# macaroons This is a more detailed, technical description of how macaroons work and how authentication and authorization is implemented in `lnd`. For a more high-level overview see [macaroons.md in the docs](../docs/macaroons.md). ## Root key At startup, if the option `--no-macaroons` is **not** used, a Bolt DB key/value store named `data/macaroons.db` is created with a bucket named `macrootkeys`. In this DB the following two key/value pairs are stored: * Key `0`: the encrypted root key (32 bytes). * If the root key does not exist yet, 32 bytes of pseudo-random data is generated and used. * Key `enckey`: the parameters used to derive a secret encryption key from a passphrase. * The following parameters are stored: `<salt><digest><N><R><P>` * `salt`: 32 byte of random data used as salt for the `scrypt` key derivation. * `digest`: sha256 hashed key derived from the `scrypt` operation. Is used to verify if the password is correct. * `N`, `P`, `R`: Parameters used for the `scrypt` operation. * The root key is symmetrically encrypted with the derived secret key, using the `secretbox` method of the library [btcsuite/golangcrypto](https://github.com/btcsuite/golangcrypto). * If the option `--noseedbackup` is used, then the default passphrase `hello` is used to encrypt the root key. ## Generated macaroons With the root key set up, `lnd` continues with creating three macaroon files: * `invoice.macaroon`: Grants read and write access to all invoice related gRPC commands (like generating an address or adding an invoice). Can be used for a web shop application for example. Paying an invoice is not possible, even if the name might suggest it. The permission `offchain` is needed to pay an invoice which is currently only granted in the admin macaroon. * `readonly.macaroon`: Grants read-only access to all gRPC commands. Could be given to a monitoring application for example. * `admin.macaroon`: Grants full read and write access to all gRPC commands. This is used by the `lncli` client. These three macaroons all have the location field set to `lnd` and have no conditions/first party caveats or third party caveats set. The access restrictions are implemented with a list of entity/action pairs that is mapped to the gRPC functions by the `rpcserver.go`. For example, the permissions for the `invoice.macaroon` looks like this: ```go // invoicePermissions is a slice of all the entities that allows a user // to only access calls that are related to invoices, so: streaming // RPCs, generating, and listening invoices. invoicePermissions = []bakery.Op{ { Entity: "invoices", Action: "read", }, { Entity: "invoices", Action: "write", }, { Entity: "address", Action: "read", }, { Entity: "address", Action: "write", }, } ``` ## Constraints / First party caveats There are currently two constraints implemented that can be used by `lncli` to restrict the macaroon it uses to communicate with the gRPC interface. These can be found in `constraints.go`: * `TimeoutConstraint`: Set a timeout in seconds after which the macaroon is no longer valid. This constraint can be set by adding the parameter `--macaroontimeout xy` to the `lncli` command. * `IPLockConstraint`: Locks the macaroon to a specific IP address. This constraint can be set by adding the parameter `--macaroonip a.b.c.d` to the `lncli` command. ## Bakery As of lnd `v0.9.0-beta` there is a macaroon bakery available through gRPC and command line. Users can create their own macaroons with custom permissions if the provided default macaroons (`admin`, `invoice` and `readonly`) are not sufficient. For example, a macaroon that is only allowed to manage peers with a default root key `0` would be created with the following command: ```shell $ lncli bakemacaroon peers:read peers:write ``` For even more fine-grained permission control, it is also possible to specify single RPC method URIs that are allowed to be accessed by a macaroon. This can be achieved by passing `uri:<methodURI>` pairs to `bakemacaroon`, for example: ```shell $ lncli bakemacaroon uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo uri:/verrpc.Versioner/GetVersion ``` The macaroon created by this call would only be allowed to call the `GetInfo` and `GetVersion` methods instead of all methods that have similar permissions (like `info:read` for example). A full list of available entity/action pairs and RPC method URIs can be queried by using the `lncli listpermissions` command. ### Upgrading from v0.8.0-beta or earlier Users upgrading from a version prior to `v0.9.0-beta` might get a `permission denied ` error when trying to use the `lncli bakemacaroon` command. This is because the bakery requires a new permission (`macaroon/generate`) to access. Users can obtain a new `admin.macaroon` that contains this permission by removing all three default macaroons (`admin.macaroon`, `invoice.macaroon` and `readonly.macaroon`, **NOT** the `macaroons.db`!) from their `data/chain/<chain>/<network>/` directory inside the lnd data directory and restarting lnd. ## Root key rotation To manage the root keys used by macaroons, there are `listmacaroonids` and `deletemacaroonid` available through gPRC and command line. Users can view a list of all macaroon root key IDs that are in use using: ```shell $ lncli listmacaroonids ``` And remove a specific macaroon root key ID using command: ```shell $ lncli deletemacaroonid root_key_id ``` Be careful with the `deletemacaroonid` command as when a root key is deleted, **all the macaroons created from it are invalidated**.