package channeldb

import (


const (
	// DefaultRejectCacheSize is the default number of rejectCacheEntries to
	// cache for use in the rejection cache of incoming gossip traffic. This
	// produces a cache size of around 1MB.
	DefaultRejectCacheSize = 50000

	// DefaultChannelCacheSize is the default number of ChannelEdges cached
	// in order to reply to gossip queries. This produces a cache size of
	// around 40MB.
	DefaultChannelCacheSize = 20000

	// DefaultPreAllocCacheNumNodes is the default number of channels we
	// assume for mainnet for pre-allocating the graph cache. As of
	// September 2021, there currently are 14k nodes in a strictly pruned
	// graph, so we choose a number that is slightly higher.
	DefaultPreAllocCacheNumNodes = 15000

// OptionalMiragtionConfig defines the flags used to signal whether a
// particular migration needs to be applied.
type OptionalMiragtionConfig struct {
	// PruneRevocationLog specifies that the revocation log migration needs
	// to be applied.
	PruneRevocationLog bool

// Options holds parameters for tuning and customizing a channeldb.DB.
type Options struct {

	// RejectCacheSize is the maximum number of rejectCacheEntries to hold
	// in the rejection cache.
	RejectCacheSize int

	// ChannelCacheSize is the maximum number of ChannelEdges to hold in the
	// channel cache.
	ChannelCacheSize int

	// BatchCommitInterval is the maximum duration the batch schedulers will
	// wait before attempting to commit a pending set of updates.
	BatchCommitInterval time.Duration

	// PreAllocCacheNumNodes is the number of nodes we expect to be in the
	// graph cache, so we can pre-allocate the map accordingly.
	PreAllocCacheNumNodes int

	// UseGraphCache denotes whether the in-memory graph cache should be
	// used or a fallback version that uses the underlying database for
	// path finding.
	UseGraphCache bool

	// NoMigration specifies that underlying backend was opened in read-only
	// mode and migrations shouldn't be performed. This can be useful for
	// applications that use the channeldb package as a library.
	NoMigration bool

	// NoRevLogAmtData when set to true, indicates that amount data should
	// not be stored in the revocation log.
	NoRevLogAmtData bool

	// clock is the time source used by the database.
	clock clock.Clock

	// dryRun will fail to commit a successful migration when opening the
	// database if set to true.
	dryRun bool

	// keepFailedPaymentAttempts determines whether failed htlc attempts
	// are kept on disk or removed to save space.
	keepFailedPaymentAttempts bool

	// storeFinalHtlcResolutions determines whether to persistently store
	// the final resolution of incoming htlcs.
	storeFinalHtlcResolutions bool

// DefaultOptions returns an Options populated with default values.
func DefaultOptions() Options {
	return Options{
		BoltBackendConfig: kvdb.BoltBackendConfig{
			NoFreelistSync:    true,
			AutoCompact:       false,
			AutoCompactMinAge: kvdb.DefaultBoltAutoCompactMinAge,
			DBTimeout:         kvdb.DefaultDBTimeout,
		OptionalMiragtionConfig: OptionalMiragtionConfig{},
		RejectCacheSize:         DefaultRejectCacheSize,
		ChannelCacheSize:        DefaultChannelCacheSize,
		PreAllocCacheNumNodes:   DefaultPreAllocCacheNumNodes,
		UseGraphCache:           true,
		NoMigration:             false,
		clock:                   clock.NewDefaultClock(),

// OptionModifier is a function signature for modifying the default Options.
type OptionModifier func(*Options)

// OptionSetRejectCacheSize sets the RejectCacheSize to n.
func OptionSetRejectCacheSize(n int) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.RejectCacheSize = n

// OptionSetChannelCacheSize sets the ChannelCacheSize to n.
func OptionSetChannelCacheSize(n int) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.ChannelCacheSize = n

// OptionSetPreAllocCacheNumNodes sets the PreAllocCacheNumNodes to n.
func OptionSetPreAllocCacheNumNodes(n int) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.PreAllocCacheNumNodes = n

// OptionSetUseGraphCache sets the UseGraphCache option to the given value.
func OptionSetUseGraphCache(use bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.UseGraphCache = use

// OptionNoRevLogAmtData sets the NoRevLogAmtData option to the given value. If
// it is set to true then amount data will not be stored in the revocation log.
func OptionNoRevLogAmtData(noAmtData bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.NoRevLogAmtData = noAmtData

// OptionSetSyncFreelist allows the database to sync its freelist.
func OptionSetSyncFreelist(b bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.NoFreelistSync = !b

// OptionAutoCompact turns on automatic database compaction on startup.
func OptionAutoCompact() OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.AutoCompact = true

// OptionAutoCompactMinAge sets the minimum age for automatic database
// compaction.
func OptionAutoCompactMinAge(minAge time.Duration) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.AutoCompactMinAge = minAge

// OptionSetBatchCommitInterval sets the batch commit interval for the internval
// batch schedulers.
func OptionSetBatchCommitInterval(interval time.Duration) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.BatchCommitInterval = interval

// OptionNoMigration allows the database to be opened in read only mode by
// disabling migrations.
func OptionNoMigration(b bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.NoMigration = b

// OptionClock sets a non-default clock dependency.
func OptionClock(clock clock.Clock) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.clock = clock

// OptionDryRunMigration controls whether or not to intentionally fail to commit a
// successful migration that occurs when opening the database.
func OptionDryRunMigration(dryRun bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.dryRun = dryRun

// OptionKeepFailedPaymentAttempts controls whether failed payment attempts are
// kept on disk after a payment settles.
func OptionKeepFailedPaymentAttempts(keepFailedPaymentAttempts bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.keepFailedPaymentAttempts = keepFailedPaymentAttempts

// OptionStoreFinalHtlcResolutions controls whether to persistently store the
// final resolution of incoming htlcs.
func OptionStoreFinalHtlcResolutions(
	storeFinalHtlcResolutions bool) OptionModifier {

	return func(o *Options) {
		o.storeFinalHtlcResolutions = storeFinalHtlcResolutions

// OptionPruneRevocationLog specifies whether the migration for pruning
// revocation logs needs to be applied or not.
func OptionPruneRevocationLog(prune bool) OptionModifier {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.OptionalMiragtionConfig.PruneRevocationLog = prune