#For more information on .env files, their content and format: https://pypi.org/project/python-dotenv/ ###################################### ########### Admin Settings ########### ###################################### # Enable Admin GUI, available for the first user in LNBITS_ADMIN_USERS if available. # Warning: Enabling this will make LNbits ignore most configurations in file. Only the # configurations defined in `ReadOnlySettings` will still be read from the environment variables. # The rest of the settings will be stored in your database and you will be able to change them # only through the Admin UI. # Disable this to make LNbits use this config file again. LNBITS_ADMIN_UI=false # Change theme LNBITS_SITE_TITLE="LNbits" LNBITS_SITE_TAGLINE="free and open-source lightning wallet" LNBITS_SITE_DESCRIPTION="The world's most powerful suite of bitcoin tools. Run for yourself, for others, or as part of a stack." # Choose from bitcoin, mint, flamingo, freedom, salvador, autumn, monochrome, classic, cyber LNBITS_THEME_OPTIONS="classic, bitcoin, flamingo, freedom, mint, autumn, monochrome, salvador, cyber" # LNBITS_CUSTOM_LOGO="https://lnbits.com/assets/images/logo/logo.svg" HOST= PORT=5000 ###################################### ########## Funding Source ############ ###################################### # which fundingsources are allowed in the admin ui LNBITS_ALLOWED_FUNDING_SOURCES="VoidWallet, FakeWallet, CoreLightningWallet, CoreLightningRestWallet, LndRestWallet, EclairWallet, LndWallet, LnTipsWallet, LNPayWallet, LNbitsWallet, BlinkWallet, AlbyWallet, ZBDWallet, PhoenixdWallet, OpenNodeWallet" LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS=VoidWallet # VoidWallet is just a fallback that works without any actual Lightning capabilities, # just so you can see the UI before dealing with this file. # How many times to retry connectiong to the Funding Source before defaulting to the VoidWallet # FUNDING_SOURCE_MAX_RETRIES=4 # Invoice expiry for LND, CLN, Eclair, LNbits funding sources LIGHTNING_INVOICE_EXPIRY=3600 # Set one of these blocks depending on the wallet kind you chose above: # ClicheWallet CLICHE_ENDPOINT=ws:// # SparkWallet SPARK_URL=http://localhost:9737/rpc SPARK_TOKEN=myaccesstoken # CoreLightningWallet CORELIGHTNING_RPC="/home/bob/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc" # CoreLightningRestWallet CORELIGHTNING_REST_URL= CORELIGHTNING_REST_MACAROON="/path/to/clnrest/access.macaroon" # or BASE64/HEXSTRING CORELIGHTNING_REST_CERT="/path/to/clnrest/tls.cert" # LnbitsWallet LNBITS_ENDPOINT=https://demo.lnbits.com LNBITS_KEY=LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY # LndWallet LND_GRPC_ENDPOINT= LND_GRPC_PORT=10009 LND_GRPC_CERT="/home/bob/.lnd/tls.cert" LND_GRPC_MACAROON="/home/bob/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon" # or HEXSTRING # To use an AES-encrypted macaroon, set # LND_GRPC_MACAROON="eNcRyPtEdMaCaRoOn" # LndRestWallet LND_REST_ENDPOINT= LND_REST_CERT="/home/bob/.lnd/tls.cert" LND_REST_MACAROON="/home/bob/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon" # or HEXSTRING # To use an AES-encrypted macaroon, set # LND_REST_MACAROON_ENCRYPTED="eNcRyPtEdMaCaRoOn" # LNPayWallet LNPAY_API_ENDPOINT=https://api.lnpay.co/v1/ # Secret API Key under developers tab LNPAY_API_KEY=LNPAY_API_KEY # Wallet Admin in Wallet Access Keys LNPAY_WALLET_KEY=LNPAY_ADMIN_KEY # AlbyWallet ALBY_API_ENDPOINT=https://api.getalby.com/ ALBY_ACCESS_TOKEN=ALBY_ACCESS_TOKEN # ZBDWallet ZBD_API_ENDPOINT=https://api.zebedee.io/v0/ ZBD_API_KEY=ZBD_ACCESS_TOKEN # BlinkWallet BLINK_API_ENDPOINT=https://api.blink.sv/graphql BLINK_WS_ENDPOINT=wss://ws.blink.sv/graphql BLINK_TOKEN=BLINK_TOKEN # PhoenixdWallet PHOENIXD_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9740/ PHOENIXD_API_PASSWORD=PHOENIXD_KEY # OpenNodeWallet OPENNODE_API_ENDPOINT=https://api.opennode.com/ OPENNODE_KEY=OPENNODE_ADMIN_KEY # FakeWallet FAKE_WALLET_SECRET="ToTheMoon1" LNBITS_DENOMINATION=sats # EclairWallet ECLAIR_URL= ECLAIR_PASS=eclairpw # LnTipsWallet # Enter /api in LightningTipBot to get your key LNTIPS_API_KEY=LNTIPS_ADMIN_KEY LNTIPS_API_ENDPOINT=https://ln.tips ###################################### ####### Auth Configurations ########## ###################################### # Secret Key: will default to the hash of the super user. It is strongly recommended that you set your own value. AUTH_SECRET_KEY="" AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES=525600 # Possible authorization methods: user-id-only, username-password, google-auth, github-auth, keycloak-auth AUTH_ALLOWED_METHODS="user-id-only, username-password" # Set this flag if HTTP is used for OAuth # OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT="1" # Google OAuth Config # Make sure that the authorized redirect URIs contain https://{domain}/api/v1/auth/google/token GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="" GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET="" # GitHub OAuth Config # Make sure that the authorization callback URL is set to https://{domain}/api/v1/auth/github/token GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="" GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="" # Keycloak OAuth Config # Make sure that the valid redirect URIs contain https://{domain}/api/v1/auth/keycloak/token KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID="" KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET="" KEYCLOAK_DISCOVERY_URL="" ###################################### # uvicorn variable, uncomment to allow https behind a proxy # IMPORTANT: this also needs the webserver to be configured to forward the headers # http://docs.lnbits.org/guide/installation.html#running-behind-an-apache2-reverse-proxy-over-https # FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS="*" # Server security, rate limiting ips, blocked ips, allowed ips LNBITS_RATE_LIMIT_NO="200" LNBITS_RATE_LIMIT_UNIT="minute" LNBITS_ALLOWED_IPS="" LNBITS_BLOCKED_IPS="" # Allow users and admins by user IDs (comma separated list) # if set new users will not be able to create accounts LNBITS_ALLOWED_USERS="" LNBITS_ADMIN_USERS="" # ID of the super user. The user ID must exist. # SUPER_USER="" # Extensions only admin can access LNBITS_ADMIN_EXTENSIONS="ngrok, admin" # Extensions enabled by default when a user is created LNBITS_USER_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS="lnurlp" # Start LNbits core only. The extensions are not loaded. # LNBITS_EXTENSIONS_DEACTIVATE_ALL=true # Disable account creation for new users # LNBITS_ALLOW_NEW_ACCOUNTS=false # Enable Node Management without activating the LNBITS Admin GUI # by setting the following variables to true. LNBITS_NODE_UI=false LNBITS_PUBLIC_NODE_UI=false # Enabling the transactions tab can cause crashes on large Core Lightning nodes. LNBITS_NODE_UI_TRANSACTIONS=false LNBITS_DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME="LNbits wallet" # Ad space description # LNBITS_AD_SPACE_TITLE="Supported by" # csv ad space, format ";;, ;;", extensions can choose to honor # LNBITS_AD_SPACE="https://shop.lnbits.com/;https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lnbits/lnbits/main/lnbits/static/images/lnbits-shop-light.png;https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lnbits/lnbits/main/lnbits/static/images/lnbits-shop-dark.png" # LNBITS_SHOW_HOME_PAGE_ELEMENTS=true # if set to true, the ad space will be displayed on the home page # LNBITS_CUSTOM_BADGE="USE WITH CAUTION - LNbits wallet is still in BETA" # LNBITS_CUSTOM_BADGE_COLOR="warning" # Hides wallet api, extensions can choose to honor LNBITS_HIDE_API=false # LNBITS_EXTENSIONS_MANIFESTS="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lnbits/lnbits-extensions/main/extensions.json,https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lnbits/lnbits-extensions/main/extensions-trial.json" # GitHub has rate-limits for its APIs. The limit can be increased specifying a GITHUB_TOKEN # LNBITS_EXT_GITHUB_TOKEN=github_pat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Path where extensions will be installed (defaults to `./lnbits/`). # Inside this directory the `extensions` and `upgrades` sub-directories will be created. # LNBITS_EXTENSIONS_PATH="/path/to/some/dir" # Extensions to be installed by default. If an extension from this list is uninstalled then it will be re-installed on the next restart. # The extension must be removed from this list in order to not be re-installed. LNBITS_EXTENSIONS_DEFAULT_INSTALL="tpos" # Database: to use SQLite, specify LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER # to use PostgreSQL, specify LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=postgres://... # to use CockroachDB, specify LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=cockroachdb://... # for both PostgreSQL and CockroachDB, you'll need to install # psycopg2 as an additional dependency LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER="./data" # LNBITS_DATABASE_URL="postgres://user:password@host:port/databasename" # the service fee (in percent) LNBITS_SERVICE_FEE=0.0 # the wallet where fees go to # LNBITS_SERVICE_FEE_WALLET= # the maximum fee per transaction (in satoshis) # LNBITS_SERVICE_FEE_MAX=1000 # disable fees for internal transactions # LNBITS_SERVICE_FEE_IGNORE_INTERNAL=true # value in millisats LNBITS_RESERVE_FEE_MIN=2000 # value in percent LNBITS_RESERVE_FEE_PERCENT=1.0 # limit the maximum balance for each wallet # throw an error if the wallet attempts to create a new invoice # LNBITS_WALLET_LIMIT_MAX_BALANCE=1000000 # LNBITS_WALLET_LIMIT_DAILY_MAX_WITHDRAW=1000000 # LNBITS_WALLET_LIMIT_SECS_BETWEEN_TRANS=60 # Limit fiat currencies allowed to see in UI # LNBITS_ALLOWED_CURRENCIES="EUR, USD" ###################################### ###### Logging and Development ####### ###################################### DEBUG=false DEBUG_DATABASE=false BUNDLE_ASSETS=true # logging into LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER/logs/ ENABLE_LOG_TO_FILE=true # https://loguru.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/logger.html#file LOG_ROTATION="100 MB" LOG_RETENTION="3 months" # for database cleanup commands # CLEANUP_WALLETS_DAYS=90