from import Sequence from datetime import datetime from uuid import UUID from fastapi import HTTPException from sqlalchemy import delete from sqlalchemy import exists from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy import not_ from sqlalchemy import Select from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy import update from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from onyx.auth.schemas import UserRole from onyx.configs.app_configs import DISABLE_AUTH from onyx.configs.chat_configs import BING_API_KEY from onyx.configs.chat_configs import CONTEXT_CHUNKS_ABOVE from onyx.configs.chat_configs import CONTEXT_CHUNKS_BELOW from onyx.configs.constants import NotificationType from import RecencyBiasSetting from onyx.db.constants import SLACK_BOT_PERSONA_PREFIX from onyx.db.models import DocumentSet from onyx.db.models import Persona from onyx.db.models import Persona__User from onyx.db.models import Persona__UserGroup from onyx.db.models import PersonaLabel from onyx.db.models import Prompt from onyx.db.models import StarterMessage from onyx.db.models import Tool from onyx.db.models import User from onyx.db.models import User__UserGroup from onyx.db.models import UserGroup from onyx.db.notification import create_notification from onyx.server.features.persona.models import PersonaSharedNotificationData from onyx.server.features.persona.models import PersonaSnapshot from onyx.server.features.persona.models import PersonaUpsertRequest from onyx.utils.logger import setup_logger from onyx.utils.variable_functionality import fetch_versioned_implementation logger = setup_logger() def _add_user_filters( stmt: Select, user: User | None, get_editable: bool = True ) -> Select: # If user is None and auth is disabled, assume the user is an admin if (user is None and DISABLE_AUTH) or (user and user.role == UserRole.ADMIN): return stmt stmt = stmt.distinct() Persona__UG = aliased(Persona__UserGroup) User__UG = aliased(User__UserGroup) """ Here we select cc_pairs by relation: User -> User__UserGroup -> Persona__UserGroup -> Persona """ stmt = ( stmt.outerjoin(Persona__UG) .outerjoin( User__UserGroup, User__UserGroup.user_group_id == Persona__UG.user_group_id, ) .outerjoin( Persona__User, Persona__User.persona_id ==, ) ) """ Filter Personas by: - if the user is in the user_group that owns the Persona - if the user is not a global_curator, they must also have a curator relationship to the user_group - if editing is being done, we also filter out Personas that are owned by groups that the user isn't a curator for - if we are not editing, we show all Personas in the groups the user is a curator for (as well as public Personas) - if we are not editing, we return all Personas directly connected to the user """ # If user is None, this is an anonymous user and we should only show public Personas if user is None: where_clause = Persona.is_public == True # noqa: E712 return stmt.where(where_clause) where_clause = User__UserGroup.user_id == if user.role == UserRole.CURATOR and get_editable: where_clause &= User__UserGroup.is_curator == True # noqa: E712 if get_editable: user_groups = select(User__UG.user_group_id).where(User__UG.user_id == if user.role == UserRole.CURATOR: user_groups = user_groups.where(User__UG.is_curator == True) # noqa: E712 where_clause &= ( ~exists() .where(Persona__UG.persona_id == .where(~Persona__UG.user_group_id.in_(user_groups)) .correlate(Persona) ) else: # Group the public persona conditions public_condition = (Persona.is_public == True) & ( # noqa: E712 Persona.is_visible == True # noqa: E712 ) where_clause |= public_condition where_clause |= Persona__User.user_id == where_clause |= Persona.user_id == return stmt.where(where_clause) def fetch_persona_by_id_for_user( db_session: Session, persona_id: int, user: User | None, get_editable: bool = True ) -> Persona: stmt = select(Persona).where( == persona_id).distinct() stmt = _add_user_filters(stmt=stmt, user=user, get_editable=get_editable) persona = db_session.scalars(stmt).one_or_none() if not persona: raise HTTPException( status_code=403, detail=f"Persona with ID {persona_id} does not exist or user is not authorized to access it", ) return persona def get_best_persona_id_for_user( db_session: Session, user: User | None, persona_id: int | None = None ) -> int | None: if persona_id is not None: stmt = select(Persona).where( == persona_id).distinct() stmt = _add_user_filters( stmt=stmt, user=user, # We don't want to filter by editable here, we just want to see if the # persona is usable by the user get_editable=False, ) persona = db_session.scalars(stmt).one_or_none() if persona: return # If the persona is not found, or the slack bot is using doc sets instead of personas, # we need to find the best persona for the user # This is the persona with the highest display priority that the user has access to stmt = select(Persona).order_by(Persona.display_priority.desc()).distinct() stmt = _add_user_filters(stmt=stmt, user=user, get_editable=True) persona = db_session.scalars(stmt).one_or_none() return if persona else None def _get_persona_by_name( persona_name: str, user: User | None, db_session: Session ) -> Persona | None: """Admins can see all, regular users can only fetch their own. If user is None, assume the user is an admin or auth is disabled.""" stmt = select(Persona).where( == persona_name) if user and user.role != UserRole.ADMIN: stmt = stmt.where(Persona.user_id == result = db_session.execute(stmt).scalar_one_or_none() return result def make_persona_private( persona_id: int, user_ids: list[UUID] | None, group_ids: list[int] | None, db_session: Session, ) -> None: if user_ids is not None: db_session.query(Persona__User).filter( Persona__User.persona_id == persona_id ).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") for user_uuid in user_ids: db_session.add(Persona__User(persona_id=persona_id, user_id=user_uuid)) create_notification( user_id=user_uuid, notif_type=NotificationType.PERSONA_SHARED, db_session=db_session, additional_data=PersonaSharedNotificationData( persona_id=persona_id, ).model_dump(), ) db_session.commit() # May cause error if someone switches down to MIT from EE if group_ids: raise NotImplementedError("Onyx MIT does not support private Personas") def create_update_persona( persona_id: int | None, create_persona_request: PersonaUpsertRequest, user: User | None, db_session: Session, ) -> PersonaSnapshot: """Higher level function than upsert_persona, although either is valid to use.""" # Permission to actually use these is checked later try: all_prompt_ids = create_persona_request.prompt_ids if not all_prompt_ids: raise ValueError("No prompt IDs provided") is_default_persona: bool | None = create_persona_request.is_default_persona # Default persona validation if create_persona_request.is_default_persona: if not create_persona_request.is_public: raise ValueError("Cannot make a default persona non public") if user: # Curators can edit default personas, but not make them if ( user.role == UserRole.CURATOR or user.role == UserRole.GLOBAL_CURATOR ): is_default_persona = None elif user.role != UserRole.ADMIN: raise ValueError("Only admins can make a default persona") persona = upsert_persona( persona_id=persona_id, user=user, db_session=db_session, description=create_persona_request.description,, prompt_ids=all_prompt_ids, document_set_ids=create_persona_request.document_set_ids, tool_ids=create_persona_request.tool_ids, is_public=create_persona_request.is_public, recency_bias=create_persona_request.recency_bias, llm_model_provider_override=create_persona_request.llm_model_provider_override, llm_model_version_override=create_persona_request.llm_model_version_override, starter_messages=create_persona_request.starter_messages, icon_color=create_persona_request.icon_color, icon_shape=create_persona_request.icon_shape, uploaded_image_id=create_persona_request.uploaded_image_id, display_priority=create_persona_request.display_priority, remove_image=create_persona_request.remove_image, search_start_date=create_persona_request.search_start_date, label_ids=create_persona_request.label_ids, num_chunks=create_persona_request.num_chunks, llm_relevance_filter=create_persona_request.llm_relevance_filter, llm_filter_extraction=create_persona_request.llm_filter_extraction, is_default_persona=is_default_persona, ) versioned_make_persona_private = fetch_versioned_implementation( "onyx.db.persona", "make_persona_private" ) # Privatize Persona versioned_make_persona_private(, user_ids=create_persona_request.users, group_ids=create_persona_request.groups, db_session=db_session, ) except ValueError as e: logger.exception("Failed to create persona") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=str(e)) return PersonaSnapshot.from_model(persona) def update_persona_shared_users( persona_id: int, user_ids: list[UUID], user: User | None, db_session: Session, ) -> None: """Simplified version of `create_update_persona` which only touches the accessibility rather than any of the logic (e.g. prompt, connected data sources, etc.).""" persona = fetch_persona_by_id_for_user( db_session=db_session, persona_id=persona_id, user=user, get_editable=True ) if persona.is_public: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Cannot share public persona") versioned_make_persona_private = fetch_versioned_implementation( "onyx.db.persona", "make_persona_private" ) # Privatize Persona versioned_make_persona_private( persona_id=persona_id, user_ids=user_ids, group_ids=None, db_session=db_session, ) def update_persona_public_status( persona_id: int, is_public: bool, db_session: Session, user: User | None, ) -> None: persona = fetch_persona_by_id_for_user( db_session=db_session, persona_id=persona_id, user=user, get_editable=True ) if user and user.role != UserRole.ADMIN and persona.user_id != raise ValueError("You don't have permission to modify this persona") persona.is_public = is_public db_session.commit() def get_personas_for_user( # if user is `None` assume the user is an admin or auth is disabled user: User | None, db_session: Session, get_editable: bool = True, include_default: bool = True, include_slack_bot_personas: bool = False, include_deleted: bool = False, joinedload_all: bool = False, ) -> Sequence[Persona]: stmt = select(Persona) stmt = _add_user_filters(stmt, user, get_editable) if not include_default: stmt = stmt.where(Persona.builtin_persona.is_(False)) if not include_slack_bot_personas: stmt = stmt.where(not_( if not include_deleted: stmt = stmt.where(Persona.deleted.is_(False)) if joinedload_all: stmt = stmt.options( selectinload(Persona.prompts), selectinload(, selectinload(Persona.document_sets), selectinload(Persona.groups), selectinload(Persona.users), selectinload(Persona.labels), ) results = db_session.execute(stmt).scalars().all() return results def get_personas(db_session: Session) -> Sequence[Persona]: stmt = select(Persona).distinct() stmt = stmt.where(not_( stmt = stmt.where(Persona.deleted.is_(False)) return db_session.execute(stmt).unique().scalars().all() def mark_persona_as_deleted( persona_id: int, user: User | None, db_session: Session, ) -> None: persona = get_persona_by_id(persona_id=persona_id, user=user, db_session=db_session) persona.deleted = True db_session.commit() def mark_persona_as_not_deleted( persona_id: int, user: User | None, db_session: Session, ) -> None: persona = get_persona_by_id( persona_id=persona_id, user=user, db_session=db_session, include_deleted=True ) if persona.deleted: persona.deleted = False db_session.commit() else: raise ValueError(f"Persona with ID {persona_id} is not deleted.") def mark_delete_persona_by_name( persona_name: str, db_session: Session, is_default: bool = True ) -> None: stmt = ( update(Persona) .where( == persona_name, Persona.builtin_persona == is_default) .values(deleted=True) ) db_session.execute(stmt) db_session.commit() def update_all_personas_display_priority( display_priority_map: dict[int, int], db_session: Session, ) -> None: """Updates the display priority of all lives Personas""" personas = get_personas(db_session=db_session) available_persona_ids = { for persona in personas} if available_persona_ids != set(display_priority_map.keys()): raise ValueError("Invalid persona IDs provided") for persona in personas: persona.display_priority = display_priority_map[] db_session.commit() def upsert_persona( user: User | None, name: str, description: str, num_chunks: float, llm_relevance_filter: bool, llm_filter_extraction: bool, recency_bias: RecencyBiasSetting, llm_model_provider_override: str | None, llm_model_version_override: str | None, starter_messages: list[StarterMessage] | None, is_public: bool, db_session: Session, prompt_ids: list[int] | None = None, document_set_ids: list[int] | None = None, tool_ids: list[int] | None = None, persona_id: int | None = None, commit: bool = True, icon_color: str | None = None, icon_shape: int | None = None, uploaded_image_id: str | None = None, display_priority: int | None = None, is_visible: bool = True, remove_image: bool | None = None, search_start_date: datetime | None = None, builtin_persona: bool = False, is_default_persona: bool | None = None, label_ids: list[int] | None = None, chunks_above: int = CONTEXT_CHUNKS_ABOVE, chunks_below: int = CONTEXT_CHUNKS_BELOW, ) -> Persona: """ NOTE: This operation cannot update persona configuration options that are core to the persona, such as its display priority and whether or not the assistant is a built-in / default assistant """ if persona_id is not None: existing_persona = db_session.query(Persona).filter_by(id=persona_id).first() else: existing_persona = _get_persona_by_name( persona_name=name, user=user, db_session=db_session ) if existing_persona: # this checks if the user has permission to edit the persona # will raise an Exception if the user does not have permission existing_persona = fetch_persona_by_id_for_user( db_session=db_session,, user=user, get_editable=True, ) # Fetch and attach tools by IDs tools = None if tool_ids is not None: tools = db_session.query(Tool).filter( if not tools and tool_ids: raise ValueError("Tools not found") # Fetch and attach document_sets by IDs document_sets = None if document_set_ids is not None: document_sets = ( db_session.query(DocumentSet) .filter( .all() ) if not document_sets and document_set_ids: raise ValueError("document_sets not found") # Fetch and attach prompts by IDs prompts = None if prompt_ids is not None: prompts = db_session.query(Prompt).filter( if prompts is not None and len(prompts) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid Persona config, no valid prompts " f"specified. Specified IDs were: '{prompt_ids}'" ) labels = None if label_ids is not None: labels = ( db_session.query(PersonaLabel).filter( ) # ensure all specified tools are valid if tools: validate_persona_tools(tools) if existing_persona: # Built-in personas can only be updated through YAML configuration. # This ensures that core system personas are not modified unintentionally. if existing_persona.builtin_persona and not builtin_persona: raise ValueError("Cannot update builtin persona with non-builtin.") # The following update excludes `default`, `built-in`, and display priority. # Display priority is handled separately in the `display-priority` endpoint. # `default` and `built-in` properties can only be set when creating a persona. = name existing_persona.description = description existing_persona.num_chunks = num_chunks existing_persona.chunks_above = chunks_above existing_persona.chunks_below = chunks_below existing_persona.llm_relevance_filter = llm_relevance_filter existing_persona.llm_filter_extraction = llm_filter_extraction existing_persona.recency_bias = recency_bias existing_persona.llm_model_provider_override = llm_model_provider_override existing_persona.llm_model_version_override = llm_model_version_override existing_persona.starter_messages = starter_messages existing_persona.deleted = False # Un-delete if previously deleted existing_persona.is_public = is_public existing_persona.icon_color = icon_color existing_persona.icon_shape = icon_shape if remove_image or uploaded_image_id: existing_persona.uploaded_image_id = uploaded_image_id existing_persona.is_visible = is_visible existing_persona.search_start_date = search_start_date existing_persona.labels = labels or [] existing_persona.is_default_persona = ( is_default_persona if is_default_persona is not None else existing_persona.is_default_persona ) # Do not delete any associations manually added unless # a new updated list is provided if document_sets is not None: existing_persona.document_sets.clear() existing_persona.document_sets = document_sets or [] if prompts is not None: existing_persona.prompts.clear() existing_persona.prompts = prompts if tools is not None: = tools or [] # We should only update display priority if it is not already set if existing_persona.display_priority is None: existing_persona.display_priority = display_priority persona = existing_persona else: if not prompts: raise ValueError( "Invalid Persona config. " "Must specify at least one prompt for a new persona." ) new_persona = Persona( id=persona_id, if user else None, is_public=is_public, name=name, description=description, num_chunks=num_chunks, chunks_above=chunks_above, chunks_below=chunks_below, llm_relevance_filter=llm_relevance_filter, llm_filter_extraction=llm_filter_extraction, recency_bias=recency_bias, builtin_persona=builtin_persona, prompts=prompts, document_sets=document_sets or [], llm_model_provider_override=llm_model_provider_override, llm_model_version_override=llm_model_version_override, starter_messages=starter_messages, tools=tools or [], icon_shape=icon_shape, icon_color=icon_color, uploaded_image_id=uploaded_image_id, display_priority=display_priority, is_visible=is_visible, search_start_date=search_start_date, is_default_persona=is_default_persona if is_default_persona is not None else False, labels=labels or [], ) db_session.add(new_persona) persona = new_persona if commit: db_session.commit() else: # flush the session so that the persona has an ID db_session.flush() return persona def delete_old_default_personas( db_session: Session, ) -> None: """Note, this locks out the Summarize and Paraphrase personas for now Need a more graceful fix later or those need to never have IDs""" stmt = ( update(Persona) .where(Persona.builtin_persona, > 0) .values(deleted=True, name=func.concat(, "_old")) ) db_session.execute(stmt) db_session.commit() def update_persona_is_default( persona_id: int, is_default: bool, db_session: Session, user: User | None = None, ) -> None: persona = fetch_persona_by_id_for_user( db_session=db_session, persona_id=persona_id, user=user, get_editable=True ) if not persona.is_public: persona.is_public = True persona.is_default_persona = is_default db_session.commit() def update_persona_visibility( persona_id: int, is_visible: bool, db_session: Session, user: User | None = None, ) -> None: persona = fetch_persona_by_id_for_user( db_session=db_session, persona_id=persona_id, user=user, get_editable=True ) persona.is_visible = is_visible db_session.commit() def validate_persona_tools(tools: list[Tool]) -> None: for tool in tools: if == "InternetSearchTool" and not BING_API_KEY: raise ValueError( "Bing API key not found, please contact your Onyx admin to get it added!" ) # TODO: since this gets called with every chat message, could it be more efficient to pregenerate # a direct mapping indicating whether a user has access to a specific persona? def get_persona_by_id( persona_id: int, # if user is `None` assume the user is an admin or auth is disabled user: User | None, db_session: Session, include_deleted: bool = False, is_for_edit: bool = True, # NOTE: assume true for safety ) -> Persona: persona_stmt = ( select(Persona) .distinct() .outerjoin(Persona.groups) .outerjoin(Persona.users) .outerjoin(UserGroup.user_group_relationships) .where( == persona_id) ) if not include_deleted: persona_stmt = persona_stmt.where(Persona.deleted.is_(False)) if not user or user.role == UserRole.ADMIN: result = db_session.execute(persona_stmt) persona = result.scalar_one_or_none() if persona is None: raise ValueError(f"Persona with ID {persona_id} does not exist") return persona # or check if user owns persona or_conditions = Persona.user_id == # allow access if persona user id is None or_conditions |= Persona.user_id == None # noqa: E711 if not is_for_edit: # if the user is in a group related to the persona or_conditions |= User__UserGroup.user_id == # if the user is in the .users of the persona or_conditions |= == or_conditions |= Persona.is_public == True # noqa: E712 elif user.role == UserRole.GLOBAL_CURATOR: # global curators can edit personas for the groups they are in or_conditions |= User__UserGroup.user_id == elif user.role == UserRole.CURATOR: # curators can edit personas for the groups they are curators of or_conditions |= (User__UserGroup.user_id == & ( User__UserGroup.is_curator == True # noqa: E712 ) persona_stmt = persona_stmt.where(or_conditions) result = db_session.execute(persona_stmt) persona = result.scalar_one_or_none() if persona is None: raise ValueError( f"Persona with ID {persona_id} does not exist or does not belong to user" ) return persona def get_personas_by_ids( persona_ids: list[int], db_session: Session ) -> Sequence[Persona]: """Unsafe, can fetch personas from all users""" if not persona_ids: return [] personas = db_session.scalars( select(Persona).where( ).all() return personas def delete_persona_by_name( persona_name: str, db_session: Session, is_default: bool = True ) -> None: stmt = delete(Persona).where( == persona_name, Persona.builtin_persona == is_default ) db_session.execute(stmt) db_session.commit() def get_assistant_labels(db_session: Session) -> list[PersonaLabel]: return db_session.query(PersonaLabel).all() def create_assistant_label(db_session: Session, name: str) -> PersonaLabel: label = PersonaLabel(name=name) db_session.add(label) db_session.commit() return label def update_persona_label( label_id: int, label_name: str, db_session: Session, ) -> None: persona_label = ( db_session.query(PersonaLabel).filter( == label_id).one_or_none() ) if persona_label is None: raise ValueError(f"Persona label with ID {label_id} does not exist") = label_name db_session.commit() def delete_persona_label(label_id: int, db_session: Session) -> None: db_session.query(PersonaLabel).filter( == label_id).delete() db_session.commit() def persona_has_search_tool(persona_id: int, db_session: Session) -> bool: persona = ( db_session.query(Persona) .options(joinedload( .filter( == persona_id) .one_or_none() ) if persona is None: raise ValueError(f"Persona with ID {persona_id} does not exist") return any(tool.in_code_tool_id == "run_search" for tool in