/* Develop by Alberto email: albertobsd@gmail.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base58/libbase58.h" #include "rmd160/rmd160.h" #include "oldbloom/oldbloom.h" #include "bloom/bloom.h" #include "sha3/sha3.h" #include "util.h" #include "secp256k1/SECP256k1.h" #include "secp256k1/Point.h" #include "secp256k1/Int.h" #include "secp256k1/IntGroup.h" #include "secp256k1/Random.h" #include "hash/sha256.h" #include "hash/ripemd160.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for inet_addr() #include // for pthread functions #define PORT 8080 #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define MODE_BSGS 2 uint32_t THREADBPWORKLOAD = 1048576; struct checksumsha256 { char data[32]; char backup[32]; }; struct bsgs_xvalue { uint8_t value[6]; uint64_t index; }; struct tothread { int nt; //Number thread char *rs; //range start char *rpt; //rng per thread }; struct bPload { uint32_t threadid; uint64_t from; uint64_t to; uint64_t counter; uint64_t workload; uint32_t aux; uint32_t finished; }; const char *version = "0.2.230519 Satoshi Quest"; const char *ip_default = ""; char *IP; int port; #define CPU_GRP_SIZE 1024 std::vector Gn; Point _2Gn; std::vector GSn; Point _2GSn; void menu(); void init_generator(); int sendstr(int client_fd,const char *str); void sleep_ms(int milliseconds); void bsgs_sort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,int64_t n); void bsgs_myheapsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n); void bsgs_insertionsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n); void bsgs_introsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,uint32_t depthLimit, int64_t n); void bsgs_swap(struct bsgs_xvalue *a,struct bsgs_xvalue *b); void bsgs_heapify(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n, int64_t i); int64_t bsgs_partition(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n); int bsgs_searchbinary(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,char *data,int64_t array_length,uint64_t *r_value); int bsgs_secondcheck(Int *start_range,uint32_t a,Int *privatekey); int bsgs_thirdcheck(Int *start_range,uint32_t a,Int *privatekey); void writekey(bool compressed,Int *key); void checkpointer(void *ptr,const char *file,const char *function,const char *name,int line); void* client_handler(void* arg); void calcualteindex(int i,Int *key); void *thread_process_bsgs(void *vargp); void *thread_bPload(void *vargp); void *thread_bPload_2blooms(void *vargp); char *publickeytohashrmd160(char *pkey,int length); void publickeytohashrmd160_dst(char *pkey,int length,char *dst); char *pubkeytopubaddress(char *pkey,int length); void pubkeytopubaddress_dst(char *pkey,int length,char *dst); void rmd160toaddress_dst(char *rmd,char *dst); int THREADOUTPUT = 0; char *bit_range_str_min; char *bit_range_str_max; const char *bsgs_modes[5] = {"secuential","backward","both","random","dance"}; pthread_t *tid = NULL; pthread_mutex_t write_keys; pthread_mutex_t write_random; pthread_mutex_t mutex_bsgs_thread; pthread_mutex_t *bPload_mutex; uint64_t FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER = 0; uint64_t FINISHED_THREADS_BP = 0; uint64_t THREADCYCLES = 0; uint64_t THREADCOUNTER = 0; uint64_t FINISHED_ITEMS = 0; uint64_t OLDFINISHED_ITEMS = -1; uint8_t byte_encode_crypto = 0x00; /* Bitcoin */ struct bloom bloom; uint64_t N = 0; uint64_t N_SECUENTIAL_MAX = 0x100000000; uint64_t DEBUGCOUNT = 0x400; uint64_t u64range; Int BSGSkeyfound; int FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM = 0; int FLAGBSGSMODE = 0; int FLAGDEBUG = 0; int KFACTOR = 1; int MAXLENGTHADDRESS = 20; int NTHREADS = 1; int FLAGSAVEREADFILE = 1; int FLAGREADEDFILE1 = 0; int FLAGREADEDFILE2 = 0; int FLAGREADEDFILE3 = 0; int FLAGREADEDFILE4 = 0; int FLAGUPDATEFILE1 = 0; int FLAGBITRANGE = 0; int FLAGRANGE = 0; int FLAGMODE = MODE_BSGS; int FLAG_N = 0; int bitrange; char *str_N; char *range_start; char *range_end; char *str_stride; Int stride; uint64_t BSGS_XVALUE_RAM = 6; uint64_t BSGS_BUFFERXPOINTLENGTH = 32; uint64_t BSGS_BUFFERREGISTERLENGTH = 36; /* BSGS Variables */ int bsgs_found; Point OriginalPointsBSGS; bool OriginalPointsBSGScompressed; uint64_t bytes; char checksum[32],checksum_backup[32]; char buffer_bloom_file[1024]; struct bsgs_xvalue *bPtable; struct oldbloom oldbloom_bP; struct bloom *bloom_bP; struct bloom *bloom_bPx2nd; //2nd Bloom filter check struct bloom *bloom_bPx3rd; //3rd Bloom filter check struct checksumsha256 *bloom_bP_checksums; struct checksumsha256 *bloom_bPx2nd_checksums; struct checksumsha256 *bloom_bPx3rd_checksums; pthread_mutex_t *bloom_bP_mutex; pthread_mutex_t *bloom_bPx2nd_mutex; pthread_mutex_t *bloom_bPx3rd_mutex; uint64_t bloom_bP_totalbytes = 0; uint64_t bloom_bP2_totalbytes = 0; uint64_t bloom_bP3_totalbytes = 0; uint64_t bsgs_m = 4194304; uint64_t bsgs_m2; uint64_t bsgs_m3; unsigned long int bsgs_aux; //int32_t bsgs_point_number; const char *str_limits_prefixs[7] = {"Mkeys/s","Gkeys/s","Tkeys/s","Pkeys/s","Ekeys/s","Zkeys/s","Ykeys/s"}; const char *str_limits[7] = {"1000000","1000000000","1000000000000","1000000000000000","1000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000"}; Int int_limits[7]; Int BSGS_GROUP_SIZE; Int BSGS_CURRENT; Int BSGS_R; Int BSGS_AUX; Int BSGS_N; Int BSGS_M; //M is squareroot(N) Int BSGS_M_double; Int BSGS_M2; //M2 is M/32 Int BSGS_M2_double; //M2_double is M2 * 2 Int BSGS_M3; //M3 is M2/32 Int BSGS_M3_double; //M3_double is M3 * 2 Int ONE; Int ZERO; Int MPZAUX; Point BSGS_P; //Original P is actually G, but this P value change over time for calculations Point BSGS_MP; //MP values this is m * P Point BSGS_MP2; //MP2 values this is m2 * P Point BSGS_MP3; //MP3 values this is m3 * P Point BSGS_MP_double; //MP2 values this is m2 * P * 2 Point BSGS_MP2_double; //MP2 values this is m2 * P * 2 Point BSGS_MP3_double; //MP3 values this is m3 * P * 2 std::vector BSGS_AMP2; std::vector BSGS_AMP3; Point point_temp,point_temp2; //Temp value for some process Int n_range_start; Int n_range_end; Int n_range_diff; Int n_range_aux; Secp256K1 *secp; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // File pointers FILE *fd_aux1, *fd_aux2, *fd_aux3; // Strings char *hextemp = NULL; char *bf_ptr = NULL; char *bPload_threads_available; // Buffers char rawvalue[32]; // 64-bit integers uint64_t BASE, PERTHREAD_R, itemsbloom, itemsbloom2, itemsbloom3; // 32-bit integers uint32_t finished; int readed, c, salir,i,s; // Custom integers Int total, pretotal, debugcount_mpz, seconds, div_pretotal, int_aux, int_r, int_q, int58; // Pointers struct bPload *bPload_temp_ptr; // Sizes size_t rsize; pthread_mutex_init(&write_keys,NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&write_random,NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_bsgs_thread,NULL); srand(time(NULL)); secp = new Secp256K1(); secp->Init(); ZERO.SetInt32(0); ONE.SetInt32(1); BSGS_GROUP_SIZE.SetInt32(CPU_GRP_SIZE); unsigned long rseedvalue; int bytes_read = getrandom(&rseedvalue, sizeof(unsigned long), GRND_NONBLOCK); if(bytes_read > 0) { rseed(rseedvalue); /* In any case that seed is for a failsafe RNG, the default source on linux is getrandom function See https://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/ */ } else { /* what year is?? WTF linux without RNG ? */ fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error getrandom() ?\n"); exit(0); rseed(clock() + time(NULL) + rand()*rand()); } port = PORT; IP = (char*)ip_default; printf("[+] Version %s, developed by AlbertoBSD\n",version); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "6hk:n:t:p:i:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case '6': FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM = 1; fprintf(stderr,"[W] Skipping checksums on files\n"); break; case 'h': // Show help menu menu(); break; case 'k': // Set KFACTOR KFACTOR = (int)strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(KFACTOR <= 0) { KFACTOR = 1; } printf("[+] K factor %i\n",KFACTOR); break; case 'n': // Set FLAG_N and str_N FLAG_N = 1; str_N = optarg; break; case 't': // Set number of threads (NTHREADS) NTHREADS = strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(NTHREADS <= 0) { NTHREADS = 1; } printf((NTHREADS > 1) ? "[+] Threads : %u\n": "[+] Thread : %u\n",NTHREADS); break; case 'p': port = (int) strtol(optarg,NULL,10); if(port <= 0 || port > 65535 ) { port = PORT; } break; case 'i': IP = optarg; break; default: // Handle unknown options fprintf(stderr,"[E] Unknow opcion -%c\n",c); exit(0); break; } } stride.Set(&ONE); init_generator(); if(FLAGMODE == MODE_BSGS ) { printf("[+] Mode BSGS %s\n",bsgs_modes[FLAGBSGSMODE]); } if(FLAGMODE == MODE_BSGS ) { BSGS_N.SetInt32(0); BSGS_M.SetInt32(0); BSGS_M.SetInt64(bsgs_m); if(FLAG_N) { //Custom N by the -n param /* Here we need to validate if the given string is a valid hexadecimal number or a base 10 number*/ /* Now the conversion*/ if(str_N[0] == '0' && (str_N[1] == 'x' || str_N[1] == 'X')) { /*We expected a hexadecimal value after 0x -> str_N +2 */ BSGS_N.SetBase16((char*)(str_N+2)); } else { BSGS_N.SetBase10(str_N); } } else { //Default N BSGS_N.SetInt64((uint64_t)0x100000000000); } if(BSGS_N.HasSqrt()) { //If the root is exact BSGS_M.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_M.ModSqrt(); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] -n param doesn't have exact square root\n"); exit(0); } BSGS_AUX.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_AUX.Mod(&BSGS_GROUP_SIZE); if(!BSGS_AUX.IsZero()){ //If M is not divisible by BSGS_GROUP_SIZE (1024) hextemp = BSGS_GROUP_SIZE.GetBase10(); fprintf(stderr,"[E] M value is not divisible by %s\n",hextemp); exit(0); } /* M 2199023255552 109951162777.6 M2 109951162778 5497558138.9 M3 5497558139 */ BSGS_M.Mult((uint64_t)KFACTOR); BSGS_AUX.SetInt32(32); BSGS_R.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_R.Mod(&BSGS_AUX); BSGS_M2.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_M2.Div(&BSGS_AUX); if(!BSGS_R.IsZero()) { /* If BSGS_M modulo 32 is not 0*/ BSGS_M2.AddOne(); } BSGS_M_double.SetInt32(2); BSGS_M_double.Mult(&BSGS_M); BSGS_M2_double.SetInt32(2); BSGS_M2_double.Mult(&BSGS_M2); BSGS_R.Set(&BSGS_M2); BSGS_R.Mod(&BSGS_AUX); BSGS_M3.Set(&BSGS_M2); BSGS_M3.Div(&BSGS_AUX); if(!BSGS_R.IsZero()) { /* If BSGS_M2 modulo 32 is not 0*/ BSGS_M3.AddOne(); } BSGS_M3_double.SetInt32(2); BSGS_M3_double.Mult(&BSGS_M3); bsgs_m2 = BSGS_M2.GetInt64(); bsgs_m3 = BSGS_M3.GetInt64(); BSGS_AUX.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_AUX.Div(&BSGS_M); BSGS_R.Set(&BSGS_N); BSGS_R.Mod(&BSGS_M); if(!BSGS_R.IsZero()) { /* if BSGS_N modulo BSGS_M is not 0*/ BSGS_N.Set(&BSGS_M); BSGS_N.Mult(&BSGS_AUX); } bsgs_m = BSGS_M.GetInt64(); bsgs_aux = BSGS_AUX.GetInt64(); hextemp = BSGS_N.GetBase16(); printf("[+] N = 0x%s\n",hextemp); bsgs_m = BSGS_M.GetInt64(); free(hextemp); if(((uint64_t)(bsgs_m/256)) > 10000) { itemsbloom = (uint64_t)(bsgs_m / 256); if(bsgs_m % 256 != 0 ) { itemsbloom++; } } else{ itemsbloom = 1000; } if(((uint64_t)(bsgs_m2/256)) > 1000) { itemsbloom2 = (uint64_t)(bsgs_m2 / 256); if(bsgs_m2 % 256 != 0) { itemsbloom2++; } } else { itemsbloom2 = 1000; } if(((uint64_t)(bsgs_m3/256)) > 1000) { itemsbloom3 = (uint64_t)(bsgs_m3/256); if(bsgs_m3 % 256 != 0 ) { itemsbloom3++; } } else { itemsbloom3 = 1000; } printf("[+] Bloom filter for %" PRIu64 " elements ",bsgs_m); bloom_bP = (struct bloom*)calloc(256,sizeof(struct bloom)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bP,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bP" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bP_checksums = (struct checksumsha256*)calloc(256,sizeof(struct checksumsha256)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bP_checksums,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bP_checksums" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bP_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*) calloc(256,sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bP_mutex,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bP_mutex" ,__LINE__ -1 ); fflush(stdout); bloom_bP_totalbytes = 0; for(i=0; i< 256; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&bloom_bP_mutex[i],NULL); if(bloom_init2(&bloom_bP[i],itemsbloom,0.000001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init _ %i\n",i); exit(0); } bloom_bP_totalbytes += bloom_bP[i].bytes; } printf(": %.2f MB\n",(float)((float)(uint64_t)bloom_bP_totalbytes/(float)(uint64_t)1048576)); printf("[+] Bloom filter for %" PRIu64 " elements ",bsgs_m2); bloom_bPx2nd_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*) calloc(256,sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bPx2nd_mutex,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bPx2nd_mutex" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bPx2nd = (struct bloom*)calloc(256,sizeof(struct bloom)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bPx2nd,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bPx2nd" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bPx2nd_checksums = (struct checksumsha256*) calloc(256,sizeof(struct checksumsha256)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bPx2nd_checksums,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bPx2nd_checksums" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bP2_totalbytes = 0; for(i=0; i< 256; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&bloom_bPx2nd_mutex[i],NULL); if(bloom_init2(&bloom_bPx2nd[i],itemsbloom2,0.000001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init _ %i\n",i); exit(0); } bloom_bP2_totalbytes += bloom_bPx2nd[i].bytes; } printf(": %.2f MB\n",(float)((float)(uint64_t)bloom_bP2_totalbytes/(float)(uint64_t)1048576)); bloom_bPx3rd_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*) calloc(256,sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bPx3rd_mutex,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bPx3rd_mutex" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bPx3rd = (struct bloom*)calloc(256,sizeof(struct bloom)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bPx3rd,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bPx3rd" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bloom_bPx3rd_checksums = (struct checksumsha256*) calloc(256,sizeof(struct checksumsha256)); checkpointer((void *)bloom_bPx3rd_checksums,__FILE__,"calloc","bloom_bPx3rd_checksums" ,__LINE__ -1 ); printf("[+] Bloom filter for %" PRIu64 " elements ",bsgs_m3); bloom_bP3_totalbytes = 0; for(i=0; i< 256; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&bloom_bPx3rd_mutex[i],NULL); if(bloom_init2(&bloom_bPx3rd[i],itemsbloom3,0.000001) == 1){ fprintf(stderr,"[E] error bloom_init %i\n",i); exit(0); } bloom_bP3_totalbytes += bloom_bPx3rd[i].bytes; } printf(": %.2f MB\n",(float)((float)(uint64_t)bloom_bP3_totalbytes/(float)(uint64_t)1048576)); BSGS_MP = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M); BSGS_MP_double = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M_double); BSGS_MP2 = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M2); BSGS_MP2_double = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M2_double); BSGS_MP3 = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M3); BSGS_MP3_double = secp->ComputePublicKey(&BSGS_M3_double); BSGS_AMP2.reserve(32); BSGS_AMP3.reserve(32); GSn.reserve(CPU_GRP_SIZE/2); i= 0; /* New aMP table just to keep the same code of JLP */ /* Auxiliar Points to speed up calculations for the main bloom filter check */ Point bsP = secp->Negation(BSGS_MP_double); Point g = bsP; GSn[0] = g; g = secp->DoubleDirect(g); GSn[1] = g; for(int i = 2; i < CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2; i++) { g = secp->AddDirect(g,bsP); GSn[i] = g; } /* For next center point */ _2GSn = secp->DoubleDirect(GSn[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1]); i = 0; point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP2); BSGS_AMP2[0] = secp->Negation(point_temp); BSGS_AMP2[0].Reduce(); point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP2_double); point_temp = secp->Negation(point_temp); for(i = 1; i < 32; i++) { BSGS_AMP2[i] = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_AMP2[i-1],point_temp); BSGS_AMP2[i].Reduce(); } i = 0; point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP3); BSGS_AMP3[0] = secp->Negation(point_temp); BSGS_AMP3[0].Reduce(); point_temp.Set(BSGS_MP3_double); point_temp = secp->Negation(point_temp); for(i = 1; i < 32; i++) { BSGS_AMP3[i] = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_AMP3[i-1],point_temp); BSGS_AMP3[i].Reduce(); } bytes = (uint64_t)bsgs_m3 * (uint64_t) sizeof(struct bsgs_xvalue); printf("[+] Allocating %.2f MB for %" PRIu64 " bP Points\n",(double)(bytes/1048576),bsgs_m3); bPtable = (struct bsgs_xvalue*) malloc(bytes); checkpointer((void *)bPtable,__FILE__,"malloc","bPtable" ,__LINE__ -1 ); memset(bPtable,0,bytes); if(FLAGSAVEREADFILE) { /*Reading file for 1st bloom filter */ snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_4_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m); fd_aux1 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux1 != NULL) { printf("[+] Reading bloom filter from file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { bf_ptr = (char*) bloom_bP[i].bf; /*We need to save the current bf pointer*/ readed = fread(&bloom_bP[i],sizeof(struct bloom),1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } bloom_bP[i].bf = (uint8_t*)bf_ptr; /* Restoring the bf pointer*/ readed = fread(bloom_bP[i].bf,bloom_bP[i].bytes,1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fread(&bloom_bP_checksums[i],sizeof(struct checksumsha256),1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } memset(rawvalue,0,32); if(FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM == 0) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bP[i].bf,bloom_bP[i].bytes,(uint8_t*)rawvalue); if(memcmp(bloom_bP_checksums[i].data,rawvalue,32) != 0 || memcmp(bloom_bP_checksums[i].backup,rawvalue,32) != 0 ) { /* Verification */ fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error checksum file mismatch! %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(i % 64 == 0 ) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf(" Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux1); memset(buffer_bloom_file,0,1024); snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_3_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m); fd_aux1 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux1 != NULL) { printf("[W] Unused file detected %s you can delete it without worry\n",buffer_bloom_file); fclose(fd_aux1); } FLAGREADEDFILE1 = 1; } else { /*Checking for old file keyhunt_bsgs_3_ */ snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_3_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m); fd_aux1 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux1 != NULL) { printf("[+] Reading bloom filter from file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { bf_ptr = (char*) bloom_bP[i].bf; /*We need to save the current bf pointer*/ readed = fread(&oldbloom_bP,sizeof(struct oldbloom),1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } memcpy(&bloom_bP[i],&oldbloom_bP,sizeof(struct bloom));//We only need to copy the part data to the new bloom size, not from the old size bloom_bP[i].bf = (uint8_t*)bf_ptr; /* Restoring the bf pointer*/ readed = fread(bloom_bP[i].bf,bloom_bP[i].bytes,1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } memcpy(bloom_bP_checksums[i].data,oldbloom_bP.checksum,32); memcpy(bloom_bP_checksums[i].backup,oldbloom_bP.checksum_backup,32); memset(rawvalue,0,32); if(FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM == 0) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bP[i].bf,bloom_bP[i].bytes,(uint8_t*)rawvalue); if(memcmp(bloom_bP_checksums[i].data,rawvalue,32) != 0 || memcmp(bloom_bP_checksums[i].backup,rawvalue,32) != 0 ) { /* Verification */ fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error checksum file mismatch! %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(i % 32 == 0 ) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf(" Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux1); FLAGUPDATEFILE1 = 1; /* Flag to migrate the data to the new File keyhunt_bsgs_4_ */ FLAGREADEDFILE1 = 1; } else { FLAGREADEDFILE1 = 0; //Flag to make the new file } } /*Reading file for 2nd bloom filter */ snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_6_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m2); fd_aux2 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux2 != NULL) { printf("[+] Reading bloom filter from file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { bf_ptr = (char*) bloom_bPx2nd[i].bf; /*We need to save the current bf pointer*/ readed = fread(&bloom_bPx2nd[i],sizeof(struct bloom),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } bloom_bPx2nd[i].bf = (uint8_t*)bf_ptr; /* Restoring the bf pointer*/ readed = fread(bloom_bPx2nd[i].bf,bloom_bPx2nd[i].bytes,1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fread(&bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i],sizeof(struct checksumsha256),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } memset(rawvalue,0,32); if(FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM == 0) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bPx2nd[i].bf,bloom_bPx2nd[i].bytes,(uint8_t*)rawvalue); if(memcmp(bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i].data,rawvalue,32) != 0 || memcmp(bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i].backup,rawvalue,32) != 0 ) { /* Verification */ fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error checksum file mismatch! %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(i % 64 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } fclose(fd_aux2); printf(" Done!\n"); memset(buffer_bloom_file,0,1024); snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_5_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m2); fd_aux2 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux2 != NULL) { printf("[W] Unused file detected %s you can delete it without worry\n",buffer_bloom_file); fclose(fd_aux2); } memset(buffer_bloom_file,0,1024); snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_1_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m2); fd_aux2 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux2 != NULL) { printf("[W] Unused file detected %s you can delete it without worry\n",buffer_bloom_file); fclose(fd_aux2); } FLAGREADEDFILE2 = 1; } else { FLAGREADEDFILE2 = 0; } /*Reading file for bPtable */ snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_2_%" PRIu64 ".tbl",bsgs_m3); fd_aux3 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux3 != NULL) { printf("[+] Reading bP Table from file %s .",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); rsize = fread(bPtable,bytes,1,fd_aux3); if(rsize != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } rsize = fread(checksum,32,1,fd_aux3); if(FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM == 0) { sha256((uint8_t*)bPtable,bytes,(uint8_t*)checksum_backup); if(memcmp(checksum,checksum_backup,32) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error checksum file mismatch! %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } printf("... Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux3); FLAGREADEDFILE3 = 1; } else { FLAGREADEDFILE3 = 0; } /*Reading file for 3rd bloom filter */ snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_7_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m3); fd_aux2 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"rb"); if(fd_aux2 != NULL) { printf("[+] Reading bloom filter from file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { bf_ptr = (char*) bloom_bPx3rd[i].bf; /*We need to save the current bf pointer*/ readed = fread(&bloom_bPx3rd[i],sizeof(struct bloom),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } bloom_bPx3rd[i].bf = (uint8_t*)bf_ptr; /* Restoring the bf pointer*/ readed = fread(bloom_bPx3rd[i].bf,bloom_bPx3rd[i].bytes,1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fread(&bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i],sizeof(struct checksumsha256),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error reading the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } memset(rawvalue,0,32); if(FLAGSKIPCHECKSUM == 0) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bPx3rd[i].bf,bloom_bPx3rd[i].bytes,(uint8_t*)rawvalue); if(memcmp(bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i].data,rawvalue,32) != 0 || memcmp(bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i].backup,rawvalue,32) != 0 ) { /* Verification */ fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error checksum file mismatch! %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(i % 64 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } fclose(fd_aux2); printf(" Done!\n"); FLAGREADEDFILE4 = 1; } else { FLAGREADEDFILE4 = 0; } } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE1 || !FLAGREADEDFILE2 || !FLAGREADEDFILE3 || !FLAGREADEDFILE4) { if(FLAGREADEDFILE1 == 1) { /* We need just to make File 2 to File 4 this is - Second bloom filter 5% - third bloom fitler 0.25 % - bp Table 0.25 % */ printf("[I] We need to recalculate some files, don't worry this is only 3%% of the previous work\n"); FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER = 0; FINISHED_THREADS_BP = 0; FINISHED_ITEMS = 0; salir = 0; BASE = 0; THREADCOUNTER = 0; if(THREADBPWORKLOAD >= bsgs_m2) { THREADBPWORKLOAD = bsgs_m2; } THREADCYCLES = bsgs_m2 / THREADBPWORKLOAD; PERTHREAD_R = bsgs_m2 % THREADBPWORKLOAD; if(PERTHREAD_R != 0) { THREADCYCLES++; } printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : %i%%\r",FINISHED_ITEMS,bsgs_m,(int) (((double)FINISHED_ITEMS/(double)bsgs_m)*100)); fflush(stdout); tid = (pthread_t *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_t)); bPload_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); checkpointer((void *)bPload_mutex,__FILE__,"calloc","bPload_mutex" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bPload_temp_ptr = (struct bPload*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(struct bPload)); checkpointer((void *)bPload_temp_ptr,__FILE__,"calloc","bPload_temp_ptr" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bPload_threads_available = (char*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(char)); checkpointer((void *)bPload_threads_available,__FILE__,"calloc","bPload_threads_available" ,__LINE__ -1 ); memset(bPload_threads_available,1,NTHREADS); for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&bPload_mutex[i],NULL); } do { for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS && !salir; i++) { if(bPload_threads_available[i] && !salir) { bPload_threads_available[i] = 0; bPload_temp_ptr[i].from = BASE; bPload_temp_ptr[i].threadid = i; bPload_temp_ptr[i].finished = 0; if( THREADCOUNTER < THREADCYCLES-1) { bPload_temp_ptr[i].to = BASE + THREADBPWORKLOAD; bPload_temp_ptr[i].workload = THREADBPWORKLOAD; } else { bPload_temp_ptr[i].to = BASE + THREADBPWORKLOAD + PERTHREAD_R; bPload_temp_ptr[i].workload = THREADBPWORKLOAD + PERTHREAD_R; salir = 1; } s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_bPload_2blooms,(void*) &bPload_temp_ptr[i]); if(s != 0){ printf("Thread creation failed. Error code: %d\n", s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pthread_detach(tid[i]); BASE+=THREADBPWORKLOAD; THREADCOUNTER++; } } if(OLDFINISHED_ITEMS != FINISHED_ITEMS) { printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : %i%%\r",FINISHED_ITEMS,bsgs_m2,(int) (((double)FINISHED_ITEMS/(double)bsgs_m2)*100)); fflush(stdout); OLDFINISHED_ITEMS = FINISHED_ITEMS; } for(i = 0 ; i < NTHREADS ; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&bPload_mutex[i]); finished = bPload_temp_ptr[i].finished; pthread_mutex_unlock(&bPload_mutex[i]); if(finished) { bPload_temp_ptr[i].finished = 0; bPload_threads_available[i] = 1; FINISHED_ITEMS += bPload_temp_ptr[i].workload; FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER++; } } }while(FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER < THREADCYCLES); printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : 100%% \n",bsgs_m2,bsgs_m2); free(tid); free(bPload_mutex); free(bPload_temp_ptr); free(bPload_threads_available); } else{ /* We need just to do all the files - first bllom filter 100% - Second bloom filter 5% - third bloom fitler 0.25 % - bp Table 0.25 % */ FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER = 0; FINISHED_THREADS_BP = 0; FINISHED_ITEMS = 0; salir = 0; BASE = 0; THREADCOUNTER = 0; if(THREADBPWORKLOAD >= bsgs_m) { THREADBPWORKLOAD = bsgs_m; } THREADCYCLES = bsgs_m / THREADBPWORKLOAD; PERTHREAD_R = bsgs_m % THREADBPWORKLOAD; if(PERTHREAD_R != 0) { THREADCYCLES++; } printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : %i%%\r",FINISHED_ITEMS,bsgs_m,(int) (((double)FINISHED_ITEMS/(double)bsgs_m)*100)); fflush(stdout); tid = (pthread_t *) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_t)); bPload_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); checkpointer((void *)tid,__FILE__,"calloc","tid" ,__LINE__ -1 ); checkpointer((void *)bPload_mutex,__FILE__,"calloc","bPload_mutex" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bPload_temp_ptr = (struct bPload*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(struct bPload)); checkpointer((void *)bPload_temp_ptr,__FILE__,"calloc","bPload_temp_ptr" ,__LINE__ -1 ); bPload_threads_available = (char*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(char)); checkpointer((void *)bPload_threads_available,__FILE__,"calloc","bPload_threads_available" ,__LINE__ -1 ); memset(bPload_threads_available,1,NTHREADS); for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&bPload_mutex[i],NULL); } do { for(i = 0; i < NTHREADS && !salir; i++) { if(bPload_threads_available[i] && !salir) { bPload_threads_available[i] = 0; bPload_temp_ptr[i].from = BASE; bPload_temp_ptr[i].threadid = i; bPload_temp_ptr[i].finished = 0; if( THREADCOUNTER < THREADCYCLES-1) { bPload_temp_ptr[i].to = BASE + THREADBPWORKLOAD; bPload_temp_ptr[i].workload = THREADBPWORKLOAD; } else { bPload_temp_ptr[i].to = BASE + THREADBPWORKLOAD + PERTHREAD_R; bPload_temp_ptr[i].workload = THREADBPWORKLOAD + PERTHREAD_R; salir = 1; } s = pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_bPload,(void*) &bPload_temp_ptr[i]); if(s != 0){ printf("Thread creation failed. Error code: %d\n", s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pthread_detach(tid[i]); BASE+=THREADBPWORKLOAD; THREADCOUNTER++; } } if(OLDFINISHED_ITEMS != FINISHED_ITEMS) { printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : %i%%\r",FINISHED_ITEMS,bsgs_m,(int) (((double)FINISHED_ITEMS/(double)bsgs_m)*100)); fflush(stdout); OLDFINISHED_ITEMS = FINISHED_ITEMS; } for(i = 0 ; i < NTHREADS ; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&bPload_mutex[i]); finished = bPload_temp_ptr[i].finished; pthread_mutex_unlock(&bPload_mutex[i]); if(finished) { bPload_temp_ptr[i].finished = 0; bPload_threads_available[i] = 1; FINISHED_ITEMS += bPload_temp_ptr[i].workload; FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER++; } } }while(FINISHED_THREADS_COUNTER < THREADCYCLES); printf("\r[+] processing %lu/%lu bP points : 100%% \n",bsgs_m,bsgs_m); free(tid); free(bPload_mutex); free(bPload_temp_ptr); free(bPload_threads_available); } } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE1 || !FLAGREADEDFILE2 || !FLAGREADEDFILE4) { printf("[+] Making checkums .. "); fflush(stdout); } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE1) { for(i = 0; i < 256 ; i++) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bP[i].bf, bloom_bP[i].bytes,(uint8_t*) bloom_bP_checksums[i].data); memcpy(bloom_bP_checksums[i].backup,bloom_bP_checksums[i].data,32); } printf("."); } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE2) { for(i = 0; i < 256 ; i++) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bPx2nd[i].bf, bloom_bPx2nd[i].bytes,(uint8_t*) bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i].data); memcpy(bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i].backup,bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i].data,32); } printf("."); } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE4) { for(i = 0; i < 256 ; i++) { sha256((uint8_t*)bloom_bPx3rd[i].bf, bloom_bPx3rd[i].bytes,(uint8_t*) bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i].data); memcpy(bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i].backup,bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i].data,32); } printf("."); } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE1 || !FLAGREADEDFILE2 || !FLAGREADEDFILE4) { printf(" done\n"); fflush(stdout); } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE3) { printf("[+] Sorting %lu elements... ",bsgs_m3); fflush(stdout); bsgs_sort(bPtable,bsgs_m3); sha256((uint8_t*)bPtable, bytes,(uint8_t*) checksum); memcpy(checksum_backup,checksum,32); printf("Done!\n"); fflush(stdout); } if(FLAGSAVEREADFILE || FLAGUPDATEFILE1 ) { if(!FLAGREADEDFILE1 || FLAGUPDATEFILE1) { snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_4_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m); if(FLAGUPDATEFILE1) { printf("[W] Updating old file into a new one\n"); } /* Writing file for 1st bloom filter */ fd_aux1 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"wb"); if(fd_aux1 != NULL) { printf("[+] Writing bloom filter to file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { readed = fwrite(&bloom_bP[i],sizeof(struct bloom),1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s please delete it\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(bloom_bP[i].bf,bloom_bP[i].bytes,1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s please delete it\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(&bloom_bP_checksums[i],sizeof(struct checksumsha256),1,fd_aux1); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s please delete it\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } if(i % 64 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf(" Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux1); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error can't create the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE2 ) { snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_6_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m2); /* Writing file for 2nd bloom filter */ fd_aux2 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"wb"); if(fd_aux2 != NULL) { printf("[+] Writing bloom filter to file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { readed = fwrite(&bloom_bPx2nd[i],sizeof(struct bloom),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(bloom_bPx2nd[i].bf,bloom_bPx2nd[i].bytes,1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(&bloom_bPx2nd_checksums[i],sizeof(struct checksumsha256),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s please delete it\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } if(i % 64 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf(" Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux2); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error can't create the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE3) { /* Writing file for bPtable */ snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_2_%" PRIu64 ".tbl",bsgs_m3); fd_aux3 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"wb"); if(fd_aux3 != NULL) { printf("[+] Writing bP Table to file %s .. ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); readed = fwrite(bPtable,bytes,1,fd_aux3); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(checksum,32,1,fd_aux3); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } printf("Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux3); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error can't create the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } if(!FLAGREADEDFILE4) { snprintf(buffer_bloom_file,1024,"keyhunt_bsgs_7_%" PRIu64 ".blm",bsgs_m3); /* Writing file for 3rd bloom filter */ fd_aux2 = fopen(buffer_bloom_file,"wb"); if(fd_aux2 != NULL) { printf("[+] Writing bloom filter to file %s ",buffer_bloom_file); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < 256;i++) { readed = fwrite(&bloom_bPx3rd[i],sizeof(struct bloom),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(bloom_bPx3rd[i].bf,bloom_bPx3rd[i].bytes,1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } readed = fwrite(&bloom_bPx3rd_checksums[i],sizeof(struct checksumsha256),1,fd_aux2); if(readed != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error writing the file %s please delete it\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } if(i % 64 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf(" Done!\n"); fclose(fd_aux2); } else { fprintf(stderr,"[E] Error can't create the file %s\n",buffer_bloom_file); exit(0); } } } } /* Here we already finish the BSGS setup - Baby table and bloom filters are alrady setup */ int server_fd, client_fd; struct sockaddr_in address; char clientIP[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; int clientPort,addrlen = sizeof(address); // Creating socket file descriptor if ((server_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == 0) { perror("socket failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Setting socket options int opt = 1; if (setsockopt(server_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR | SO_REUSEPORT, &opt, sizeof(opt))) { perror("setsockopt failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Setting address parameters address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP); address.sin_port = htons(PORT); // Binding socket to address if (bind(server_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) < 0) { perror("bind failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("[+] Listening in %s:%i\n",IP,port); // Listening for incoming connections if (listen(server_fd, 3) < 0) { perror("listen failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pthread_t tid; while(1) { // Accepting incoming connection if ((client_fd = accept(server_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&address, (socklen_t*)&addrlen)) < 0) { perror("accept failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(address.sin_addr), clientIP, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); clientPort = ntohs(address.sin_port); printf("[+] Accepting incoming conection from %s:%i\n",clientIP,clientPort); fflush(stdout); // Creating new thread to handle client if (pthread_create(&tid, NULL, client_handler, &client_fd) != 0) { perror("pthread_create failed"); printf("Failed to attend to one client\n"); } else { if (pthread_join(tid, NULL) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to join thread.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } printf("[+] Closing conection from %s:%i\n",clientIP,clientPort); fflush(stdout); } close(server_fd); } void pubkeytopubaddress_dst(char *pkey,int length,char *dst) { char digest[60]; size_t pubaddress_size = 40; sha256((uint8_t*)pkey, length,(uint8_t*) digest); RMD160Data((const unsigned char*)digest,32, digest+1); digest[0] = 0; sha256((uint8_t*)digest, 21,(uint8_t*) digest+21); sha256((uint8_t*)digest+21, 32,(uint8_t*) digest+21); if(!b58enc(dst,&pubaddress_size,digest,25)){ fprintf(stderr,"error b58enc\n"); } } void rmd160toaddress_dst(char *rmd,char *dst){ char digest[60]; size_t pubaddress_size = 40; digest[0] = byte_encode_crypto; memcpy(digest+1,rmd,20); sha256((uint8_t*)digest, 21,(uint8_t*) digest+21); sha256((uint8_t*)digest+21, 32,(uint8_t*) digest+21); if(!b58enc(dst,&pubaddress_size,digest,25)){ fprintf(stderr,"error b58enc\n"); } } char *pubkeytopubaddress(char *pkey,int length) { char *pubaddress = (char*) calloc(MAXLENGTHADDRESS+10,1); char *digest = (char*) calloc(60,1); size_t pubaddress_size = MAXLENGTHADDRESS+10; checkpointer((void *)pubaddress,__FILE__,"malloc","pubaddress" ,__LINE__ -1 ); checkpointer((void *)digest,__FILE__,"malloc","digest" ,__LINE__ -1 ); //digest [000...0] sha256((uint8_t*)pkey, length,(uint8_t*) digest); //digest [SHA256 32 bytes+000....0] RMD160Data((const unsigned char*)digest,32, digest+1); //digest [? +RMD160 20 bytes+????000....0] digest[0] = 0; //digest [0 +RMD160 20 bytes+????000....0] sha256((uint8_t*)digest, 21,(uint8_t*) digest+21); //digest [0 +RMD160 20 bytes+SHA256 32 bytes+....0] sha256((uint8_t*)digest+21, 32,(uint8_t*) digest+21); //digest [0 +RMD160 20 bytes+SHA256 32 bytes+....0] if(!b58enc(pubaddress,&pubaddress_size,digest,25)){ fprintf(stderr,"error b58enc\n"); } free(digest); return pubaddress; // pubaddress need to be free by te caller funtion } void publickeytohashrmd160_dst(char *pkey,int length,char *dst) { char digest[32]; //digest [000...0] sha256((uint8_t*)pkey, length,(uint8_t*) digest); //digest [SHA256 32 bytes] RMD160Data((const unsigned char*)digest,32, dst); //hash160 [RMD160 20 bytes] } char *publickeytohashrmd160(char *pkey,int length) { char *hash160 = (char*) malloc(20); char *digest = (char*) malloc(32); checkpointer((void *)hash160,__FILE__,"malloc","hash160" ,__LINE__ -1 ); checkpointer((void *)digest,__FILE__,"malloc","digest" ,__LINE__ -1 ); //digest [000...0] sha256((uint8_t*)pkey, length,(uint8_t*) digest); //digest [SHA256 32 bytes] RMD160Data((const unsigned char*)digest,32, hash160); //hash160 [RMD160 20 bytes] free(digest); return hash160; // hash160 need to be free by te caller funtion } /* OK */ void bsgs_swap(struct bsgs_xvalue *a,struct bsgs_xvalue *b) { struct bsgs_xvalue t; t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } /* OK */ void bsgs_sort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,int64_t n) { uint32_t depthLimit = ((uint32_t) ceil(log(n))) * 2; bsgs_introsort(arr,depthLimit,n); } /* OK */ void bsgs_introsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr,uint32_t depthLimit, int64_t n) { int64_t p; if(n > 1) { if(n <= 16) { bsgs_insertionsort(arr,n); } else { if(depthLimit == 0) { bsgs_myheapsort(arr,n); } else { p = bsgs_partition(arr,n); if(p > 0) bsgs_introsort(arr , depthLimit-1 , p); if(p < n) bsgs_introsort(&arr[p+1],depthLimit-1,n-(p+1)); } } } } /* OK */ void bsgs_insertionsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n) { int64_t j; int64_t i; struct bsgs_xvalue key; for(i = 1; i < n ; i++ ) { key = arr[i]; j= i-1; while(j >= 0 && memcmp(arr[j].value,key.value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) { arr[j+1] = arr[j]; j--; } arr[j+1] = key; } } int64_t bsgs_partition(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n) { struct bsgs_xvalue pivot; int64_t r,left,right; r = n/2; pivot = arr[r]; left = 0; right = n-1; do { while(left < right && memcmp(arr[left].value,pivot.value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) <= 0 ) { left++; } while(right >= left && memcmp(arr[right].value,pivot.value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) { right--; } if(left < right) { if(left == r || right == r) { if(left == r) { r = right; } if(right == r) { r = left; } } bsgs_swap(&arr[right],&arr[left]); } }while(left < right); if(right != r) { bsgs_swap(&arr[right],&arr[r]); } return right; } void bsgs_heapify(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n, int64_t i) { int64_t largest = i; int64_t l = 2 * i + 1; int64_t r = 2 * i + 2; if (l < n && memcmp(arr[l].value,arr[largest].value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) largest = l; if (r < n && memcmp(arr[r].value,arr[largest].value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM) > 0) largest = r; if (largest != i) { bsgs_swap(&arr[i],&arr[largest]); bsgs_heapify(arr, n, largest); } } void bsgs_myheapsort(struct bsgs_xvalue *arr, int64_t n) { int64_t i; for ( i = (n / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bsgs_heapify(arr, n, i); } for ( i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) { bsgs_swap(&arr[0] , &arr[i]); bsgs_heapify(arr, i, 0); } } int bsgs_searchbinary(struct bsgs_xvalue *buffer,char *data,int64_t array_length,uint64_t *r_value) { int64_t min,max,half,current; int r = 0,rcmp; min = 0; current = 0; max = array_length; half = array_length; while(!r && half >= 1) { half = (max - min)/2; rcmp = memcmp(data+16,buffer[current+half].value,BSGS_XVALUE_RAM); if(rcmp == 0) { *r_value = buffer[current+half].index; r = 1; } else { if(rcmp < 0) { max = (max-half); } else { min = (min+half); } current = min; } } return r; } void *thread_process_bsgs(void *vargp) { FILE *filekey; char xpoint_raw[32],*aux_c,*hextemp; Int base_key,keyfound; Point base_point,point_aux,point_found; uint32_t r, cycles; IntGroup *grp = new IntGroup(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1); Point startP; int hLength = (CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1); Int dx[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1]; Point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE]; Int dy; Int dyn; Int _s; Int _p; Int km,intaux; Point pp; Point pn; grp->Set(dx); cycles = bsgs_aux / 1024; if(bsgs_aux % 1024 != 0) { cycles++; } intaux.Set(&BSGS_M_double); intaux.Mult(CPU_GRP_SIZE/2); intaux.Add(&BSGS_M); /* intaux hold the Current middle range value (Current) (BSGS_M*2) * (CPU_GRP_SIZE/2) + BSGS_M or (BSGS_M * 512) + BSGS_M */ /* while base_key is less than n_range_end then: */ do { /* We do this in an atomic pthread_mutex operation to not affect others threads so BSGS_CURRENT is never the same between threads */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_bsgs_thread); base_key.Set(&BSGS_CURRENT); /* we need to set our base_key to the current BSGS_CURRENT value*/ BSGS_CURRENT.Add(&BSGS_N); /*Then add BSGS_N to BSGS_CURRENT*/ BSGS_CURRENT.Add(&BSGS_N); /*Then add BSGS_N to BSGS_CURRENT*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_bsgs_thread); if(base_key.IsGreaterOrEqual(&n_range_end)) break; //base point is the point of the current start range (Base_key) base_point = secp->ComputePublicKey(&base_key); km.Set(&base_key); km.Neg(); km.Add(&secp->order); km.Sub(&intaux); //point_aux =-( basekey + ((BSGS_M*2) * 512) + BSGS_M) point_aux = secp->ComputePublicKey(&km); if(base_point.equals(OriginalPointsBSGS)) { hextemp = base_key.GetBase16(); printf("[+] Thread Key found privkey %s \n",hextemp); aux_c = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(OriginalPointsBSGScompressed,base_point); printf("[+] Publickey %s\n",aux_c); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); filekey = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a"); if(filekey != NULL) { fprintf(filekey,"Key found privkey %s\nPublickey %s\n",hextemp,aux_c); fclose(filekey); } BSGSkeyfound.Set(&base_key); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(hextemp); free(aux_c); bsgs_found = 1; } else { startP = secp->AddDirect(OriginalPointsBSGS,point_aux); uint32_t j = 0; while( j < cycles && bsgs_found == 0 ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < hLength; i++) { dx[i].ModSub(&GSn[i].x,&startP.x); } dx[i].ModSub(&GSn[i].x,&startP.x); // For the first point dx[i+1].ModSub(&_2GSn.x,&startP.x); // For the next center point // Grouped ModInv grp->ModInv(); /* We use the fact that P + i*G and P - i*G has the same deltax, so the same inverse We compute key in the positive and negative way from the center of the group */ // center point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2] = startP; for(i = 0; iComputePublicKey(&keyfound); aux_c = secp->GetPublicKeyHex(OriginalPointsBSGScompressed,point_found); printf("[+] Publickey %s\n",aux_c); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); filekey = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a"); if(filekey != NULL) { fprintf(filekey,"Key found privkey %s\nPublickey %s\n",hextemp,aux_c); fclose(filekey); } BSGSkeyfound.Set(&keyfound); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(hextemp); free(aux_c); bsgs_found = 1; } //End if second check }//End if first check }// For for pts variable // Next start point (startP += (bsSize*GRP_SIZE).G) pp = startP; dy.ModSub(&_2GSn.y,&pp.y); _s.ModMulK1(&dy,&dx[i + 1]); _p.ModSquareK1(&_s); pp.x.ModNeg(); pp.x.ModAdd(&_p); pp.x.ModSub(&_2GSn.x); /* For this BSGS we only need to calculate the Y value of the next start point */ pp.y.ModSub(&_2GSn.x,&pp.x); pp.y.ModMulK1(&_s); pp.y.ModSub(&_2GSn.y); startP = pp; j++; } //while all the aMP points } // end else }while(base_key.IsLower(&n_range_end) && bsgs_found == 0); delete grp; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* The bsgs_secondcheck function is made to perform a second BSGS search in a Range of less size. This funtion is made with the especific purpouse to USE a smaller bPtable in RAM. */ int bsgs_secondcheck(Int *start_range,uint32_t a,Int *privatekey) { int i = 0,found = 0,r = 0; Int base_key; Point base_point,point_aux; Point BSGS_Q, BSGS_S,BSGS_Q_AMP; char xpoint_raw[32]; base_key.Set(&BSGS_M_double); base_key.Mult((uint64_t) a); base_key.Add(start_range); base_point = secp->ComputePublicKey(&base_key); point_aux = secp->Negation(base_point); /* BSGS_S = Q - base_key Q is the target Key base_key is the Start range + a*BSGS_M */ BSGS_S = secp->AddDirect(OriginalPointsBSGS,point_aux); BSGS_Q.Set(BSGS_S); do { BSGS_Q_AMP = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_Q,BSGS_AMP2[i]); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q_AMP); BSGS_S.x.Get32Bytes((unsigned char *) xpoint_raw); r = bloom_check(&bloom_bPx2nd[(uint8_t) xpoint_raw[0]],xpoint_raw,32); if(r) { found = bsgs_thirdcheck(&base_key,i,privatekey); } i++; }while(i < 32 && !found); return found; } int bsgs_thirdcheck(Int *start_range,uint32_t a,Int *privatekey) { uint64_t j = 0; int i = 0,found = 0,r = 0; Int base_key,calculatedkey; Point base_point,point_aux; Point BSGS_Q, BSGS_S,BSGS_Q_AMP; char xpoint_raw[32]; base_key.SetInt32(a); base_key.Mult(&BSGS_M2_double); base_key.Add(start_range); base_point = secp->ComputePublicKey(&base_key); point_aux = secp->Negation(base_point); BSGS_S = secp->AddDirect(OriginalPointsBSGS,point_aux); BSGS_Q.Set(BSGS_S); do { BSGS_Q_AMP = secp->AddDirect(BSGS_Q,BSGS_AMP3[i]); BSGS_S.Set(BSGS_Q_AMP); BSGS_S.x.Get32Bytes((unsigned char *)xpoint_raw); r = bloom_check(&bloom_bPx3rd[(uint8_t)xpoint_raw[0]],xpoint_raw,32); if(r) { r = bsgs_searchbinary(bPtable,xpoint_raw,bsgs_m3,&j); if(r) { calcualteindex(i,&calculatedkey); privatekey->Set(&calculatedkey); privatekey->Add((uint64_t)(j+1)); privatekey->Add(&base_key); point_aux = secp->ComputePublicKey(privatekey); if(point_aux.x.IsEqual(&OriginalPointsBSGS.x)) { found = 1; } else { calcualteindex(i,&calculatedkey); privatekey->Set(&calculatedkey); privatekey->Sub((uint64_t)(j+1)); privatekey->Add(&base_key); point_aux = secp->ComputePublicKey(privatekey); if(point_aux.x.IsEqual(&OriginalPointsBSGS.x)) { found = 1; } } } } else { /* For some reason the AddDirect don't return 000000... value when the publickeys are the negated values from each other Why JLP? This is is an special case */ if(BSGS_Q.x.IsEqual(&BSGS_AMP3[i].x)) { calcualteindex(i,&calculatedkey); privatekey->Set(&calculatedkey); privatekey->Add(&base_key); found = 1; } } i++; }while(i < 32 && !found); return found; } void calcualteindex(int i,Int *key) { if(i == 0) { key->Set(&BSGS_M3); } else { key->SetInt32(i); key->Mult(&BSGS_M3_double); key->Add(&BSGS_M3); } } void sleep_ms(int milliseconds) { // cross-platform sleep function #if defined(_WIN64) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) Sleep(milliseconds); #elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); #else if (milliseconds >= 1000) sleep(milliseconds / 1000); usleep((milliseconds % 1000) * 1000); #endif } void *thread_bPload(void *vargp) { char rawvalue[32]; struct bPload *tt; uint64_t i_counter,j,nbStep,to; IntGroup *grp = new IntGroup(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1); Point startP; Int dx[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1]; Point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE]; Int dy,dyn,_s,_p; Point pp,pn; int i,bloom_bP_index,hLength = (CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1) ,threadid; tt = (struct bPload *)vargp; Int km((uint64_t)(tt->from + 1)); threadid = tt->threadid; i_counter = tt->from; nbStep = (tt->to - tt->from) / CPU_GRP_SIZE; if( ((tt->to - tt->from) % CPU_GRP_SIZE ) != 0) { nbStep++; } to = tt->to; km.Add((uint64_t)(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2)); startP = secp->ComputePublicKey(&km); grp->Set(dx); for(uint64_t s=0;sModInv(); // We use the fact that P + i*G and P - i*G has the same deltax, so the same inverse // We compute key in the positive and negative way from the center of the group // center point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2] = startP; //Center point for(i = 0; ifinished = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&bPload_mutex[threadid]); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } void *thread_bPload_2blooms(void *vargp) { char rawvalue[32]; struct bPload *tt; uint64_t i_counter,j,nbStep; IntGroup *grp = new IntGroup(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1); Point startP; Int dx[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 + 1]; Point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE]; Int dy,dyn,_s,_p; Point pp,pn; int i,bloom_bP_index,hLength = (CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1) ,threadid; tt = (struct bPload *)vargp; Int km((uint64_t)(tt->from +1 )); threadid = tt->threadid; i_counter = tt->from; nbStep = (tt->to - (tt->from)) / CPU_GRP_SIZE; if( ((tt->to - (tt->from)) % CPU_GRP_SIZE ) != 0) { nbStep++; } km.Add((uint64_t)(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2)); startP = secp->ComputePublicKey(&km); grp->Set(dx); for(uint64_t s=0;sModInv(); // We use the fact that P + i*G and P - i*G has the same deltax, so the same inverse // We compute key in the positive and negative way from the center of the group // center point pts[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2] = startP; //Center point for(i = 0; ifinished = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&bPload_mutex[threadid]); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } /* This function takes in two parameters: publickey: a reference to a Point object representing a public key. dst_address: a pointer to an unsigned char array where the generated binary address will be stored. The function is designed to generate a binary address for Ethereum using the given public key. It first extracts the x and y coordinates of the public key as 32-byte arrays, and concatenates them to form a 64-byte array called bin_publickey. Then, it applies the KECCAK-256 hashing algorithm to bin_publickey to generate the binary address, which is stored in dst_address. */ void menu() { printf("\nUsage:\n"); printf("-h show this help\n"); printf("-k value Use this only with bsgs mode, k value is factor for M, more speed but more RAM use wisely\n"); printf("-n number Check for N sequential numbers before the random chosen, this only works with -R option\n"); printf("-t tn Threads number, must be a positive integer\n"); printf("-p port TCP port Number for listening conections"); printf("-i ip IP Address for listening conections"); printf("\nExample:\n\n"); printf("./bsgs -k 512 \n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void checkpointer(void *ptr,const char *file,const char *function,const char *name,int line) { if(ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"[E] error in file %s, %s pointer %s on line %i\n",file,function,name,line); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void writekey(bool compressed,Int *key) { Point publickey; FILE *keys; char *hextemp,*hexrmd,public_key_hex[132],address[50],rmdhash[20]; memset(address,0,50); memset(public_key_hex,0,132); hextemp = key->GetBase16(); publickey = secp->ComputePublicKey(key); secp->GetPublicKeyHex(compressed,publickey,public_key_hex); secp->GetHash160(P2PKH,compressed,publickey,(uint8_t*)rmdhash); hexrmd = tohex(rmdhash,20); rmd160toaddress_dst(rmdhash,address); pthread_mutex_lock(&write_keys); keys = fopen("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt","a+"); if(keys != NULL) { fprintf(keys,"Private Key: %s\npubkey: %s\nAddress %s\nrmd160 %s\n",hextemp,public_key_hex,address,hexrmd); fclose(keys); } printf("\nHit! Private Key: %s\npubkey: %s\nAddress %s\nrmd160 %s\n",hextemp,public_key_hex,address,hexrmd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&write_keys); free(hextemp); free(hexrmd); } void init_generator() { Point G = secp->ComputePublicKey(&stride); Point g; g.Set(G); Gn.reserve(CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2); Gn[0] = g; g = secp->DoubleDirect(g); Gn[1] = g; for(int i = 2; i < CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2; i++) { g = secp->AddDirect(g,G); Gn[i] = g; } _2Gn = secp->DoubleDirect(Gn[CPU_GRP_SIZE / 2 - 1]); } void* client_handler(void* arg) { int client_fd = *(int*)arg; char buffer[1024]; char *hextemp; int bytes_received; Tokenizer t; t.tokens = NULL; // Peek at the incoming data to determine its length bytes_received = recv(client_fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, MSG_PEEK); if (bytes_received <= 0) { close(client_fd); pthread_exit(NULL); } char* newline = (char*) memchr(buffer, '\n', bytes_received); size_t line_length = newline ? (newline - buffer) + 1 : bytes_received; bytes_received = recv(client_fd, buffer, line_length, 0); if (bytes_received <= 0) { close(client_fd); pthread_exit(NULL); } // Process the received bytes here buffer[bytes_received] = '\0'; stringtokenizer(buffer, &t); if (t.n != 3) { printf("Invalid input format from client, tokens %i : %s\n",t.n, buffer); freetokenizer(&t); sendstr(client_fd,"400 Bad Request"); close(client_fd); pthread_exit(NULL); } if(!secp->ParsePublicKeyHex(t.tokens[0],OriginalPointsBSGS,OriginalPointsBSGScompressed)) { printf("Invalid publickey format from client %s\n",t.tokens[0]); freetokenizer(&t); sendstr(client_fd,"400 Bad Request"); close(client_fd); pthread_exit(NULL); } if(!(isValidHex(t.tokens[1]) && isValidHex(t.tokens[1]))) { printf("Invalid hexadecimal format from client %s:%s\n",t.tokens[1],t.tokens[2]); freetokenizer(&t); sendstr(client_fd,"400 Bad Request"); close(client_fd); pthread_exit(NULL); } n_range_start.SetBase16(t.tokens[1]); n_range_end.SetBase16(t.tokens[2]); freetokenizer(&t); BSGS_CURRENT.Set(&n_range_start); bool *threads_created; pthread_t *threads; int *thread_args; threads_created = (bool*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(bool)); threads = (pthread_t*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(pthread_t)); thread_args = (int*) calloc(NTHREADS,sizeof(int)); checkpointer(threads_created,__FILE__,"calloc","threads_created",__LINE__); checkpointer(threads,__FILE__,"calloc","threads",__LINE__); checkpointer(thread_args,__FILE__,"calloc","thread_args",__LINE__); int i, rc; // Create threads for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { thread_args[i] = i; threads_created[i] = true; rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, thread_process_bsgs, &thread_args[i]); if (rc != 0) { printf("Failed to create thread %d\n", i); threads_created[i] = false; } } // Wait for threads to finish for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) { if(threads_created[i]){ rc = pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); if (rc != 0) { printf("Failed to join thread %d\n", i); } } } free(threads_created); free(threads); free(thread_args); int message_len; if(bsgs_found) { hextemp = BSGSkeyfound.GetBase16(); message_len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s",hextemp); free(hextemp); } else { message_len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "404 Not Found"); } bsgs_found = 0; int bytes_sent = send(client_fd, buffer, message_len, 0); if (bytes_sent == -1) { printf("Failed to send message to client\n"); } close(client_fd); pthread_exit(NULL); } int sendstr(int client_fd,const char *str) { int len = strlen(str); int bytes = send(client_fd, str, len, 0); if (bytes == -1) { printf("Failed to send message to client\n"); } return bytes; }