run: # timeout for analysis deadline: 10m # Skip autogenerated files for mobile and gRPC as well as copied code for # internal use. skip-files: - "mobile\\/.*generated\\.go" - "\\.pb\\.go$" - "\\.pb\\.gw\\.go$" - "internal\\/musig2v040" skip-dirs: - channeldb/migration_01_to_11 - channeldb/migration/lnwire21 build-tags: - autopilotrpc - chainrpc - dev - invoicesrpc - neutrinorpc - peersrpc - signrpc - walletrpc - watchtowerrpc - kvdb_etcd - kvdb_postgres - kvdb_sqlite - integration linters-settings: errorlint: # Check for incorrect fmt.Errorf error wrapping. errorf: true govet: # Don't report about shadowed variables check-shadowing: false gofmt: # simplify code: gofmt with `-s` option, true by default simplify: true tagliatelle: case: rules: json: snake whitespace: multi-func: true multi-if: true gosec: excludes: - G402 # Look for bad TLS connection settings. - G306 # Poor file permissions used when writing to a new file. staticcheck: go: "1.22.6" checks: ["-SA1019"] lll: # Max line length, lines longer will be reported. line-length: 80 # Tab width in spaces. tab-width: 8 funlen: # Checks the number of lines in a function. # If lower than 0, disable the check. lines: 200 # Checks the number of statements in a function. statements: 80 dupl: # Tokens count to trigger issue. threshold: 200 nestif: # Minimal complexity of if statements to report. min-complexity: 10 nlreturn: # Size of the block (including return statement that is still "OK") # so no return split required. block-size: 3 gomnd: # List of numbers to exclude from analysis. # The numbers should be written as string. # Values always ignored: "1", "1.0", "0" and "0.0" # Default: [] ignored-numbers: - '0666' - '0755' # List of function patterns to exclude from analysis. # Values always ignored: `time.Date` # Default: [] ignored-functions: - 'math.*' - 'strconv.ParseInt' - 'errors.Wrap' gomoddirectives: replace-allow-list: # See go.mod for the explanation why these are needed. - - - linters: enable-all: true disable: # Global variables are used in many places throughout the code base. - gochecknoglobals # We want to allow short variable names. - varnamelen # We want to allow TODOs. - godox # Instances of table driven tests that don't pre-allocate shouldn't trigger # the linter. - prealloc # Init functions are used by loggers throughout the codebase. - gochecknoinits # Deprecated linters. See - bodyclose - contextcheck - nilerr - noctx - rowserrcheck - sqlclosecheck - tparallel - unparam - wastedassign # Disable gofumpt as it has weird behavior regarding formatting multiple # lines for a function which is in conflict with our contribution # guidelines. See - gofumpt # Disable whitespace linter as it has conflict rules against our # contribution guidelines. See # # TODO(yy): bring it back when the above issue is fixed. - wsl # Allow using default empty values. - exhaustruct # Allow exiting case select faster by putting everything in default. - exhaustive # Allow tests to be put in the same package. - testpackage # Don't run the cognitive related linters. - gocognit - gocyclo - maintidx - cyclop # Allow customized interfaces to be returned from functions. - ireturn # Disable too many blank identifiers check. We won't be able to run this # unless a large refactor has been applied to old code. - dogsled # We don't wrap errors. - wrapcheck # Allow dynamic errors. - err113 # We use ErrXXX instead. - errname # Disable nil check to allow returning multiple nil values. - nilnil # We often split tests into separate test functions. If we are forced to # call t.Helper() within those functions, we lose the information where # exactly a test failed in the generated failure stack trace. - thelper # The linter is too aggressive and doesn't add much value since reviewers # will also catch magic numbers that make sense to extract. - gomnd # Some of the tests cannot be parallelized. On the other hand, we don't # gain much performance with this check so we disable it for now until # unit tests become our CI bottleneck. - paralleltest issues: # Only show newly introduced problems. new-from-rev: 8c66353e4c02329abdacb5a8df29998035ec2e24 exclude-rules: # Exclude gosec from running for tests so that tests with weak randomness # (math/rand) will pass the linter. - path: _test\.go linters: - gosec - funlen - revive # Allow duplications in tests so it's easier to follow a single unit # test. - dupl - path: mock* linters: - revive # forcetypeassert is skipped for the mock because the test would fail # if the returned value doesn't match the type, so there's no need to # check the convert. - forcetypeassert - path: test* linters: - gosec - funlen # Allow duplicated code and fmt.Printf() in DB migrations. - path: channeldb/migration* linters: - dupl - forbidigo - godot # Allow duplicated code and fmt.Printf() in DB migration tests. - path: channeldb/migtest linters: - dupl - forbidigo - godot # Allow fmt.Printf() in lncli. - path: cmd/lncli/* linters: - forbidigo # Allow fmt.Printf() in config parsing. - path: config\.go linters: - forbidigo - path: lnd\.go linters: - forbidigo - path: lnmock/* linters: # forcetypeassert is skipped for the mock because the test would fail # if the returned value doesn't match the type, so there's no need to # check the convert. - forcetypeassert - path: mock* linters: # forcetypeassert is skipped for the mock because the test would fail # if the returned value doesn't match the type, so there's no need to # check the convert. - forcetypeassert