repos: - repo: rev: 23.3.0 hooks: - id: black language_version: python3.11 - repo: rev: v3.9.0 hooks: - id: reorder-python-imports args: ['--py311-plus', '--application-directories=backend/'] # need to ignore alembic files, since reorder-python-imports gets confused # and thinks that alembic is a local package since there is a folder # in the backend directory called `alembic` exclude: ^backend/alembic/ # These settings will remove unused imports with side effects # Note: The repo currently does not and should not have imports with side effects - repo: rev: v2.2.0 hooks: - id: autoflake args: [ '--remove-all-unused-imports', '--remove-unused-variables', '--in-place' , '--recursive'] - repo: # Ruff version. rev: v0.0.286 hooks: - id: ruff - repo: rev: v3.1.0 hooks: - id: prettier types_or: [html, css, javascript, ts, tsx] additional_dependencies: - prettier # We would like to have a mypy pre-commit hook, but due to the fact that # pre-commit runs in it's own isolated environment, we would need to install # and keep in sync all dependencies so mypy has access to the appropriate type # stubs. This does not seem worth it at the moment, so for now we will stick to # having mypy run via Github Actions / manually by contributors # - repo: # rev: v1.1.1 # hooks: # - id: mypy # exclude: ^tests/ # # below are needed for type stubs since pre-commit runs in it's own # # isolated environment. Unfortunately, this needs to be kept in sync # # with requirements/dev.txt + requirements/default.txt # additional_dependencies: [ # alembic==1.10.4, # types-beautifulsoup4==, # types-html5lib==, # types-oauthlib==, # types-psycopg2==, # types-python-dateutil==, # types-regex==2023.3.23.1, # types-requests==, # types-retry==, # types-urllib3== # ] # # TODO: add back once errors are addressed # # args: [--strict]