# go-tablib: format-agnostic tabular dataset library
[license]: https://github.com/agrison/go-tablib/blob/master/LICENSE
[godocs]: https://godoc.org/github.com/agrison/go-tablib
[goreportcard]: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/agrison/go-tablib
Go-Tablib is a format-agnostic tabular dataset library, written in Go.
This is a port of the famous Python's [tablib](https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib) by Kenneth Reitz with some new features.
Export formats supported:
* JSON (Sets + Books)
* YAML (Sets + Books)
* XLSX (Sets + Books)
* XML (Sets + Books)
* TSV (Sets)
* CSV (Sets)
* ASCII + Markdown (Sets)
* MySQL (Sets)
* Postgres (Sets)
Loading formats supported:
* JSON (Sets + Books)
* YAML (Sets + Books)
* XML (Sets)
* CSV (Sets)
* TSV (Sets)
## Overview
### tablib.Dataset
A Dataset is a table of tabular data. It must have a header row. Datasets can be exported to JSON, YAML, CSV, TSV, and XML. They can be filtered, sorted and validated against constraint on columns.
### tablib.Databook
A Databook is a set of Datasets. The most common form of a Databook is an Excel file with multiple spreadsheets. Databooks can be exported to JSON, YAML and XML.
### tablib.Exportable
An exportable is a struct that holds a buffer representing the Databook or Dataset after it has been formated to any of the supported export formats.
At this point the Datbook or Dataset cannot be modified anymore, but it can be returned as a `string`, a `[]byte` or written to a `io.Writer` or a file.
## Usage
Creates a dataset and populate it:
ds := NewDataset([]string{"firstName", "lastName"})
Add new rows:
ds.Append([]interface{}{"John", "Adams"})
ds.AppendValues("George", "Washington")
Add new columns:
ds.AppendColumn("age", []interface{}{90, 67})
ds.AppendColumnValues("sex", "male", "male")
Add a dynamic column, by passing a function which has access to the current row, and must
return a value:
func lastNameLen(row []interface{}) interface{} {
return len(row[1].(string))
ds.AppendDynamicColumn("lastName length", lastNameLen)
// >>
// firstName, lastName, age, sex, lastName length
// John, Adams, 90, male, 5
// George, Washington, 67, male, 10
Delete rows:
ds.DeleteRow(1) // starts at 0
Delete columns:
Get a row or multiple rows:
row, _ := ds.Row(0)
fmt.Println(row["firstName"]) // George
rows, _ := ds.Rows(0, 1)
fmt.Println(rows[0]["firstName"]) // George
fmt.Println(rows[1]["firstName"]) // Thomas
Slice a Dataset:
newDs, _ := ds.Slice(1, 5) // returns a fresh Dataset with rows [1..5[
## Filtering
You can add **tags** to rows by using a specific `Dataset` method. This allows you to filter your `Dataset` later. This can be useful to separate rows of data based on arbitrary criteria (e.g. origin) that you don’t want to include in your `Dataset`.
ds := NewDataset([]string{"Maker", "Model"})
ds.AppendTagged([]interface{}{"Porsche", "911"}, "fast", "luxury")
ds.AppendTagged([]interface{}{"Skoda", "Octavia"}, "family")
ds.AppendTagged([]interface{}{"Ferrari", "458"}, "fast", "luxury")
ds.AppendValues("Citroen", "Picasso")
ds.AppendValues("Bentley", "Continental")
ds.Tag(4, "luxury") // Bentley
ds.AppendValuesTagged("Aston Martin", "DB9", /* these are tags */ "fast", "luxury")
Filtering the `Dataset` is possible by calling `Filter(column)`:
luxuryCars, err := ds.Filter("luxury").CSV()
// >>>
// Maker,Model
// Porsche,911
// Ferrari,458
// Bentley,Continental
// Aston Martin,DB9
fastCars, err := ds.Filter("fast").CSV()
// >>>
// Maker,Model
// Porsche,911
// Ferrari,458
// Aston Martin,DB9
Tags at a specific row can be retrieved by calling `Dataset.Tags(index int)`
## Sorting
Datasets can be sorted by a specific column.
ds := NewDataset([]string{"Maker", "Model", "Year"})
ds.AppendValues("Porsche", "991", 2012)
ds.AppendValues("Skoda", "Octavia", 2011)
ds.AppendValues("Ferrari", "458", 2009)
ds.AppendValues("Citroen", "Picasso II", 2013)
ds.AppendValues("Bentley", "Continental GT", 2003)
sorted, err := ds.Sort("Year").CSV()
// >>
// Maker, Model, Year
// Bentley, Continental GT, 2003
// Ferrari, 458, 2009
// Skoda, Octavia, 2011
// Porsche, 991, 2012
// Citroen, Picasso II, 2013
## Constraining
Datasets can have columns constrained by functions and further checked if valid.
ds := NewDataset([]string{"Maker", "Model", "Year"})
ds.AppendValues("Porsche", "991", 2012)
ds.AppendValues("Skoda", "Octavia", 2011)
ds.AppendValues("Ferrari", "458", 2009)
ds.AppendValues("Citroen", "Picasso II", 2013)
ds.AppendValues("Bentley", "Continental GT", 2003)
ds.ConstrainColumn("Year", func(val interface{}) bool { return val.(int) > 2008 })
ds.ValidFailFast() // false
if !ds.Valid() { // validate the whole dataset, errors are retrieved in Dataset.ValidationErrors
ds.ValidationErrors[0] // Row: 4, Column: 2
A Dataset with constrained columns can be filtered to keep only the rows satisfying the constraints.
valid := ds.ValidSubset().Tabular("simple") // Cars after 2008
Will output:
------------ --------------- ---------
Maker Model Year
------------ --------------- ---------
Porsche 991 2012
Skoda Octavia 2011
Ferrari 458 2009
Citroen Picasso II 2013
------------ --------------- ---------
invalid := ds.InvalidSubset().Tabular("simple") // Cars before 2008
Will output:
------------ ------------------- ---------
Maker Model Year
------------ ------------------- ---------
Bentley Continental GT 2003
------------ ------------------- ---------
## Loading
### JSON
ds, _ := LoadJSON([]byte(`[
### YAML
ds, _ := LoadYAML([]byte(`- age: 90
firstName: John
lastName: Adams
- age: 67
firstName: George
lastName: Washington
- age: 83
firstName: Henry
lastName: Ford`))
## Exports
### Exportable
Any of the following export format returns an `*Exportable` which means you can use:
- `Bytes()` to get the content as a byte array
- `String()` to get the content as a string
- `WriteTo(io.Writer)` to write the content to an `io.Writer`
- `WriteFile(filename string, perm os.FileMode)` to write to a file
It avoids unnecessary conversion between `string` and `[]byte` to output/write/whatever.
Thanks to [@figlief](https://github.com/figlief) for the proposition.
### JSON
json, _ := ds.JSON()
Will output:
### XML
xml, _ := ds.XML()
Will ouput:
firstName | lastName | age |
George | Washington | 90 |
Henry | Ford | 67 |
Foo | Bar | 83 |