# ---> Go # Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) *.o *.a *.so # Folders _obj _test # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes *.[568vq] [568vq].out *.cgo1.go *.cgo2.c _cgo_defun.c _cgo_gotypes.go _cgo_export.* _testmain.go *.exe *.test *.prof /lnd /lnd-debug /lncli /lncli-debug /lnd-itest /lncli-itest # Integration test log files itest/*.log itest/.backendlogs itest/.minerlogs itest/lnd-itest itest/litd-itest itest/btcd-itest itest/.logs-* itest/cover cmd/cmd *.key *.hex cmd/lncli/lncli # Files from mobile build. mobile/build mobile/*_generated.go # vim *.swp *.hex *.db *.bin vendor *.idea *.iml profile.cov profile.tmp .DS_Store .vscode # Coverage test coverage.txt # Visual Studio cache/options directory .vs/ # Release build directory (to avoid build.vcs.modified Golang build tag to be # set to true by having untracked files in the working directory). /lnd-*/