package nip61 import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "iter" "slices" "strings" "" "" ) var NutzapsNotAccepted = errors.New("user doesn't accept nutzaps") func SendNutzap( ctx context.Context, kr nostr.Keyer, w *nip60.Wallet, pool *nostr.SimplePool, targetUserPublickey string, getUserReadRelays func(context.Context, string, int) []string, relays []string, eventId string, // can be "" if not targeting a specific event amount uint64, message string, ) (chan nostr.PublishResult, error) { ie := pool.QuerySingle(ctx, relays, nostr.Filter{Kinds: []int{10019}, Authors: []string{targetUserPublickey}}) if ie == nil { return nil, NutzapsNotAccepted } info := Info{} if err := info.ParseEvent(ie.Event); err != nil { return nil, err } if len(info.Mints) == 0 || info.PublicKey == "" { return nil, NutzapsNotAccepted } targetRelays := info.Relays if len(targetRelays) == 0 { targetRelays = getUserReadRelays(ctx, targetUserPublickey, 3) if len(targetRelays) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no relays found for sending the nutzap") } } nutzap := nostr.Event{ CreatedAt: nostr.Now(), Kind: nostr.KindNutZap, Tags: make(nostr.Tags, 0, 8), } nutzap.Tags = append(nutzap.Tags, nostr.Tag{"p", targetUserPublickey}) if eventId != "" { nutzap.Tags = append(nutzap.Tags, nostr.Tag{"e", eventId}) } // check if we have enough tokens in any of these mints for mint := range getEligibleTokensWeHave(info.Mints, w.Tokens, amount) { proofs, _, err := w.Send(ctx, amount, nip60.WithP2PK(info.PublicKey), nip60.WithMint(mint)) if err != nil { continue } // we have succeeded, now we just have to publish the event nutzap.Tags = append(nutzap.Tags, nostr.Tag{"u", mint}) for _, proof := range proofs { proofj, _ := json.Marshal(proof) nutzap.Tags = append(nutzap.Tags, nostr.Tag{"proof", string(proofj)}) } if err := kr.SignEvent(ctx, &nutzap); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to sign nutzap event %s: %w", nutzap, err) } return pool.PublishMany(ctx, targetRelays, nutzap), nil } // we don't have tokens at the desired target mint, so we first have to create some for _, mint := range info.Mints { proofs, err := w.SendExternal(ctx, mint, amount) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "generate mint quote") { continue } return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send: %w", err) } // we have succeeded, now we just have to publish the event nutzap.Tags = append(nutzap.Tags, nostr.Tag{"u", mint}) for _, proof := range proofs { proofj, _ := json.Marshal(proof) nutzap.Tags = append(nutzap.Tags, nostr.Tag{"proof", string(proofj)}) } if err := kr.SignEvent(ctx, &nutzap); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to sign nutzap event %s: %w", nutzap, err) } return pool.PublishMany(ctx, targetRelays, nutzap), nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send, we don't have enough money or all mints are down") } func getEligibleTokensWeHave( theirMints []string, ourTokens []nip60.Token, targetAmount uint64, ) iter.Seq[string] { have := make([]uint64, len(theirMints)) return func(yield func(string) bool) { for _, token := range ourTokens { if idx := slices.Index(theirMints, token.Mint); idx != -1 { have[idx] += token.Proofs.Amount() /* hardcoded estimated maximum fee, unlikely to be more than this */ if have[idx] > targetAmount*101/100+2 { if !yield(token.Mint) { break } } } } } }