/* Develop by Luis Alberto email: alberto.bsd@gmail.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base58/libbase58.h" #include "rmd160/rmd160.h" #include "sha256/sha256.h" #include "bloom/bloom.h" #include "sha3/sha3.h" #include "secp256k1/SECP256k1.h" #include "secp256k1/Point.h" #include "secp256k1/Int.h" #include "secp256k1/IntGroup.h" #include "secp256k1/Random.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #define CRYPTO_NONE 0 #define CRYPTO_BTC 1 #define CRYPTO_ETH 2 #define CRYPTO_ALL 3 #define MODE_XPOINT 0 #define MODE_ADDRESS 1 #define MODE_BSGS 2 #define MODE_RMD160 3 #define MODE_PUB2RMD 4 #define SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS 0 #define SEARCH_COMPRESS 1 #define SEARCH_BOTH 2 struct bsgs_xvalue { uint8_t value[6]; uint64_t index; }; struct address_value { uint8_t value[20]; }; struct tothread { int nt; //Number thread char *rs; //range start char *rpt; //rng per thread }; struct bPload { int threadid; uint64_t from; uint64_t to; uint64_t counter; }; struct __attribute__((__packed__)) publickey { uint8_t parity; union { uint8_t data8[32]; uint32_t data32[8]; uint64_t data64[4]; } X; }; const char *version = "0.1.20210412 secp256k1"; const char *bloomnames[256] = {"bloom_0","bloom_1","bloom_2","bloom_3","bloom_4","bloom_5","bloom_6","bloom_7","bloom_8","bloom_9","bloom_10","bloom_11","bloom_12","bloom_13","bloom_14","bloom_15","bloom_16","bloom_17","bloom_18","bloom_19","bloom_20","bloom_21","bloom_22","bloom_23","bloom_24","bloom_25","bloom_26","bloom_27","bloom_28","bloom_29","bloom_30","bloom_31","bloom_32","bloom_33","bloom_34","bloom_35","bloom_36","bloom_37","bloom_38","bloom_39","bloom_40","bloom_41","bloom_42","bloom_43","bloom_44","bloom_45","bloom_46","bloom_47","bloom_48","bloom_49","bloom_50","bloom_51","bloom_52","bloom_53","bloom_54","bloom_55","bloom_56","bloom_57","bloom_58","bloom_59","bloom_60","bloom_61","bloom_62","bloom_63","bloom_64","bloom_65","bloom_66","bloom_67","bloom_68","bloom_69","bloom_70","bloom_71","bloom_72","bloom_73","bloom_74","bloom_75","bloom_76","bloom_77","bloom_78","bloom_79","bloom_80","bloom_81","bloom_82","bloom_83","bloom_84","bloom_85","bloom_86","bloom_87","bloom_88","bloom_89","bloom_90","bloom_91","bloom_92","bloom_93","bloom_94","bloom_95","bloom_96","bloom_97","bloom_98","bloom_99","bloom_100","bloom_101","bloom_102","bloom_103","bloom_104","bloom_105","bloom_106","bloom_107","bloom_108","bloom_109","bloom_110","bloom_111","bloom_112","bloom_113","bloom_114","bloom_115","bloom_116","bloom_117","bloom_118","bloom_119","bloom_120","bloom_121","bloom_122","bloom_123","bloom_124","bloom_125","bloom_126","bloom_127","bloom_128","bloom_129","bloom_130","bloom_131","bloom_132","bloom_133","bloom_134","bloom_135","bloom_136","bloom_137","bloom_138","bloom_139","bloom_140","bloom_141","bloom_142","bloom_143","bloom_144","bloom_145","bloom_146","bloom_147","bloom_148","bloom_149","bloom_150","bloom_151","bloom_152","bloom_153","bloom_154","bloom_155","bloom_156","bloom_157","bloom_158","bloom_159","bloom_160","bloom_161","bloom_162","bloom_163","bloom_164","bloom_165","bloom_166","bloom_167","bloom_168","bloom_169","bloom_170","bloom_171","bloom_172","bloom_173","bloom_174","bloom_175","bloom_176","bloom_177","bloom_178","bloom_179","bloom_180","bloom_181","bloom_182","bloom_183","bloom_184","bloom_185","bloom_186","bloom_187","bloom_188","bloom_189","bloom_190","bloom_191","bloom_192","bloom_193","bloom_194","bloom_195","bloom_196","bloom_197","bloom_198","bloom_199","bloom_200","bloom_201","bloom_202","bloom_203","bloom_204","bloom_205","bloom_206","bloom_207","bloom_208","bloom_209","bloom_210","bloom_211","bloom_212","bloom_213","bloom_214","bloom_215","bloom_216","bloom_217","bloom_218","bloom_219","bloom_220","bloom_221","bloom_222","bloom_223","bloom_224","bloom_225","bloom_226","bloom_227","bloom_228","bloom_229","bloom_230","bloom_231","bloom_232","bloom_233","bloom_234","bloom_235","bloom_236","bloom_237","bloom_238","bloom_239","bloom_240","bloom_241","bloom_242","bloom_243","bloom_244","bloom_245","bloom_246","bloom_247","bloom_248","bloom_249","bloom_250","bloom_251","bloom_252","bloom_253","bloom_254","bloom_255"}; std::vector Gn; Point _2Gn; std::vector GSn; Point _2GSn; std::vector GS2n; Point _2GS2n; int CPU_GRP_SIZE = 1024; void init_generator(); int searchbinary(struct address_value *buffer,char *data,int64_t _N); void sleep_ms(int milliseconds); void _sort(struct address_value *arr,int64_t N); void _insertionsort(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n); void _introsort(struct address_value *arr,uint32_t depthLimit, int64_t n); void _swap(struct address_value *a,struct address_value *b); int64_t _partition(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n); void _myheapsort(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n); void _heapify(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n, int64_t i); void bsgs_sort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,int64_t n); void bsgs_myheapsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n); void bsgs_insertionsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n); void bsgs_introsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,uint32_t depthLimit, int64_t n); void bsgs_swap(struct bsgs_xvalue *a,struct bsgs_xvalue *b); void bsgs_heapify(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n, int64_t i); int64_t bsgs_partition(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n); int bsgs_searchbinary(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,char *data,int64_t _N,uint64_t *r_value); int bsgs_secondcheck(Int *start_range,uint32_t a,uint32_t k_index,Int *privatekey); void *thread_process(void *vargp); void *thread_process_bsgs(void *vargp); void *thread_process_bsgs_random(void *vargp); void *thread_bPload(void *vargp); void *thread_bPloadFile(void *vargp); void *thread_pub2rmd(void *vargp); char *publickeytohashrmd160(char *pkey,int length); char *pubkeytopubaddress(char *pkey,int length); //char *pubkeytopubaddress_eth(char *pkey,int length); int THREADOUTPUT = 0; char *bit_range_str_min; char *bit_range_str_max; const char *modes[5] = {"xpoint","address","bsgs","rmd160","pub2rmd"}; const char *cryptos[3] = {"btc","eth","all"}; const char *publicsearch[3] = {"uncompress","compress","both"}; const char *default_filename = "addresses.txt"; pthread_t *tid = NULL; pthread_mutex_t write_keys; pthread_mutex_t write_random; pthread_mutex_t bsgs_thread; struct bloom dummybloom; struct bloom bloom; unsigned int *steps = NULL; unsigned int *ends = NULL; uint64_t N = 0; uint64_t N_SECUENTIAL_MAX = 0xffffffff; uint64_t DEBUGCOUNT = 0x100000; Int OUTPUTSECONDS; int FLAGDEBUG = 0; int FLAGQUIET = 0; int KFACTOR = 1; int MAXLENGTHADDRESS = -1; int NTHREADS = 1; int FLAGSEARCH = 2; int FLAGBITRANGE = 0; int FLAGRANGE = 0; int FLAGFILE = 0; int FLAGVANITY = 0; int FLAGMODE = MODE_ADDRESS; int FLAGCRYPTO = 0; int FLAGALREADYSORTED = 0; int FLAGRAWDATA = 0; int FLAGRANDOM = 0; int FLAG_N = 0; int FLAGPRECALCUTED_P_FILE = 0; int FLAGPRECALCUTED_MP_FILE = 0; int FLAGBLOOMFILTER = 0; int len_vanity; int bitrange; char *vanity; char *range_start; char *range_end; uint64_t BSGS_XVALUE_RAM = 6; uint64_t BSGS_BUFFERXPOINTLENGTH = 32; uint64_t BSGS_BUFFERREGISTERLENGTH = 36; /* BSGS Variables */ int *bsgs_found; std::vector OriginalPointsBSGS; bool *OriginalPointsBSGScompressed; struct bsgs_xvalue *bPtable; struct address_value *addressTable; struct bloom bloom_bP[256]; struct bloom bloom_bPx2nd; //Second Bloom filter check uint64_t bloom_bP_totalbytes = 0; char *precalculated_p_filename; uint64_t bsgs_m = 4194304; uint64_t bsgs_m2; unsigned long int bsgs_aux; uint32_t bsgs_point_number; Int BSGS_GROUP_SIZE; Int BSGS_CURRENT; Int BSGS_R; Int BSGS_AUX; Int BSGS_N; Int BSGS_M; //M is squareroot(N) Int BSGS_M2; Int ONE; Int ZERO; Int MPZAUX; Point BSGS_P; //Original P is actually G, but this P value change over time for calculations Point BSGS_MP; //MP values this is m * P Point BSGS_MP2; //MP values this is m2 * P std::vector BSGS_AMP,BSGS_AMP2; Point point_temp,point_temp2; //Temp value for some process Int n_range_start; Int n_range_end; Int n_range_diff; Int n_range_aux; Secp256K1 *secp; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[1024]; char temporal[65]; char rawvalue[32]; struct tothread *tt; //tothread Tokenizer t,tokenizerbsgs,tokenizer_xpoint; //tokenizer char *filename,*precalculated_mp_filename,*hextemp,*aux,*aux2,*pointx_str,*pointy_str,*str_seconds,*str_total,*str_pretotal; FILE *fd; uint64_t j,total_precalculated,i,PERTHREAD,BASE,PERTHREAD_R,itemsbloom,itemsbloom2; int readed,s,continue_flag,check_flag,r,lenaux,lendiff,c; Int total,pretotal,debugcount_mpz,seconds; struct bPload *temp; secp = new Secp256K1(); secp->Init(); OUTPUTSECONDS.SetInt32(30); ZERO.SetInt32(0); ONE.SetInt32(1); BSGS_GROUP_SIZE.SetInt32(CPU_GRP_SIZE); rseed(clock() + time(NULL)); printf("[+] Version %s\n",version); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dehqRwzb:c:f:g:k:l:m:n:p:r:s:t:v:G:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'h': printf("\nUsage:\n-h\t\tshow this help\n"); printf("-a file\t\tfile is a binary raw file with the aMP points precalculated. Just work with -m bsgs\n"); printf("-b bits\t\tFor some puzzles you only need some numbers of bits in the test keys.\n"); printf("\t\tThis option only is valid with the Random option -R\n"); printf("-c crypto\tSearch for specific crypo. < btc, eth, all > valid only w/ -m address \n"); printf("-e\t\tThe file is already Sorted descendent. This skip the sorting process.\n"); printf("\t\tYour file MUST be sordted if no you are going to lose collisions\n"); printf("-f file\t\tSpecify filename with addresses or xpoints or uncompressed public keys\n"); printf("-g count\tJust for the stats, mark as counted every debugcount keys \n"); printf("-k value\tUse this only with bsgs mode, k value is factor for M, more speed but more RAM use wisely\n"); printf("-l look\tWhat type of address/hash160 are you looking for < compress , uncompress , both>\n"); printf("-m mode\t\tmode of search for cryptos. ( bsgs , xpoint , rmd160 , address ) default: address (more slow)\n"); printf("-n uptoN\tCheck for N secuential numbers before the random chossen this only work with -R option\n"); printf("\t\tUse -n to set the N for the BSGS process. Bigger N more RAM needed\n"); printf("-p file\t\tfile is a binary raw file with the bP points precalculated. Just work with -m bsgs\n"); printf("-q\t\tset quiet the thread output\n"); printf("-r SR:EN\tStarRange:EndRange, the end range can be omited for search from start range to N-1 ECC value\n"); printf("-R\t\tRandom this is the default behaivor\n"); printf("-s ns\t\tNumber of seconds for the stats output, 0 to omit output.\n"); printf("-t tn\t\tThreads number, must be positive integer\n"); printf("-v va\t\tSearch for vanity Address, only with -m address\n"); printf("-w\t\tMark the input file as RAW data xpoint fixed 32 byte each point. Valid only with -m xpoint\n"); printf("-z\t\tSave and load bloom bloomfilter from File\n"); printf("\t\tUse the hexcharstoraw tool to create a raw file from your current hexadecimal file\n"); printf("\nExample\n\n"); printf("%s -t 16 -r 00000001:FFFFFFFF -s 0\n\n",argv[0]); printf("This line run the program with 16 threads from the range 00000001 to FFFFFFFF without stats output\n\n"); printf("Developed by AlbertoBSD\tTips BTC: 1ABSD1rMTmNZHJrJP8AJhDNG1XbQjWcRz7\n"); printf("Thanks to Iceland always helping and sharing his ideas, Tips to Iceland: bc1q39meky2mn5qjq704zz0nnkl0v7kj4uz6r529at\n\n"); exit(0); break; case 'a': FLAGPRECALCUTED_MP_FILE = 1; precalculated_mp_filename = optarg; break; case 'b': bitrange = strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(bitrange > 0 && bitrange <=256 ) { MPZAUX.Set(&ONE); MPZAUX.ShiftL(bitrange-1); bit_range_str_min = MPZAUX.GetBase16(); MPZAUX.Set(&ONE); MPZAUX.ShiftL(bitrange); if(MPZAUX.IsGreater(&secp->order)) { MPZAUX.Set(&secp->order); } bit_range_str_max = MPZAUX.GetBase16(); if(bit_range_str_min == NULL||bit_range_str_max == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } printf("[+] Min range: %s\n",bit_range_str_min); printf("[+] Max range: %s\n",bit_range_str_max); FLAGBITRANGE = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] invalid bits param: %s.\n",optarg); } break; case 'c': switch(indexOf(optarg,cryptos,3)) { case 0: //btc FLAGCRYPTO = CRYPTO_BTC; printf("[+] Setting search for btc adddress.\n"); break; case 1: //eth FLAGCRYPTO = CRYPTO_ETH; printf("[+] Setting search for eth adddress.\n"); break; case 2: //all FLAGCRYPTO = CRYPTO_ALL; printf("[+] Setting search for all cryptocurrencies avaible [btc].\n"); break; default: FLAGCRYPTO = CRYPTO_NONE; fprintf(stderr,"[E] Unknow crypto value %s\n",optarg); break; } break; case 'd': FLAGDEBUG = 1; break; case 'e': FLAGALREADYSORTED = 1; break; case 'f': FLAGFILE = 1; filename = optarg; break; case 'g': DEBUGCOUNT = strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(DEBUGCOUNT == 0) { DEBUGCOUNT = 0x100000; fprintf(stderr,"[E] invalid -g option value: %s.\n",optarg); } break; case 'k': KFACTOR = (int)strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(KFACTOR <= 0) { KFACTOR = 1; } printf("[+] Setting k factor to %i\n",KFACTOR); break; case 'l': switch(indexOf(optarg,publicsearch,3)) { case SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS: FLAGSEARCH = SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS; printf("[+] Search uncompress only\n"); break; case SEARCH_COMPRESS: FLAGSEARCH = SEARCH_COMPRESS; printf("[+] Search compress only\n"); break; case SEARCH_BOTH: FLAGSEARCH = SEARCH_BOTH; printf("[+] Search both compress and uncompress\n"); break; } break; case 'm': switch(indexOf(optarg,modes,5)) { case MODE_XPOINT: //xpoint FLAGMODE = MODE_XPOINT; printf("[+] Setting mode xpoint\n"); break; case MODE_ADDRESS: //address FLAGMODE = MODE_ADDRESS; printf("[+] Setting mode address\n"); break; case MODE_BSGS: FLAGMODE = MODE_BSGS; printf("[+] Setting mode BSGS\n"); break; case MODE_RMD160: FLAGMODE = MODE_RMD160; printf("[+] Setting mode rmd160\n"); break; case MODE_PUB2RMD: FLAGMODE = MODE_PUB2RMD; printf("[+] Setting mode pub2rmd\n"); break; default: FLAGMODE = MODE_ADDRESS; fprintf(stderr,"[+] Unknow mode value %s.\n",optarg); break; } break; case 'n': FLAG_N = 1; N_SECUENTIAL_MAX = strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(N_SECUENTIAL_MAX <= 0) { FLAG_N = 0; N_SECUENTIAL_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFF; } break; case 'q': FLAGQUIET = 1; printf("[+] Set quiet thread output\n"); break; case 'p': FLAGPRECALCUTED_P_FILE = 1; precalculated_p_filename = optarg; break; case 'R': FLAGRANDOM = 1; printf("[+] Setting random mode.\n"); break; case 'r': if(optarg != NULL) { stringtokenizer(optarg,&t); switch(t.n) { case 1: range_start = nextToken(&t); if(isValidHex(range_start)) { FLAGRANGE = 1; range_end = secp->order.GetBase16(); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Invalid hexstring : %s.\n",range_start); } break; case 2: range_start = nextToken(&t); range_end = nextToken(&t); if(isValidHex(range_start) && isValidHex(range_end)) { FLAGRANGE = 1; } else { if(isValidHex(range_start)) { printf("[E] Invalid hexstring : %s\n",range_start); } else { printf("[E] Invalid hexstring : %s\n",range_end); } } break; default: printf("[E] Unknow number of Range Params: %i\n",t.n); break; } } break; case 's': OUTPUTSECONDS.SetBase10(optarg); if(OUTPUTSECONDS.IsLower(&ZERO)) { OUTPUTSECONDS.SetInt32(30); } if(OUTPUTSECONDS.IsZero()) { printf("[+] Turn off stats output\n"); } else { hextemp = OUTPUTSECONDS.GetBase10(); printf("[+] Stats output every %s seconds\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); } break; case 't': NTHREADS = strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(NTHREADS <= 0) { NTHREADS = 1; } printf((NTHREADS > 1) ? "[+] Setting %u threads\n": "[+] Setting %u thread\n",NTHREADS); break; case 'v': FLAGVANITY = 1; vanity = optarg; len_vanity = strlen(optarg); printf("[+] Added Vanity search : %s\n",vanity); break; case 'w': printf("[+] Data marked as RAW\n"); FLAGRAWDATA = 1; break; case 'z': printf("[+] Bloom filter marked to be saved\n"); FLAGBLOOMFILTER = 1; break; default: printf("[E] Unknow opcion %c\n",c); break; } } init_generator(); if(DEBUGCOUNT > N_SECUENTIAL_MAX) { DEBUGCOUNT = N_SECUENTIAL_MAX - 1; } if(FLAGFILE == 0) { filename =(char*) default_filename; } printf("[+] Opening file %s\n",filename); fd = fopen(filename,"rb"); if(fd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Can't open file %s\n",filename); exit(0); } if(FLAGMODE == MODE_ADDRESS && FLAGCRYPTO == CRYPTO_NONE) { //When none crypto is defined the default search is for Bitcoin FLAGCRYPTO = CRYPTO_BTC; printf("[+] Setting search for btc adddress\n"); } if(FLAGRANGE) { n_range_start.SetBase16(range_start); n_range_end.SetBase16(range_end); if(n_range_start.IsEqual(&n_range_end) == false ) { if( n_range_start.IsLower(&secp->order) && n_range_end.IsLowerOrEqual(&secp->order) ) { if( n_range_start.IsGreater(&n_range_end)) { fprintf(stderr,"[W] Opps, start range can't be great than end range. Swapping them\n"); n_range_aux.Set(&n_range_start); n_range_start.Set(&n_range_end); n_range_end.Set(&n_range_aux); } n_range_diff.Set(&n_range_end); n_range_diff.Sub(&n_range_start); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Start and End range can't be great than N\nFallback to random mode!\n"); FLAGRANGE = 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Start and End range can't be the same\nFallback to random mode!\n"); FLAGRANGE = 0; } } if(FLAGMODE != MODE_BSGS) { if(FLAGRANGE == 0 && FLAGBITRANGE == 0) { n_range_start.SetInt32(1); n_range_end.Set(&secp->order); n_range_diff.Set(&n_range_end); n_range_diff.Sub(&n_range_start); } else { if(FLAGBITRANGE) { n_range_start.SetBase16(bit_range_str_min); n_range_end.SetBase16(bit_range_str_max); n_range_diff.Set(&n_range_end); n_range_diff.Sub(&n_range_start); } else { if(FLAGRANGE == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[W] WTF!\n"); } } } } N = 0; if(FLAGMODE != MODE_BSGS) { aux =(char*) malloc(1000); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); } switch(FLAGMODE) { case MODE_ADDRESS: while(!feof(fd)) { hextemp = fgets(aux,998,fd); if(hextemp == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); r = strlen(aux); if(r > 10) { //Any length for invalid Address? if(r > MAXLENGTHADDRESS) { MAXLENGTHADDRESS = r; } N++; } } } MAXLENGTHADDRESS = 32; break; case MODE_PUB2RMD: case MODE_RMD160: if(FLAGRAWDATA) { while(!feof(fd)) { if(fread(aux,1,20,fd) == 20) { N++; } } } else { while(!feof(fd)) { hextemp = fgets(aux,998,fd); if(hextemp == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); r = strlen(aux); if(r == 40) { //Any length for invalid Address? N++; } } } } MAXLENGTHADDRESS = 20; break; case MODE_XPOINT: if(FLAGRAWDATA) { while(!feof(fd)) { if(fread(aux,1,32,fd) == 32) { N++; } } } else { while(!feof(fd)) { hextemp = fgets(aux,998,fd); if(hextemp == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); r = strlen(aux); if(r >= 32) { //Any length for invalid Address? N++; } } } } MAXLENGTHADDRESS = 32; break; } free(aux); if(N == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] There is no valid data in the file\n"); exit(0); } fseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET); printf("[+] Allocating memory for %" PRIu64 " elements: %.2f MB\n",N,(double)(((double) sizeof(struct address_value)*N)/(double)1048576)); i = 0; addressTable = (struct address_value*) malloc(sizeof(struct address_value)*N); if(addressTable == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Can't alloc memory for %" PRIu64 " elements\n",N); exit(0); } printf("[+] Initializing bloom filter for %" PRIu64 " elements.\n",N); if(N <= 1000) { if(bloom_init2(&bloom,1000,0.00001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init for 10000 elements.\n"); exit(0); } } else { if(bloom_init2(&bloom,N,0.00001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init for %u elements.\n",N); fprintf(stderr,"[+] man enough is enough stop it\n"); exit(0); } } printf("[+] Loading data to the bloomfilter total: %.2f MB\n",(double)(((double) bloom.bytes)/(double)1048576)); i = 0; switch (FLAGMODE) { case MODE_ADDRESS: aux =(char*) malloc(2*MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } while(i < N) { memset(aux,0,2*MAXLENGTHADDRESS); memset((void *)&addressTable[i],0,sizeof(struct address_value)); hextemp = fgets(aux,2*MAXLENGTHADDRESS,fd); if(hextemp == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); bloom_add(&bloom, aux,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); memcpy(addressTable[i].value,aux,20); i++; } else { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); fprintf(stderr,"[E] Omiting line : %s\n",aux); } } break; case MODE_XPOINT: if(FLAGRAWDATA) { aux = (char*)malloc(MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } while(i < N) { if(fread(aux,1,MAXLENGTHADDRESS,fd) == 32) { memcpy(addressTable[i].value,aux,20); bloom_add(&bloom, aux,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); } i++; } } else { aux = (char*) malloc(5*MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } while(i < N) { memset(aux,0,5*MAXLENGTHADDRESS); hextemp = fgets(aux,(5*MAXLENGTHADDRESS) -2,fd); memset((void *)&addressTable[i],0,sizeof(struct address_value)); if(hextemp == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); stringtokenizer(aux,&tokenizer_xpoint); hextemp = nextToken(&tokenizer_xpoint); lenaux = strlen(hextemp); if(isValidHex(hextemp)) { switch(lenaux) { case 64: /*X value*/ r = hexs2bin(aux,(uint8_t*) rawvalue); if(r) { memcpy(addressTable[i].value,rawvalue,20); bloom_add(&bloom,rawvalue,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error hexs2bin\n"); } break; case 66: /*Compress publickey*/ r = hexs2bin(aux+2, (uint8_t*)rawvalue); if(r) { memcpy(addressTable[i].value,rawvalue,20); bloom_add(&bloom,rawvalue,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error hexs2bin\n"); } break; case 130: /* Uncompress publickey length*/ memset(temporal,0,65); memcpy(temporal,aux+2,64); r = hexs2bin(temporal, (uint8_t*) rawvalue); if(r) { memcpy(addressTable[i].value,rawvalue,20); bloom_add(&bloom,rawvalue,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error hexs2bin\n"); } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"[E] Omiting line unknow length size %i: %s\n",lenaux,aux); break; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Ignoring invalid hexvalue %s\n",aux); } freetokenizer(&tokenizer_xpoint); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Omiting line : %s\n",aux); N--; } i++; } } break; case MODE_PUB2RMD: case MODE_RMD160: if(FLAGRAWDATA) { aux = (char*) malloc(MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } while(i < N) { if(fread(aux,1,MAXLENGTHADDRESS,fd) == 20) { memcpy(addressTable[i].value,aux,20); bloom_add(&bloom, aux,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); } i++; } } else { aux = (char*) malloc(3*MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } while(i < N) { memset(aux,0,3*MAXLENGTHADDRESS); hextemp = fgets(aux,3*MAXLENGTHADDRESS,fd); memset(addressTable[i].value,0,20); if(hextemp == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); lenaux = strlen(aux); if(isValidHex(aux)) { if(lenaux == 40) { if(hexs2bin(aux,addressTable[i].value)) { bloom_add(&bloom,addressTable[i].value,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error hexs2bin\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Ignoring invalid length line %s\n",aux); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Ignoring invalid hexvalue %s\n",aux); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Omiting line : %s\n",aux); } i++; } } break; } free(aux); fclose(fd); printf("[+] Bloomfilter completed\n"); if(FLAGALREADYSORTED) { printf("[+] File mark already sorted, skipping sort proccess\n"); printf("[+] %" PRIu64 " values were loaded\n",N); _sort(addressTable,N); } else { printf("[+] Sorting data ..."); _sort(addressTable,N); printf(" done! %" PRIu64 " values were loaded and sorted\n",N); } } if(FLAGMODE == MODE_BSGS) { DEBUGCOUNT = N_SECUENTIAL_MAX ; aux = (char*) malloc(1024); if(aux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } while(!feof(fd)) { if(fgets(aux,1022,fd) == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); if(strlen(aux) >= 128) { //Length of a full address in hexadecimal without 04 N++; }else { if(strlen(aux) >= 66) { N++; } } } } if(N == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] There is no valid data in the file\n"); exit(0); } bsgs_found = (int*) calloc(N,sizeof(int)); OriginalPointsBSGS.reserve(N); OriginalPointsBSGScompressed = (bool*) malloc(N*sizeof(bool)); pointx_str = (char*) malloc(65); pointy_str = (char*) malloc(65); if(pointy_str == NULL || pointx_str == NULL || bsgs_found == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } fseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET); i = 0; while(!feof(fd)) { if(fgets(aux,1022,fd) == aux) { trim(aux," \t\n\r"); if(strlen(aux) >= 66) { stringtokenizer(aux,&tokenizerbsgs); aux2 = nextToken(&tokenizerbsgs); memset(pointx_str,0,65); memset(pointy_str,0,65); switch(strlen(aux2)) { case 66: //Compress if(secp->ParsePublicKeyHex(aux2,OriginalPointsBSGS[i],OriginalPointsBSGScompressed[i])) { i++; } else { N--; } break; /* Somebody use this? To be removed 5/Nov */ /* case 128: //Without the 04 memcpy(pointx_str,aux2,64); memcpy(pointy_str,aux2+64,64); if(isValidHex(pointx_str) && isValidHex(pointy_str)) { mpz_init_set_str(OriginalPointsBSGS[i].x,pointx_str,16); mpz_init_set_str(OriginalPointsBSGS[i].y,pointy_str,16); //printf("Adding point ( %s , %s )\n",pointx_str,pointy_str); i++; } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Some invalid hexdata in the file: %s\n",aux2); N--; } break; */ case 130: //With the 04 if(secp->ParsePublicKeyHex(aux2,OriginalPointsBSGS[i],OriginalPointsBSGScompressed[i])) { i++; } else { N--; } break; default: printf("Invalid length: %s\n",aux2); N--; break; } freetokenizer(&tokenizerbsgs); } } } fclose(fd); bsgs_point_number = N; if(bsgs_point_number > 0) { printf("[+] Added %u points from file\n",bsgs_point_number); } else { printf("[E] The file don't have any valid publickeys\n"); exit(0); } BSGS_N.SetInt32(0); BSGS_M.SetInt32(0); /* hextemp = BSGS_N.GetBase10(); printf("[+] BSGS_N: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = BSGS_M.GetBase10(); printf("[+] BSGS_M: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ BSGS_M.SetInt64(bsgs_m); //printf("[+] bsgs_m: %"PRIu64"\n",bsgs_m); /* hextemp = BSGS_N.GetBase10(); printf("[+] BSGS_N: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = BSGS_M.GetBase10(); printf("[+] BSGS_M: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ if(FLAG_N) { //Custom N by the -n param BSGS_N.SetInt64(N_SECUENTIAL_MAX); } else { //Default N BSGS_N.SetInt64((uint64_t)0x100000000000); } if(BSGS_N.HasSqrt()) { //If the root is exact BSGS_M.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_M.ModSqrt(); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] -n param doesn't have exact square root\n"); exit(0); } /* hextemp = BSGS_N.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_N: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = BSGS_M.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_M: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ BSGS_AUX.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_AUX.Mod(&BSGS_GROUP_SIZE); if(!BSGS_AUX.IsZero()){ hextemp = BSGS_GROUP_SIZE.GetBase10(); fprintf(stderr,"[E] M value is not divisible by %s\n",hextemp); exit(0); } bsgs_m = BSGS_M.GetInt64(); BSGS_N.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_N.Mult(&BSGS_M); DEBUGCOUNT = bsgs_m * bsgs_m; if(FLAGRANGE || FLAGBITRANGE) { if(FLAGBITRANGE) { // Bit Range n_range_start.SetBase16(bit_range_str_min); n_range_end.SetBase16(bit_range_str_max); n_range_diff.Set(&n_range_end); n_range_diff.Sub(&n_range_start); printf("[+] Bit Range %i\n",bitrange); } } else { //Random start n_range_start.SetInt32(1); n_range_end.Set(&secp->order); n_range_diff.Rand(&n_range_start,&n_range_end); n_range_start.Set(&n_range_diff); } BSGS_CURRENT.Set(&n_range_start); /* hextemp = BSGS_N.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_N: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = BSGS_M.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_M: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ if(n_range_diff.IsLower(&BSGS_N) ) { BSGS_N.Set(&n_range_diff); if(BSGS_N.HasSqrt()) { //If the root is exact BSGS_M.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_M.ModSqrt(); /* hextemp = BSGS_N.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_N: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = BSGS_M.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_M: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] the range is small and doesn't have exact square root\n"); exit(0); } bsgs_m = BSGS_M.GetInt64(); BSGS_N.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_N.Mult(&BSGS_M); DEBUGCOUNT = bsgs_m * bsgs_m; bsgs_m = BSGS_M.GetInt64(); DEBUGCOUNT = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)bsgs_m * (uint64_t)bsgs_m); } BSGS_M.Mult((uint64_t)KFACTOR); BSGS_AUX.SetInt32(20); BSGS_R.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_R.Mod(&BSGS_AUX); BSGS_M2.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_M2.Div(&BSGS_AUX); if(!BSGS_R.IsZero()) { BSGS_M2.AddOne(); } bsgs_m2 = BSGS_M2.GetInt64(); BSGS_AUX.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_AUX.Div(&BSGS_M); BSGS_R.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_R.Mod(&BSGS_M); if(!BSGS_R.IsZero()) { BSGS_N.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_N.Mult(&BSGS_AUX); } bsgs_m = (uint64_t)((uint64_t) bsgs_m * (uint64_t)KFACTOR); bsgs_aux = BSGS_AUX.GetInt64(); DEBUGCOUNT = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)bsgs_m * (uint64_t)bsgs_aux); printf("[+] Setting N up to %" PRIu64 ".\n",DEBUGCOUNT); itemsbloom = ((uint64_t)(bsgs_m/256)) > 10000 ? (uint64_t)(bsgs_m/256) : 10000; itemsbloom2 = bsgs_m2 > 1000 ? bsgs_m : 10000; if( FLAGBLOOMFILTER == 1 ) { int continuebloom = 1; int numberbloom = 0; for(i=0; i< 256 && continuebloom; i++) { if(bloom_loadcustom(&bloom_bP[i],(char*)bloomnames[i]) == 1){ continuebloom = 0; } else { if(bloom_dummy(&dummybloom,itemsbloom,0.000001) == 0){ numberbloom++; if(dummybloom.bytes != bloom_bP[i].bytes) { continuebloom = 0; } } else { continuebloom = 0; } } } if(continuebloom == 1) { if(bloom_loadcustom(&bloom_bPx2nd,(char*)"bPx2nd") == 1) { continuebloom == 0; } else { if(bloom_dummy(&dummybloom,itemsbloom2,0.000001) == 0){ if(dummybloom.bytes != bloom_bPx2nd.bytes) { continuebloom = 0; } if(continuebloom == 0) { bloom_free(&bloom_bPx2nd); } } } } if(continuebloom == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Some bloom file fail or missmatch size\n"); FLAGBLOOMFILTER = 0; for(i=0; i < numberbloom ; i++) { bloom_free(&bloom_bP[i]); } } } /* if( FLAGBLOOMFILTER == 0) { */ for(i=0; i< 256; i++) { if(bloom_init2(&bloom_bP[i],itemsbloom,0.000001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init [%" PRIu64 "]\n",i); exit(0); } bloom_bP_totalbytes += bloom_bP[i].bytes; if(FLAGDEBUG) bloom_print(&bloom_bP[i]); } printf("[+] Init 1st bloom filter for %lu elements : %.2f MB\n",bsgs_m,(float)((uint64_t)bloom_bP_totalbytes/(uint64_t)1048576)); if(bsgs_m2 > 1000) { if(bloom_init2(&bloom_bPx2nd,bsgs_m2,0.000001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init for %lu elements\n",bsgs_m2); exit(0); } } else { if(bloom_init2(&bloom_bPx2nd,1000,0.000001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init for 1000 elements\n"); exit(0); } } if(FLAGDEBUG) bloom_print(&bloom_bPx2nd); printf("[+] Init 2nd bloom filter for %lu elements : %.2f MB\n",bsgs_m2,(double)((double)bloom_bPx2nd.bytes/(double)1048576)); //bloom_print(&bloom_bPx2nd); /* hextemp = BSGS_M.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_M: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = BSGS_M2.GetBase16(); printf("[+] BSGS_M2: %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ BSGS_MP = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M); BSGS_MP2 = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M2); printf("[+] Allocating %.1f MB for %" PRIu64 " aMP Points\n",(double)(((double)(bsgs_aux*sizeof(Point)))/(double)1048576),bsgs_aux); i = 0; BSGS_AMP.reserve(bsgs_aux); //printf("[+] Allocating %.1f MB for aMP Points (2nd)\n",(float)(((uint64_t)(bsgs_m2*sizeof(struct strPoint)))/(uint64_t)1048576)); BSGS_AMP2.reserve(bsgs_m2); i= 0; if(FLAGPRECALCUTED_MP_FILE) { printf("[+] Reading aMP points from file %s\n",precalculated_mp_filename); fd = fopen(precalculated_mp_filename,"rb"); if(fd != NULL) { while(!feof(fd) && i < bsgs_aux ) { if(fread(temporal,1,64,fd) == 64) { BSGS_AMP[i].x.Set32Bytes((unsigned char*)temporal); BSGS_AMP[i].x.Set32Bytes((unsigned char*)(temporal+32)); i++; } } if(i < bsgs_aux) { //If the input file have less item than bsgs_m printf("[+] Fixme file contains less items than the amount of items needed\n"); exit(0); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Can't open file %s falling back to the calculation mode\n",filename); printf("[+] Precalculating %lu aMP points\n",bsgs_aux); point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP); for(i = 0; i < bsgs_aux; i++) { BSGS_AMP[i] = secp->Negation(point_temp); if(i == 0) { printf("\n[+] point_temp vs BSGS_MP %s\n",point_temp.equals(BSGS_MP) ? "Si iguales":"No, diferentes"); } if(point_temp.equals(BSGS_MP)) { point_temp2 = secp->DoubleDirect(BSGS_MP); } else { point_temp2 = secp->AddDirect(point_temp,BSGS_MP); } point_temp.Set(point_temp2); } } } else { printf("[+] Precalculating %" PRIu64 " aMP points\n",bsgs_aux); point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP); for(i = 0; i < bsgs_aux; i++) { BSGS_AMP[i] = secp->Negation(point_temp); if(i == 0) { point_temp2 = secp->DoubleDirect(BSGS_MP); } else { point_temp2 = secp->AddDirect(point_temp,BSGS_MP); } point_temp.Set(point_temp2); } } point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP2); for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) { BSGS_AMP2[i] = secp->Negation(point_temp); if(i == 0) { point_temp2 = secp->DoubleDirect(BSGS_MP2); } else { point_temp2 = secp->AddDirect(point_temp,BSGS_MP2); } point_temp.Set(point_temp2); } printf("[+] Allocating %.2f MB for %" PRIu64 " bP Points\n",(double)((double)((uint64_t)bsgs_m2*(uint64_t)sizeof(struct bsgs_xvalue))/(double)1048576),bsgs_m2); //printf("[+] Allocating %.2f MB for bP Points\n",(float)((uint64_t)((uint64_t)bsgs_m*(uint64_t)sizeof(struct bsgs_xvalue))/(uint64_t)1048576)); bPtable = (struct bsgs_xvalue*) calloc(bsgs_m2,sizeof(struct bsgs_xvalue)); if(bPtable == NULL) { printf("[E] error malloc()\n"); exit(0); } i = 0; j = 0; BASE = 0; PERTHREAD = bsgs_m /NTHREADS; PERTHREAD_R = bsgs_m % NTHREADS; temp = (struct bPload *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(struct bPload)); tid = (pthread_t *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_t)); if(FLAGPRECALCUTED_P_FILE) { printf("[+] Reading %lu bP points from file %s\n",bsgs_m,precalculated_p_filename); for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { temp[i].threadid = i; temp[i].counter = 0; if(i < NTHREADS -1) { temp[i].from = BASE +1; temp[i].to = BASE + PERTHREAD; } else { temp[i].from = BASE + 1; temp[i].to = BASE + PERTHREAD + PERTHREAD_R; } if(FLAGDEBUG) printf("[I] %lu to %lu\n",temp[i].from,temp[i].to); s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_bPloadFile,(void *)&temp[i]); BASE+=PERTHREAD; } } else { for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { temp[i].counter = 0; if(i < NTHREADS -1) { temp[i].from = BASE +1; temp[i].to = BASE + PERTHREAD; } else { temp[i].from = BASE + 1; temp[i].to = BASE + PERTHREAD + PERTHREAD_R; } if(FLAGDEBUG) printf("[I] %lu to %lu\n",temp[i].from,temp[i].to); s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_bPload,(void *)&temp[i]); BASE+=PERTHREAD; } } total_precalculated = 0; do { sleep_ms(100); total_precalculated = 0; for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { total_precalculated+=temp[i].counter; } printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : %i%%",total_precalculated,bsgs_m,(int) (((double)total_precalculated/(double)bsgs_m)*100)); } while(total_precalculated < bsgs_m); for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { pthread_join(tid[i], NULL); } printf("\n"); free(temp); free(tid); printf("[+] Sorting %lu elements... ",bsgs_m2); bsgs_sort(bPtable,bsgs_m2); printf("Done!\n"); i = 0; steps = (unsigned int *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(int)); ends = (unsigned int *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(int)); tid = (pthread_t *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_t)); DEBUGCOUNT = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)bsgs_m * (uint64_t)bsgs_aux); for(i= 0;i < NTHREADS; i++) { tt = (tothread*) malloc(sizeof(struct tothread)); tt->nt = i; if(FLAGRANDOM) { s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_process_bsgs_random,(void *)tt); } else { s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_process_bsgs,(void *)tt); } if(s != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] pthread_create thread_process\n"); exit(0); } } free(aux); } if(FLAGMODE != MODE_BSGS) { steps = (unsigned int *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(int)); ends = (unsigned int *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(int)); tid = (pthread_t *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_t)); for(i= 0;i < NTHREADS; i++) { tt = (tothread*) malloc(sizeof(struct tothread)); tt->nt = i; steps[i] = 0; switch(FLAGMODE) { case MODE_ADDRESS: case MODE_XPOINT: case MODE_RMD160: s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_process,(void *)tt); break; case MODE_PUB2RMD: s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_pub2rmd,(void *)tt); break; } if(s != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] pthread_create thread_process\n"); exit(0); } } } continue_flag = 1; total.SetInt32(0); pretotal.SetInt32(0); debugcount_mpz.SetInt64(DEBUGCOUNT); seconds.SetInt32(0); do { sleep(1); seconds.AddOne(); check_flag = 1; for(i = 0; i = 1) { half = (max - min)/2; rcmp = memcmp(data,buffer[current+half].value,20); if(rcmp == 0) { r = 1; //Found!! } else { if(rcmp < 0) { //data < temp_read max = (max-half); } else { // data > temp_read min = (min+half); } current = min; } } return r; } void *thread_process(void *vargp) { struct tothread *tt; Point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE]; Int dx[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1]; IntGroup *grp = new IntGroup(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1); Point startP; Int dy; Int dyn; Int _s; Int _p; Point pp; Point pn; int hLength = (CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1); uint64_t i,j; Point R,temporal; uint64_t count = 0; int r,thread_number,found,continue_flag = 1; char *public_key_compressed,*public_key_uncompressed,hexstrpoint[65],rawvalue[32]; char *publickeyhashrmd160_compress,*publickeyhashrmd160_uncompress; char *hextemp,*public_key_compressed_hex,*public_key_uncompressed_hex; char *eth_address; char *public_address_compressed,*public_address_uncompressed; unsigned long longtemp; FILE *keys,*vanityKeys; Int key_mpz,mpz_bit_range_min,mpz_bit_range_max,mpz_bit_range_diff; tt = (struct tothread *)vargp; thread_number = tt->nt; free(tt); found = 0; grp->Set(dx); do { if(FLAGRANDOM){ key_mpz.Rand(&n_range_start,&n_range_end); } else { if(n_range_start.IsLower(&n_range_end)){ pthread_mutex_lock(&write_random); key_mpz.Set(&n_range_start); n_range_start.Add(N_SECUENTIAL_MAX); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_random); } else { continue_flag = 0; } } if(continue_flag) { count = 0; do { if(FLAGQUIET == 0){ hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); printf("\rBase key: %s ",hextemp); fflush(stdout); free(hextemp); THREADOUTPUT = 1; } key_mpz.Add((uint64_t)CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2); startP = secp->ComputePublicKey(&key_mpz); key_mpz.Sub((uint64_t)CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2); for(i = 0; i < hLength; i++) { dx[i].ModSub(&Gn[i].x,&startP.x); } dx[i].ModSub(&Gn[i].x,&startP.x); // For the first point dx[i + 1].ModSub(&_2Gn.x,&startP.x); // For the next center point grp->ModInv(); pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2] = startP; for(i = 0; iGetPublicKeyRaw(false,pts[j]); break; case SEARCH_COMPRESS: public_key_compressed = secp->GetPublicKeyRaw(true,pts[j]); break; case SEARCH_BOTH: public_key_uncompressed = secp->GetPublicKeyRaw(false,pts[j]); public_key_compressed = secp->GetPublicKeyRaw(true,pts[j]); break; } break; } switch(FLAGMODE) { case MODE_ADDRESS: switch(FLAGSEARCH) { case SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS: public_address_uncompressed = pubkeytopubaddress(public_key_uncompressed,65); break; case SEARCH_COMPRESS: public_address_compressed = pubkeytopubaddress(public_key_compressed,33); break; case SEARCH_BOTH: public_address_compressed = pubkeytopubaddress(public_key_compressed,33); public_address_uncompressed = pubkeytopubaddress(public_key_uncompressed,65); break; } if(FLAGVANITY) { if(FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS || FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_BOTH){ if(strncmp(public_address_uncompressed,vanity,len_vanity) == 0) { hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); vanityKeys = fopen("vanitykeys.txt","a+"); if(vanityKeys != NULL) { fprintf(vanityKeys,"PrivKey: %s\nAddress uncompressed: %s\n",hextemp,public_address_uncompressed); fclose(vanityKeys); } printf("\nVanity privKey: %s\nAddress uncompressed: %s\n",hextemp,public_address_uncompressed); free(hextemp); } } if(FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_COMPRESS || FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_BOTH){ if(strncmp(public_address_compressed,vanity,len_vanity) == 0) { hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); vanityKeys = fopen("vanitykeys.txt","a+"); if(vanityKeys != NULL) { fprintf(vanityKeys,"PrivKey: %s\nAddress compressed: %s\n",hextemp,public_address_compressed); fclose(vanityKeys); } printf("\nVanity privKey: %s\nAddress compressed: %s\n",hextemp,public_address_compressed); free(hextemp); } } } if(FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_COMPRESS || FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_BOTH){ r = bloom_check(&bloom,public_address_compressed,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,public_address_compressed,N); if(r) { found++; hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); public_key_compressed_hex = tohex(public_key_compressed,33); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\naddress: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_compressed_hex,public_address_compressed); fclose(keys); } printf("\nHIT!! PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\naddress: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_compressed_hex,public_address_compressed); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(public_key_compressed_hex); free(hextemp); } } free(public_address_compressed); } if(FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS || FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_BOTH){ r = bloom_check(&bloom,public_address_uncompressed,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,public_address_uncompressed,N); if(r) { found++; hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); public_key_uncompressed_hex = tohex(public_key_uncompressed,65); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\naddress: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_uncompressed_hex,public_address_uncompressed); fclose(keys); } printf("\nHIT!! PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\naddress: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_uncompressed_hex,public_address_uncompressed); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(public_key_uncompressed_hex); free(hextemp); } } free(public_address_uncompressed); } if( (FLAGCRYPTO & CRYPTO_ETH) != 0) { /* mpz_export((public_key_uncompressed+1),&longtemp,1,8,1,0,R.x); mpz_export((public_key_uncompressed+33),&longtemp,1,8,1,0,R.y); public_address_uncompressed = pubkeytopubaddress_eth(public_key_uncompressed+1,64); //printf("Testing for %s\n",public_address_uncompressed); r = bloom_check(&bloom,public_address_uncompressed,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,public_address_uncompressed,N); if(r) { hextemp = (char*) malloc(65); mpz_get_str(hextemp,16,key_mpz); public_key_uncompressed_hex = tohex(public_key_uncompressed+1,64); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("keys.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\naddress: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_uncompressed_hex,public_address_uncompressed); fclose(keys); } printf("HIT!! PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\naddress: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_uncompressed_hex,public_address_uncompressed); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(public_key_uncompressed_hex); free(hextemp); } free(public_address_uncompressed); } */ } break; case MODE_RMD160: switch(FLAGSEARCH) { case SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS: publickeyhashrmd160_uncompress = publickeytohashrmd160(public_key_uncompressed,65); break; case SEARCH_COMPRESS: publickeyhashrmd160_compress = publickeytohashrmd160(public_key_compressed,33); break; case SEARCH_BOTH: publickeyhashrmd160_compress = publickeytohashrmd160(public_key_compressed,33); publickeyhashrmd160_uncompress = publickeytohashrmd160(public_key_uncompressed,65); break; } if(FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_COMPRESS || FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_BOTH){ r = bloom_check(&bloom,publickeyhashrmd160_compress,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,publickeyhashrmd160_compress,N); if(r) { found++; hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); public_key_compressed_hex = tohex(public_key_compressed,33); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_compressed_hex); fclose(keys); } printf("\nHIT!! PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_compressed_hex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(public_key_compressed_hex); free(hextemp); } } free(publickeyhashrmd160_compress); } if(FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS || FLAGSEARCH == SEARCH_BOTH){ r = bloom_check(&bloom,publickeyhashrmd160_uncompress,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,publickeyhashrmd160_uncompress,N); if(r) { found++; hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); public_key_uncompressed_hex = tohex(public_key_uncompressed,65); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_uncompressed_hex); fclose(keys); } printf("\nHIT!! PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_uncompressed_hex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(public_key_uncompressed_hex); free(hextemp); } } free(publickeyhashrmd160_uncompress); } break; case MODE_XPOINT: pts[j].x.Get32Bytes((unsigned char *)rawvalue); r = bloom_check(&bloom,rawvalue,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,rawvalue,N); if(r) { found++; hextemp = key_mpz.GetBase16(); pts[j] = secp->ComputePublicKey(&key_mpz); public_key_compressed = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(true,pts[j]); public_key_compressed_hex = tohex(public_key_compressed,33); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_compressed_hex); fclose(keys); } printf("\nHIT!! PrivKey: %s\npubkey: %s\n",hextemp,public_key_compressed_hex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(public_key_compressed_hex); free(public_key_compressed); free(hextemp); } } break; } if(FLAGMODE == MODE_ADDRESS || FLAGMODE == MODE_RMD160) { switch(FLAGSEARCH) { case SEARCH_UNCOMPRESS: free(public_key_uncompressed); break; case SEARCH_COMPRESS: free(public_key_compressed); break; case SEARCH_BOTH: free(public_key_compressed); free(public_key_uncompressed); break; } } count++; if(count % DEBUGCOUNT == 0) { steps[thread_number]++; } key_mpz.AddOne(); } // Next start point (startP + GRP_SIZE*G) pp = startP; dy.ModSub(&_2Gn.y,&pp.y); _s.ModMulK1(&dy,&dx[i + 1]); _p.ModSquareK1(&_s); pp.x.ModNeg(); pp.x.ModAdd(&_p); pp.x.ModSub(&_2Gn.x); pp.y.ModSub(&_2Gn.x,&pp.x); pp.y.ModMulK1(&_s); pp.y.ModSub(&_2Gn.y); startP = pp; }while(count <= N_SECUENTIAL_MAX && continue_flag); } } while(continue_flag); ends[thread_number] = 1; return NULL; } void _swap(struct address_value *a,struct address_value *b) { struct address_value t; t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } void _sort(struct address_value *arr,int64_t n) { uint32_t depthLimit = ((uint32_t) ceil(log(n))) * 2; _introsort(arr,depthLimit,n); } void _introsort(struct address_value *arr,uint32_t depthLimit, int64_t n) { int64_t p; if(n > 1) { if(n <= 16) { _insertionsort(arr,n); } else { if(depthLimit == 0) { _myheapsort(arr,n); } else { p = _partition(arr,n); if(p > 0) _introsort(arr , depthLimit-1 , p); if(p < n) _introsort(&arr[p+1],depthLimit-1,n-(p+1)); } } } } void _insertionsort(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n) { int64_t j; int64_t i; struct address_value key; for(i = 1; i < n ; i++ ) { key = arr[i]; j= i-1; while(j >= 0 && memcmp(arr[j].value,key.value,20) > 0) { arr[j+1] = arr[j]; j--; } arr[j+1] = key; } } int64_t _partition(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n) { struct address_value pivot; int64_t r,left,right; char *hextemp; r = n/2; pivot = arr[r]; left = 0; right = n-1; do { while(left < right && memcmp(arr[left].value,pivot.value,20) <= 0 ) { left++; } while(right >= left && memcmp(arr[right].value,pivot.value,20) > 0) { right--; } if(left < right) { if(left == r || right == r) { if(left == r) { r = right; } if(right == r) { r = left; } } _swap(&arr[right],&arr[left]); } }while(left < right); if(right != r) { _swap(&arr[right],&arr[r]); } return right; } void _heapify(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n, int64_t i) { int64_t largest = i; int64_t l = 2 * i + 1; int64_t r = 2 * i + 2; if (l < n && memcmp(arr[l].value,arr[largest].value,20) > 0) largest = l; if (r < n && memcmp(arr[r].value,arr[largest].value,20) > 0) largest = r; if (largest != i) { _swap(&arr[i],&arr[largest]); _heapify(arr, n, largest); } } void _myheapsort(struct address_value *arr, int64_t n) { int64_t i; for ( i = (n / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _heapify(arr, n, i); } for ( i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) { _swap(&arr[0] , &arr[i]); _heapify(arr, i, 0); } } /* OK */ void bsgs_swap(struct bsgs_xvalue *a,struct bsgs_xvalue *b) { struct bsgs_xvalue t; t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } /* OK */ void bsgs_sort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,int64_t n) { uint32_t depthLimit = ((uint32_t) ceil(log(n))) * 2; bsgs_introsort(arr,depthLimit,n); } /* OK */ void bsgs_introsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,uint32_t depthLimit, int64_t n) { int64_t p; if(n > 1) { if(n <= 16) { bsgs_insertionsort(arr,n); } else { if(depthLimit == 0) { bsgs_myheapsort(arr,n); } else { p = bsgs_partition(arr,n); if(p > 0) bsgs_introsort(arr , depthLimit-1 , p); if(p < n) bsgs_introsort(&arr[p+1],depthLimit-1,n-(p+1)); } } } } /* OK */ void bsgs_insertionsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n) { int64_t j; int64_t i; struct bsgs_xvalue key; for(i = 1; i < n ; i++ ) { key = arr[i]; j= i-1; while(j >= 0 && memcmp(arr[j].value,key.value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) { arr[j+1] = arr[j]; j--; } arr[j+1] = key; } } int64_t bsgs_partition(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n) { struct bsgs_xvalue pivot; int64_t r,left,right; char *hextemp; r = n/2; pivot = arr[r]; left = 0; right = n-1; do { while(left < right && memcmp(arr[left].value,pivot.value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) <= 0 ) { left++; } while(right >= left && memcmp(arr[right].value,pivot.value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) { right--; } if(left < right) { if(left == r || right == r) { if(left == r) { r = right; } if(right == r) { r = left; } } bsgs_swap(&arr[right],&arr[left]); } }while(left < right); if(right != r) { bsgs_swap(&arr[right],&arr[r]); } return right; } void bsgs_heapify(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n, int64_t i) { int64_t largest = i; int64_t l = 2 * i + 1; int64_t r = 2 * i + 2; if (l < n && memcmp(arr[l].value,arr[largest].value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) largest = l; if (r < n && memcmp(arr[r].value,arr[largest].value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) largest = r; if (largest != i) { bsgs_swap(&arr[i],&arr[largest]); bsgs_heapify(arr, n, largest); } } void bsgs_myheapsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n) { int64_t i; for ( i = (n / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bsgs_heapify(arr, n, i); } for ( i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) { bsgs_swap(&arr[0] , &arr[i]); bsgs_heapify(arr, i, 0); } } int bsgs_searchbinary(struct bsgs_xvalue *buffer,char *data,int64_t _N,uint64_t *r_value) { char *temp_read; int64_t min,max,half,current; int r = 0,rcmp; min = 0; current = 0; max = _N; half = _N; while(!r && half >= 1) { half = (max - min)/2; rcmp = memcmp(data+16,buffer[current+half].value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM); if(rcmp == 0) { *r_value = buffer[current+half].index; r = 1; } else { if(rcmp < 0) { max = (max-half); } else { min = (min+half); } current = min; } } return r; } void *thread_process_bsgs(void *vargp) { FILE *filekey; struct tothread *tt; char xpoint_raw[32],*aux_c,*hextemp; Int base_key,keyfound; Point base_point,point_aux,point_aux2,point_found,BSGS_S,BSGS_Q,BSGS_Q_AMP; uint32_t i,j,k,r,salir,thread_number,bloom_counter =0; tt = (struct tothread *)vargp; thread_number = tt->nt; free(tt); pthread_mutex_lock(&bsgs_thread); /* we need to set our base_key to the current BSGS_CURRENT value*/ base_key.Set(&BSGS_CURRENT); BSGS_CURRENT.Add(&BSGS_N); /*Then add BSGS_N to BSGS_CURRENT*/ /* We do this in an atomic pthread_mutex operation to not affect others threads so BSGS_CURRENT is never the same between threads */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&bsgs_thread); /* while base_key is less than n_range_end then: */ while(base_key.IsLower(&n_range_end) ) { //gmp_printf("While cycle: base_key : %Zd < n_range_end: %Zd\n",base_key,n_range_end); if(FLAGQUIET == 0){ aux_c = base_key.GetBase16(); printf("\r[+] Thread %s ",aux_c); fflush(stdout); free(aux_c); THREADOUTPUT = 1; } /* Set base_point in to base_key * G base_point = base_key * G */ // printf("[D] bsgs_point_number %u\n",bsgs_point_number); base_point = secp->ComputePublicKey(&base_key); /* We are going to need -( base_point * G) point_aux = -( base_point * G) */ point_aux = secp->Negation(base_point); /* hextemp = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(false,point_aux); printf("point_aux %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); hextemp = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(false,base_point); printf("base_point %s\n",hextemp); free(hextemp); */ for(k = 0; k < bsgs_point_number ; k++) { if(bsgs_found[k] == 0) { /*reset main variabler before the do-while cicle*/ /* Main cycle for every a in 0 to bsgs_m */ salir = 0; i = 0; BSGS_Q = secp->AddDirect(OriginalPointsBSGS[k],point_aux); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q); do { /* if(i == 52428 || i == 0 || i == 1) { aux_c = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(false,BSGS_S); hextemp = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(false,BSGS_AMP[i]); printf("\r[d] Debug: %s : %u\n",aux_c,i); printf("[d] Debug: BSGS_AMP %s : %u\n",hextemp,i); free(aux_c); free(hextemp); } */ /* We need to test individually every point in BSGS_Q */ /*Extract BSGS_S.x into xpoint_raw*/ BSGS_S.x.Get32Bytes((unsigned char*)xpoint_raw); /* Lookup for the xpoint_raw into the bloom filter*/ r = bloom_check(&bloom_bP[((unsigned char)xpoint_raw[0])],xpoint_raw,32); if(r) { bloom_counter++; /* Lookup for the xpoint_raw into the full sorted list*/ //r = bsgs_searchbinary(bPtable,xpoint_raw,bsgs_m,&j); r = bsgs_secondcheck(&base_key,i,k,&keyfound); if(r) { hextemp = keyfound.GetBase16(); printf("\n[+] Thread Key found privkey %s\n",hextemp); point_aux2 = secp->ComputePublicKey(&keyfound); aux_c = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(OriginalPointsBSGScompressed[k],point_aux2); printf("[+] Publickey %s\n",aux_c); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); filekey = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a"); if(filekey != NULL) { fprintf(filekey,"Key found privkey %s\nPublickey %s\n",hextemp,aux_c); fclose(filekey); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(hextemp); free(aux_c); bsgs_found[k] = 1; salir = 1; for(j = 0; j < bsgs_point_number && salir; j++) { salir &= bsgs_found[j]; } if(salir) { printf("All points were found\n"); exit(0); } } } BSGS_Q_AMP = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_Q,BSGS_AMP[i]); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q_AMP); i++; }while( i < bsgs_aux && !bsgs_found[k]); } //end if }// End for steps[thread_number]++; pthread_mutex_lock(&bsgs_thread); base_key.Set(&BSGS_CURRENT); BSGS_CURRENT.Add(&BSGS_N); pthread_mutex_unlock(&bsgs_thread); if(FLAGDEBUG ) printf("%u of %" PRIu64 "\n",bloom_counter,(uint64_t)(bsgs_aux*bsgs_point_number)); bloom_counter = 0; } ends[thread_number] = 1; return NULL; } void *thread_process_bsgs_random(void *vargp) { FILE *filekey; struct tothread *tt; char xpoint_raw[32],*aux_c,*hextemp; Int base_key,keyfound,n_range_random; Point base_point,point_aux,point_aux2,point_found,BSGS_S,BSGS_Q,BSGS_Q_AMP; uint32_t i,j,k,r,salir,thread_number,bloom_counter = 0; tt = (struct tothread *)vargp; thread_number = tt->nt; free(tt); pthread_mutex_lock(&bsgs_thread); /* | Start Range | End Range | None | 1 | EC.N | -b bit | Min bit value |Max bit value | -r A:B | A | B | */ // set base_key = random(end_range - start range) base_key.Rand(&n_range_start,&n_range_end); pthread_mutex_unlock(&bsgs_thread); /* while base_key is less than n_range_end then: */ while(base_key.IsLower(&n_range_end)) { //gmp_printf("While cycle: base_key : %Zd < n_range_end: %Zd\n",base_key,n_range_end); if(FLAGQUIET == 0){ aux_c = base_key.GetBase16(); printf("\r[+] Thread %s",aux_c); fflush(stdout); free(aux_c); THREADOUTPUT = 1; } /* Set base_point in to base_key * G base_point = base_key * G */ base_point = secp->ComputePublicKey(&base_key); /* We are going to need -( base_point * G) point_aux = -( base_point * G) */ point_aux = secp->Negation(base_point); /* We need to test individually every point in BSGS_Q */ for(k = 0; k < bsgs_point_number ; k++) { if(bsgs_found[k] == 0) { /*reset main variables before the do-while cicle*/ salir = 0; i = 0; /* Main cycle for every a in 0 to bsgs_aux */ BSGS_Q = secp->AddDirect(OriginalPointsBSGS[k],point_aux); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q); do { BSGS_S.x.Get32Bytes((unsigned char*)xpoint_raw); r = bloom_check(&bloom_bP[((unsigned char)xpoint_raw[0])],xpoint_raw,32); if(r) { bloom_counter++; /* Lookup for the xpoint_raw into the full sorted list*/ r = bsgs_secondcheck(&base_key,i,k,&keyfound); if(r) { hextemp = keyfound.GetBase16(); printf("\n[+] Thread Key found privkey %s\n",hextemp); point_aux2 = secp->ComputePublicKey(&keyfound); aux_c = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(OriginalPointsBSGScompressed[k],point_aux2); printf("[+] Publickey %s\n",aux_c); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); filekey = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a"); if(filekey != NULL) { fprintf(filekey,"Key found privkey %s\nPublickey %s\n",hextemp,aux_c); fclose(filekey); } free(hextemp); free(aux_c); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); bsgs_found[k] = 1; salir = 1; for(j = 0; j < bsgs_point_number && salir; j++) { salir &= bsgs_found[j]; } if(salir) { printf("All points were found\n"); exit(0); } } } BSGS_Q_AMP = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_AMP[i],BSGS_Q); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q_AMP); i++; } while( i < bsgs_aux && !bsgs_found[k]); } //End if } // End for with k bsgs_point_number steps[thread_number]++; pthread_mutex_lock(&bsgs_thread); base_key.Rand(&n_range_start,&n_range_end); pthread_mutex_unlock(&bsgs_thread); if(FLAGDEBUG ) printf("%u of %" PRIu64 "\n",bloom_counter,(uint64_t)(bsgs_aux*bsgs_point_number)); bloom_counter = 0; } ends[thread_number] = 1; return NULL; } /* The bsgs_secondcheck function is made to perform a second BSGS search in a Range of less size. This funtion is made with the especific purpouse to USE a smaller bPTable in RAM. This new and small bPtable is around ~ squareroot( K *squareroot(N)) */ int bsgs_secondcheck(Int *start_range,uint32_t a,uint32_t k_index,Int *privatekey) { uint64_t j = 0; int i = 0,found = 0,r = 0; Int base_key; Point base_point,point_aux; Point BSGS_Q, BSGS_S,BSGS_Q_AMP; char pubkey[131],xpoint_str[65],xpoint_raw[32],*hexvalue; base_key.Set(&BSGS_M); base_key.Mult((uint64_t) a); base_key.Add(start_range); base_point = secp->ComputePublicKey(&base_key); point_aux = secp->Negation(base_point); BSGS_S = secp->AddDirect(OriginalPointsBSGS[k_index],point_aux); BSGS_Q.Set(BSGS_S); do { BSGS_S.x.Get32Bytes((unsigned char *)xpoint_raw); r = bloom_check(&bloom_bPx2nd,xpoint_raw,32); if(r) { r = bsgs_searchbinary(bPtable,xpoint_raw,bsgs_m2,&j); if(r) { privatekey->Set(&BSGS_M2); privatekey->Mult((uint64_t)i); privatekey->Add((uint64_t)(j+1)); privatekey->Add(&base_key); point_aux = secp->ComputePublicKey(privatekey); if(point_aux.x.IsEqual(&OriginalPointsBSGS[k_index].x)) { found = 1; } else { privatekey->Set(&BSGS_M2); privatekey->Mult((uint64_t)i); privatekey->Sub((uint64_t)(j+1)); privatekey->Add(&base_key); point_aux = secp->ComputePublicKey(privatekey); if(point_aux.x.IsEqual(&OriginalPointsBSGS[k_index].x)) { found = 1; } } } } BSGS_Q_AMP = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_Q,BSGS_AMP2[i]); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q_AMP); i++; }while(i < 20 && !found); return found; } void *thread_bPloadFile(void *vargp) { FILE *fd; char rawvalue[32],*hextemp; struct bPload *tt; uint32_t j; uint64_t i; tt = (struct bPload *)vargp; fd = fopen(precalculated_p_filename,"rb"); if(fd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open file\n"); exit(0); } i = tt->from -1; j = tt->from -1; if(fseek(fd,(uint64_t)(i*32),SEEK_SET) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't seek the file at index %" PRIu64 ", offset %" PRIu64 "\n",i,(uint64_t)(i*32)); exit(0); } do { if(fread(rawvalue,1,32,fd) == 32) { if(i < bsgs_m2) { memcpy(bPtable[j].value,rawvalue+16,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM); bPtable[j].index = j; bloom_add(&bloom_bPx2nd, rawvalue, BSGS_BUFFERXPOINTLENGTH); j++; } bloom_add(&bloom_bP[((uint8_t)rawvalue[0])], rawvalue ,BSGS_BUFFERXPOINTLENGTH); i++; tt->counter++; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Can't read the file seen you have less items that the amount needed\n"); exit(0); } } while( i < tt->to ); pthread_exit(NULL); } void sleep_ms(int milliseconds) { // cross-platform sleep function #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(milliseconds); #elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); #else if (milliseconds >= 1000) sleep(milliseconds / 1000); usleep((milliseconds % 1000) * 1000); #endif } void *thread_pub2rmd(void *vargp) { FILE *fd; Int key_mpz; struct tothread *tt; uint64_t i,limit,j; char digest160[20]; char digest256[32]; char *temphex; int thread_number,r; int pub2rmd_continue = 1; struct publickey pub; limit = 0xFFFFFFFF; tt = (struct tothread *)vargp; thread_number = tt->nt; do { if(FLAGRANDOM){ key_mpz.Rand(&n_range_start,&n_range_diff); } else { if(n_range_start.IsLower(&n_range_end)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&write_random); key_mpz.Set(&n_range_start); n_range_start.Add(N_SECUENTIAL_MAX); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_random); } else { pub2rmd_continue = 0; } } if(pub2rmd_continue) { key_mpz.Get32Bytes(pub.X.data8); pub.parity = 0x02; pub.X.data32[7] = 0; if(FLAGQUIET == 0) { temphex = tohex((char*)&pub,33); printf("\r[+] Thread %s",temphex); fflush(stdout); THREADOUTPUT = 1; } for(i = 0 ; i < limit ; i++) { pub.parity = 0x02; sha256((char*)&pub, 33, digest256); RMD160Data((const unsigned char*)digest256,32, digest160); r = bloom_check(&bloom,digest160,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,digest160,N); if(r) { temphex = tohex((char*)&pub,33); printf("\nHit: Publickey found %s\n",temphex); fd = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(fd != NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); fprintf(fd,"Publickey found %s\n",temphex); fclose(fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); } else { fprintf(stderr,"\nPublickey found %s\nbut the file can't be open\n",temphex); exit(0); } free(temphex); } } pub.parity = 0x03; sha256((char*)&pub, 33, digest256); RMD160Data((const unsigned char*)digest256,32, digest160); r = bloom_check(&bloom,digest160,MAXLENGTHADDRESS); if(r) { r = searchbinary(addressTable,digest160,N); if(r) { temphex = tohex((char*)&pub,33); printf("\nHit: Publickey found %s\n",temphex); fd = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(fd != NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); fprintf(fd,"Publickey found %s\n",temphex); fclose(fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); } else { fprintf(stderr,"\nPublickey found %s\nbut the file can't be open\n",temphex); exit(0); } free(temphex); } } pub.X.data32[7]++; if(pub.X.data32[7] % DEBUGCOUNT == 0) { steps[thread_number]++; } } /* End for */ } /* End if */ } while(pub2rmd_continue); ends[thread_number] = 1; return NULL; } void init_generator() { Point g = secp->G; Gn.reserve(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2); Gn[0] = g; g = secp->DoubleDirect(g); Gn[1] = g; for(int i = 2; i < CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2; i++) { g = secp->AddDirect(g,secp->G); Gn[i] = g; } _2Gn = secp->DoubleDirect(Gn[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1]); } void *thread_bPload(void *vargp) { char *hextemp,rawvalue[32]; struct bPload *tt; uint64_t j_counter,i_counter; uint64_t i,j,nbStep; IntGroup *grp = new IntGroup(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1); Point startP; Int dx[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1]; Point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE]; Int dy; Int dyn; Int _s; Int _p; Point pp; Point pn; int hLength = (CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1); tt = (struct bPload *)vargp; Int km(tt->from); if(FLAGDEBUG) printf("[D] thread %i from %" PRIu64 " to %" PRIu64 "\n",tt->threadid,tt->from,tt->to); i_counter = tt->from -1; j_counter = tt->from -1; nbStep = (tt->to - (tt->from-1)) / CPU_GRP_SIZE; km.Add((uint64_t)(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2)); startP = secp->ComputePublicKey(&km); grp->Set(dx); for(uint64_t s=0;sModInv(); // We use the fact that P + i*G and P - i*G has the same deltax, so the same inverse // We compute key in the positive and negative way from the center of the group // center point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2] = startP; //Center point for(i = 0; ito) { bloom_add(&bloom_bP[((uint8_t)rawvalue[0])], rawvalue ,BSGS_BUFFERXPOINTLENGTH); tt->counter++; } i_counter++; } // Next start point (startP + GRP_SIZE*G) pp = startP; dy.ModSub(&_2Gn.y,&pp.y); _s.ModMulK1(&dy,&dx[i + 1]); _p.ModSquareK1(&_s); pp.x.ModNeg(); pp.x.ModAdd(&_p); pp.x.ModSub(&_2Gn.x); pp.y.ModSub(&_2Gn.x,&pp.x); pp.y.ModMulK1(&_s); pp.y.ModSub(&_2Gn.y); startP = pp; } delete grp; pthread_exit(NULL); }