# Plutus Bitcoin Brute Forcer # Made by Isaac Delly # https://github.com/Isaacdelly/Plutus import os import pickle import hashlib import binascii import multiprocessing from ellipticcurve.privateKey import PrivateKey from ellipticcurve.publicKey import PublicKey DATABASE = r'database/FEB_03_2019/' def generate_private_key(): """Generate a random 32-byte hex integer which serves as a randomly generated Bitcoin private key. Average Time: 0.0000061659 seconds """ return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32)).decode('utf-8').upper() def private_key_to_public_key(private_key): """Accept a hex private key and convert it to its respective public key. Because converting a private key to a public key requires SECP256k1 ECDSA signing, this function is the most time consuming and is a bottleneck in the overall speed of the program. Average Time: 0.0031567731 seconds """ return '04' + PrivateKey().fromString(bytes.fromhex(private_key)).publicKey().toString().hex().upper() def public_key_to_address(public_key): """Accept a public key and convert it to its resepective P2PKH wallet address. Average Time: 0.0000801390 seconds """ output = []; alphabet = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' var = hashlib.new('ripemd160') var.update(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(public_key.encode())).digest()) var = '00' + var.hexdigest() + hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(('00' + var.hexdigest()).encode())).digest()).hexdigest()[0:8] count = [char != '0' for char in var].index(True) // 2 n = int(var, 16) while n > 0: n, remainder = divmod(n, 58) output.append(alphabet[remainder]) [(output.append(alphabet[0]), ) for i in range(count)] return ''.join(output[::-1]) def process(private_key, public_key, address, database): """Accept an address and query the database. If the address is found in the database, then it is assumed to have a balance and the wallet data is written to the hard drive. If the address is not in the database, then it is assumed to be empty and printed to the user. This is a fast and efficient query. Average Time: 0.0000026941 seconds """ if address in database[0] or \ address in database[1] or \ address in database[2] or \ address in database[3]: with open('plutus.txt', 'a') as file: file.write('hex private key: ' + str(private_key) + '\n' + 'WIF private key: ' + str(private_key_to_WIF(private_key)) + '\n' + 'public key: ' + str(public_key) + '\n' + 'address: ' + str(address) + '\n\n') else: print(str(address)) def private_key_to_WIF(private_key): """Convert the hex private key into Wallet Import Format for easier wallet importing. This function is only called if a wallet with a balance is found. Because that event is rare, this function is not significant to the main pipeline of the program and is not timed. """ var = hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify('80' + private_key)).hexdigest())).hexdigest() var = binascii.unhexlify('80' + private_key + var[0:8]) alphabet = chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' result = ''; value = pad = 0; for i, c in enumerate(var[::-1]): value += 256**i * c while value >= len(alphabet): div, mod = divmod(value, len(alphabet)) result, value = chars[mod] + result, div result = chars[value] + result for c in var: if c == 0: pad += 1 else: break return chars[0] * pad + result def main(database): """Create the main pipeline by using an infinite loop to repeatedly call the functions, while utilizing multiprocessing from __main__. Because all the functions are relatively fast, it is better to combine them all into one process. """ while True: private_key = generate_private_key() # 0.0000061659 seconds public_key = private_key_to_public_key(private_key) # 0.0031567731 seconds address = public_key_to_address(public_key) # 0.0000801390 seconds process(private_key, public_key, address, database) # 0.0000026941 seconds # -------------------- # 0.0032457721 seconds if __name__ == '__main__': """Deserialize the database and read into a list of sets for easier selection and O(1) complexity. Initialize the multiprocessing pool to target the main function with cpu_count() concurrent processes. """ database = [set() for _ in range(4)] count = len(os.listdir(DATABASE)) half = count // 2; quarter = half // 2 for c, p in enumerate(os.listdir(DATABASE)): print('reading database: ' + str(c) + '/' + str(count), end='\r') with open(DATABASE + p, 'rb') as file: if c < half: if c < quarter: database[0] = database[0] | pickle.load(file) else: database[1] = database[1] | pickle.load(file) else: if c < half + quarter: database[2] = database[2] | pickle.load(file) else: database[3] = database[3] | pickle.load(file) # To verify the database size, remove the # from the line below #print('Database Size: ' + str(sum(len(i) for i in database))); quit() with multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool: pool.map(main(database), range(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2))