#Version 0.1.20210306 K*BSGS - Added K factor for BSGS - Added bPfile.c to generate a precalculated file - Remove unused files about keccak and sha3 #Version 0.1.20210112 BSGS - Added mode BSGS this work with a file with uncompressed keys - Updated bloom filter to allow More items #Version 0.1.20201228 - Change Quicksort to Introsort, this solve some edge cases of quicksort. - Introsort is avaible to keyhunt and hexcharstoraw. worst case. O(N log N). - Aling of some output text #Version 0.1.20201223 - Added new tool hexcharstoraw to create a raw binary file for xpoint from a text-hexadecimal file - Added option -w to work with raw binary file, this file contains xpoint in binary format fixed to 32 bytes #Version 0.1.20201222 - Fixed some ugly bug in the searchbinary function thanks to Ujang - Added to stdout the vanitykeys found with -v option #Version 0.1.20201221 - Fixed search by xpoint. - Added -e option to skip the sort process whe the file is already sorted. - Fixed debugcount when upto N is less than debugcount. - Changed "-R upto" to "-R" and added "-n upto" option. #Version 0.1.20201218 - Minor bugs fixed. #Version 0.1.20201217 - First Realease - Thanks to all CryptoHunters to make this code possible