#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; const { version } = require("./package.json"); const { nip19 } = require("nostr-tools") const fs = require("fs"); const cluster = require("cluster"); const argv = process.argv.slice(2); if (cluster.isPrimary) console.log(`Bostr ${version}\n`); function showHelp() { console.log( "Usage: bostr [command] (argv)\n" + "Available command:\n" + " makeconf [conffile] - Make config file\n" + " checkconf [conffile] - Check config file\n" + " start [conffile] - Run bostr with specified config\n" + " hexconverter [nip19] - Convert NIP-19 string to hex\n" + " testworker [conffile] - Test worker with specified bostr config\n" + " help - Show this help text\n\n" + "Software is licensed under BSD-3-Clause\n" + "https://github.com/Yonle/bostr" ); } function readPath(p) { return p.startsWith("/") ? p : process.cwd() + "/" + p; } switch (argv[0]) { case "makeconf": if (!argv[1]) return console.log("Usage: bostr makeconf [conffile]"); if (fs.existsSync(argv[1])) { console.error("The specified config already exists."); return process.exit(8); } fs.copyFileSync(__dirname + "/config.js.example", argv[1]); console.log(`Succesfully copied example config file into ${argv[1]}`); console.log(`Edit ${argv[1]} with your editor and start with the following command:`); console.log(` $ bostr start ${argv[1]}\n`); break; case "checkconf": { if (!argv[1]) return console.log("Usage: bostr checkconf [conffile]"); if (!fs.existsSync(argv[1])) { console.error("Config not exists."); return process.exit(254); } const masterConf = Object.keys(require("./config.js.example")); const currentConf = Object.keys(require(readPath(argv[1]))); const unknown = currentConf.filter(i => !masterConf.includes(i)) const missing = masterConf.filter(i => !currentConf.includes(i)) if (unknown.length) console.log("Unknown Field:\n- " + unknown.join("\n- ")); if (missing.length) { console.log("Missing Field:\n- " + missing.join("\n- ")); console.log("\nPlease check your config and recheck again."); return process.exit(1); } else { console.log("\nNo config changes needed."); } break; } case "start": if (!argv[1]) return console.log("Usage: bostr start [conffile]"); if (!fs.existsSync(argv[1])) { console.error("Config not exists."); return process.exit(254); } process.env.BOSTR_CONFIG_PATH = readPath(argv[1]); require("./index.js"); break; case "testworker": if (!argv[1]) return console.log("Usage: bostr testworker [conffile]"); if (!fs.existsSync(argv[1])) { console.error("Config not exists."); return process.exit(254); } process.env.BOSTR_CONFIG_PATH = readPath(argv[1]); console.log("Press CTRL + C to stop the test."); console.log("Using config:", process.env.BOSTR_CONFIG_PATH); require("./testworker.js"); break; case "hexconverter": if (!argv[1]) return console.log("Usage: bostr hexconverter [npub|nsec|....] ...."); for (const i of argv.slice(1)) { console.log(nip19.decode(i).data); } break; default: if (argv[0] && (argv[0] !== "help")) { console.error("Unrecognized command:", argv[0]); return process.exit(100) } showHelp(); process.exit(1); break; }