package sdk

import (


// InputToProfile turns any npub/nprofile/hex/nip05 input into a ProfilePointer (or nil)
func InputToProfile(input string) *nostr.ProfilePointer {
	// handle if it is a hex string
	if len(input) == 64 {
		if _, err := hex.DecodeString(input); err == nil {
			return &nostr.ProfilePointer{PublicKey: input}

	// handle nip19 codes, if that's the case
	prefix, data, _ := nip19.Decode(input)
	switch prefix {
	case "npub":
		input = data.(string)
		return &nostr.ProfilePointer{PublicKey: input}
	case "nprofile":
		pp := data.(nostr.ProfilePointer)
		return &pp

	// handle nip05 ids, if that's the case
	pp := nip05.QueryIdentifier(input)
	if pp != nil {
		return pp

	return nil

// InputToEventPointer turns any note/nevent/hex input into a EventPointer (or nil)
func InputToEventPointer(input string) *nostr.EventPointer {
	// handle if it is a hex string
	if len(input) == 64 {
		if _, err := hex.DecodeString(input); err == nil {
			return &nostr.EventPointer{ID: input}

	// handle nip19 codes, if that's the case
	prefix, data, _ := nip19.Decode(input)
	switch prefix {
	case "note":
		input = data.(string)
		return &nostr.EventPointer{ID: input}
	case "nevent":
		ep := data.(nostr.EventPointer)
		return &ep

	// handle nip05 ids, if that's the case
	return nil