLogLevel(_ mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { for range Only.Once { request := strings.ToLower(string(msg.Payload())) c.LogInfo("Option[%s] set to '%s'\n", OptionLogLevel, request) c.SetLogLevel(request) c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionLogLevel, request) if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) break } } } func (c *CmdMqtt) optionFuncFetchSchedule(_ mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { for range Only.Once { request := strings.ToLower(string(msg.Payload())) c.LogInfo("Option[%s] set to '%s'\n", OptionFetchSchedule, request) c.optionFetchSchedule, c.Error = time.ParseDuration(request) if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionFetchSchedule, c.GetFetchSchedule()) if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) break } } } func (c *CmdMqtt) GetFetchSchedule() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%.0fm", c.optionFetchSchedule.Minutes()) } func (c *CmdMqtt) optionFuncSleepDelay(_ mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { for range Only.Once { request := strings.ToLower(string(msg.Payload())) c.LogInfo("Option[%s] set to '%s'\n", OptionSleepDelay, request) c.optionSleepDelay, c.Error = time.ParseDuration(request) if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) break } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionSleepDelay, request) if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) break } } } func (c *CmdMqtt) GetSleepDelay() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%.0fs", c.optionSleepDelay.Seconds()) } func (c *CmdMqtt) optionFuncServiceState(_ mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { for range Only.Once { request := strings.ToLower(string(msg.Payload())) c.LogInfo("Option[%s] set to '%s'\n", OptionServiceState, request) switch request { case "Run": case "Restart": case "Stop": } c.Error = c.Client.SetOptionValue(OptionServiceState, request) if c.Error != nil { c.LogError("%s\n", c.Error) break } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // type MqttEndPoints map[string]MqttEndPoint type MqttEndPoint struct { Include []string `json:"include"` Exclude []string `json:"exclude"` } func (c *MqttEndPoints) Names() []string { var ret []string for name := range *c { ret = append(ret, name) } return ret } func (c *MqttEndPoints) IsOK(check *api.DataEntry) bool { var yes bool for range Only.Once { field := check.Current.GetFieldPath() name := field.First() var ep MqttEndPoint if ep, yes = (*c)[name]; !yes { yes = false break } if len(ep.Include) == 0 { yes = false break } for _, reStr := range ep.Exclude { reStr = strings.ReplaceAll(reStr, `.`, `\.`) reStr = strings.ReplaceAll(reStr, `*`, `.*?`) reStr = "^" + strings.TrimPrefix(reStr, "^") re := regexp.MustCompile(reStr) if re.MatchString(check.EndPoint) { yes = false break } if re.MatchString(check.Current.FieldPath.String()) { yes = false break } if re.MatchString(check.Current.DataStructure.Endpoint.String()) { yes = false break } } for _, reStr := range ep.Include { reStr = strings.ReplaceAll(reStr, `.`, `\.`) reStr = strings.ReplaceAll(reStr, `*`, `.*`) reStr = "^" + strings.TrimPrefix(reStr, "^") re := regexp.MustCompile(reStr) if re.MatchString(check.EndPoint) { yes = true break } if re.MatchString(check.Current.FieldPath.String()) { yes = true break } if re.MatchString(check.Current.DataStructure.Endpoint.String()) { yes = true break } } } return yes } const DefaultMqttFile = `{ "queryDeviceList": { "include": [ "virtual.*" ], "exclude": [ "queryDeviceList.*.devices.*", "queryDeviceList.*.device_types.*" ] }, "getPsList": { "include": [ "virtual.*" ], "exclude": [ ] }, "getPsDetail": { "include": [ "virtual.*" ], "exclude": [ ] } } `