# Plutus Bitcoin Brute Forcer
An automated Bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses
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# Dependencies
Python 3.6 or higher
Python modules listed in the requirements.txt
Python C Wrapper and GMP Library
###### All these dependencies will be installed below at Installation
# Installation
$ git clone https://github.com/Isaacdelly/Plutus.git plutus
$ cd plutus && pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev libgmp3-dev
# Quick Start
$ python plutus.py
# Proof Of Concept
Bitcoin private keys allow a person to control the wallet that it correlates to. If the wallet has Bitcoins in it, then the private key will allow the person to spend whatever balance the wallet has.
This program attempts to brute force Bitcoin private keys in an attempt to successfully find a correlating wallet with a positive balance. In the event that a balance is found, the wallet's private key, public key and wallet address are stored in the text file `plutus.txt` on the user's hard drive.
This program is essentially a brute forcing algorithm. It continuously generates random Bitcoin private keys, converts the private keys into their respective wallet addresses, then checks the balance of the addresses. The ultimate goal is to randomly find a wallet with a balance out of the 2160 possible wallets in existence.
# How It Works
Private keys are generated randomly to create a 32 byte hexidecimal string using the cryptographically secure `os.urandom()` function.
The private keys are converted into their respective public keys using the `fastecdsa` Python module. Then the public keys are converted into their Bitcoin wallet addresses using the `binascii` and `hashlib` standard libraries.
A pre-calculated database of every Bitcoin address with a positive balance is included in this project. The generated address is searched within the database, and if it is found that the address has a balance, then the private key, public key and wallet address are saved to the text file `plutus.txt` on the user's hard drive.
This program also utilizes multiprocessing through the `multiprocessing.Pool()` function in order to make concurrent calculations.
# Efficiency
It takes ` ` seconds for this progam to brute force a __single__ Bitcoin address.
However, through `multiprocessing.Pool()` a concurrent process is created for every CPU your computer has. So this program can brute force addresses at a speed of ` รท cpu_count()` seconds.
# Database FAQ
Visit /database for information
# Expected Output
Every time this program checks the balance of a generated address, it will print the result to the user. If an empty wallet is found, then the wallet address will be printed to the terminal. An example is:
However, if a balance is found, then all necessary information about the wallet will be saved to the text file `plutus.txt`. An example is:
>hex private key: 5A4F3F1CAB44848B2C2C515AE74E9CC487A9982C9DD695810230EA48B1DCEADD
>WIF private key: 5JW4RCAXDbocFLK9bxqw5cbQwuSn86fpbmz2HhT9nvKMTh68hjm
>public key: 04393B30BC950F358326062FF28D194A5B28751C1FF2562C02CA4DFB2A864DE63280CC140D0D540EA1A5711D1E519C842684F42445C41CB501B7EA00361699C320
>address: 1Kz2CTvjzkZ3p2BQb5x5DX6GEoHX2jFS45
# Recent Improvements & TODO
- [X] Query balances using a bloom filter
- [X] Improve ECDSA signing speed
Create an issue so I can add more stuff to improve