# Version 0.1.20210412 secp256k1 - Full migration from libgmp to secp256k1 - Change the way for keygeneration for modes xpoint, address, and rmd160 - Improve performance for xpoint mode, now is ten times faster - Change N variable type for modes address,rmd160 and xpoint, from uint32_t to uint64_t - Added method pub2rmd to search publickeys of the puzzles and other legacy address (Compress publickeys only) # Version 0.1.20210331 - Small changes to be compiled with mingw on Windows - Changed sort functions and binary search for modes address/rmd160/xpoint, now those modes can load MAX 2^64 items - xpoint input file now can contains Comments after the line of data - from this version all furthers developments will be in the branch `development` # Version 0.1.20210328 - Added a progress counter (this solve bug https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt/issues/18 ) - Added multithread for precalculating bP items or reading then from file - Fixed the code to avoid warnings (this solve the issue https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt/issues/19) # Version 0.1.20210322 - Added xxhash for bloomfilter this hash have better performance than murmurhash2. And it is 64 bits hash :) - We reduce the number of items of the bPtable in ram using a second bloom filter, thanks @iceland2k14 - The ram saved space is around 80%, so we can use a bigger K value, around 4 or 5 times bigger than previous version # Version 0.1.20210320 K*BSGS - Solved little error with compress and uncompress new param -l. See https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt/issues/17 - function bsgs optimized to use a little less RAM (not related with Pfile) - Again removed some compile warnings. See https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt/issues/16 # Version 0.1.20210311 K*BSGS - Added mode rmd160, this method works two times faster than Address method. This mode can search all the altcoins # Version 0.1.20210311 K*BSGS - Solved some bug when the publickeys in the input file was invalid but the program keeps running with 0 publickeys - Now publickeys can be compressed, not only uncompressed # Version 0.1.20210306 K*BSGS - Added K factor for BSGS - Added bPfile.c to generate a precalculated file - Remove unused files about keccak and sha3 - Change Bloom filter limits and % of error from 0.001 to 0.00001 in bloomfilter. # Version 0.1.20210112 BSGS - Added mode BSGS this work with a file with uncompressed keys - Updated bloom filter to allow More items # Version 0.1.20201228 - Change Quicksort to Introsort, this solve some edge cases of quicksort. - Introsort is avaible to keyhunt and hexcharstoraw. worst case. O(N log N). - Aling of some output text # Version 0.1.20201223 - Added new tool hexcharstoraw to create a raw binary file for xpoint from a text-hexadecimal file - Added option -w to work with raw binary file, this file contains xpoint in binary format fixed to 32 bytes # Version 0.1.20201222 - Fixed some ugly bug in the searchbinary function thanks to Ujang - Added to stdout the vanitykeys found with -v option # Version 0.1.20201221 - Fixed search by xpoint. - Added -e option to skip the sort process whe the file is already sorted. - Fixed debugcount when upto N is less than debugcount. - Changed "-R upto" to "-R" and added "-n upto" option. # Version 0.1.20201218 - Minor bugs fixed. # Version 0.1.20201217 - First Release - Thanks to all CryptoHunters to make this code possible