package chanbackup

import (


// SingleBackupVersion denotes the version of the single static channel backup.
// Based on this version, we know how to pack/unpack serialized versions of the
// backup.
type SingleBackupVersion byte

const (
	// DefaultSingleVersion is the default version of the single channel
	// backup. The serialized version of this static channel backup is
	// simply: version || SCB. Where SCB is the known format of the
	// version.
	DefaultSingleVersion = 0

	// TweaklessCommitVersion is the second SCB version. This version
	// implicitly denotes that this channel uses the new tweakless commit
	// format.
	TweaklessCommitVersion = 1

	// AnchorsCommitVersion is the third SCB version. This version
	// implicitly denotes that this channel uses the new anchor commitment
	// format.
	AnchorsCommitVersion = 2

	// AnchorsZeroFeeHtlcTxCommitVersion is a version that denotes this
	// channel is using the zero-fee second-level anchor commitment format.
	AnchorsZeroFeeHtlcTxCommitVersion = 3

	// ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion is a version that denotes this channel is
	// using the zero-fee second-level anchor commitment format along with
	// an additional CLTV requirement of the channel lease maturity on any
	// commitment and HTLC outputs that pay directly to the channel
	// initiator.
	ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion = 4

	// SimpleTaprootVersion is a version that denotes this channel is using
	// the musig2 based taproot commitment format.
	SimpleTaprootVersion = 5

// Single is a static description of an existing channel that can be used for
// the purposes of backing up. The fields in this struct allow a node to
// recover the settled funds within a channel in the case of partial or
// complete data loss. We provide the network address that we last used to
// connect to the peer as well, in case the node stops advertising the IP on
// the network for whatever reason.
// TODO(roasbeef): suffix version into struct?
type Single struct {
	// Version is the version that should be observed when attempting to
	// pack the single backup.
	Version SingleBackupVersion

	// IsInitiator is true if we were the initiator of the channel, and
	// false otherwise. We'll need to know this information in order to
	// properly re-derive the state hint information.
	IsInitiator bool

	// ChainHash is a hash which represents the blockchain that this
	// channel will be opened within. This value is typically the genesis
	// hash. In the case that the original chain went through a contentious
	// hard-fork, then this value will be tweaked using the unique fork
	// point on each branch.
	ChainHash chainhash.Hash

	// FundingOutpoint is the outpoint of the final funding transaction.
	// This value uniquely and globally identities the channel within the
	// target blockchain as specified by the chain hash parameter.
	FundingOutpoint wire.OutPoint

	// ShortChannelID encodes the exact location in the chain in which the
	// channel was initially confirmed. This includes: the block height,
	// transaction index, and the output within the target transaction.
	// Channels that were not confirmed at the time of backup creation will
	// have the funding TX broadcast height set as their block height in
	// the ShortChannelID.
	ShortChannelID lnwire.ShortChannelID

	// RemoteNodePub is the identity public key of the remote node this
	// channel has been established with.
	RemoteNodePub *btcec.PublicKey

	// Addresses is a list of IP address in which either we were able to
	// reach the node over in the past, OR we received an incoming
	// authenticated connection for the stored identity public key.
	Addresses []net.Addr

	// Capacity is the size of the original channel.
	Capacity btcutil.Amount

	// LocalChanCfg is our local channel configuration. It contains all the
	// information we need to re-derive the keys we used within the
	// channel. Most importantly, it allows to derive the base public
	// that's used to deriving the key used within the non-delayed
	// pay-to-self output on the commitment transaction for a node. With
	// this information, we can re-derive the private key needed to sweep
	// the funds on-chain.
	// NOTE: Of the items in the ChannelConstraints, we only write the CSV
	// delay.
	LocalChanCfg channeldb.ChannelConfig

	// RemoteChanCfg is the remote channel confirmation. We store this as
	// well since we'll need some of their keys to re-derive things like
	// the state hint obfuscator which will allow us to recognize the state
	// their broadcast on chain.
	// NOTE: Of the items in the ChannelConstraints, we only write the CSV
	// delay.
	RemoteChanCfg channeldb.ChannelConfig

	// ShaChainRootDesc describes how to derive the private key that was
	// used as the shachain root for this channel.
	ShaChainRootDesc keychain.KeyDescriptor

	// LeaseExpiry represents the absolute expiration as a height of the
	// chain of a channel lease that is applied to every output that pays
	// directly to the channel initiator in addition to the usual CSV
	// requirement.
	// NOTE: This field will only be present for the following versions:
	// - ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion
	LeaseExpiry uint32

// NewSingle creates a new static channel backup based on an existing open
// channel. We also pass in the set of addresses that we used in the past to
// connect to the channel peer.
func NewSingle(channel *channeldb.OpenChannel,
	nodeAddrs []net.Addr) Single {

	var shaChainRootDesc keychain.KeyDescriptor

	// If the channel has a populated RevocationKeyLocator, then we can
	// just store that instead of the public key.
	if channel.RevocationKeyLocator.Family == keychain.KeyFamilyRevocationRoot {
		shaChainRootDesc = keychain.KeyDescriptor{
			KeyLocator: channel.RevocationKeyLocator,
	} else {
		// If the RevocationKeyLocator is not populated, then we'll need
		// to obtain a public point for the shachain root and store that.
		// This is the legacy scheme.
		var b bytes.Buffer
		_ = channel.RevocationProducer.Encode(&b) // Can't return an error.

		// Once we have the root, we'll make a public key from it, such that
		// the backups plaintext don't carry any private information. When
		// we go to recover, we'll present this in order to derive the
		// private key.
		_, shaChainPoint := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(b.Bytes())

		shaChainRootDesc = keychain.KeyDescriptor{
			PubKey: shaChainPoint,
			KeyLocator: keychain.KeyLocator{
				Family: keychain.KeyFamilyRevocationRoot,

	// If a channel is unconfirmed, the block height of the ShortChannelID
	// is zero. This will lead to problems when trying to restore that
	// channel as the spend notifier would get a height hint of zero.
	// To work around that problem, we add the channel broadcast height
	// to the channel ID so we can use that as height hint on restore.
	chanID := channel.ShortChanID()
	if chanID.BlockHeight == 0 {
		chanID.BlockHeight = channel.BroadcastHeight()

	// If this is a zero-conf channel, we'll need to have separate logic
	// depending on whether it's confirmed or not. This is because the
	// ShortChanID is an alias.
	if channel.IsZeroConf() {
		// If the channel is confirmed, we'll use the confirmed SCID.
		if channel.ZeroConfConfirmed() {
			chanID = channel.ZeroConfRealScid()
		} else {
			// Else if the zero-conf channel is unconfirmed, we'll
			// need to use the broadcast height and zero out the
			// TxIndex and TxPosition fields. This is so
			// openChannelShell works properly.
			chanID.BlockHeight = channel.BroadcastHeight()
			chanID.TxIndex = 0
			chanID.TxPosition = 0

	single := Single{
		IsInitiator:      channel.IsInitiator,
		ChainHash:        channel.ChainHash,
		FundingOutpoint:  channel.FundingOutpoint,
		ShortChannelID:   chanID,
		RemoteNodePub:    channel.IdentityPub,
		Addresses:        nodeAddrs,
		Capacity:         channel.Capacity,
		LocalChanCfg:     channel.LocalChanCfg,
		RemoteChanCfg:    channel.RemoteChanCfg,
		ShaChainRootDesc: shaChainRootDesc,

	switch {
	case channel.ChanType.IsTaproot():
		single.Version = SimpleTaprootVersion

	case channel.ChanType.HasLeaseExpiration():
		single.Version = ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion
		single.LeaseExpiry = channel.ThawHeight

	case channel.ChanType.ZeroHtlcTxFee():
		single.Version = AnchorsZeroFeeHtlcTxCommitVersion

	case channel.ChanType.HasAnchors():
		single.Version = AnchorsCommitVersion

	case channel.ChanType.IsTweakless():
		single.Version = TweaklessCommitVersion

		single.Version = DefaultSingleVersion

	return single

// Serialize attempts to write out the serialized version of the target
// StaticChannelBackup into the passed io.Writer.
func (s *Single) Serialize(w io.Writer) error {
	// Check to ensure that we'll only attempt to serialize a version that
	// we're aware of.
	switch s.Version {
	case DefaultSingleVersion:
	case TweaklessCommitVersion:
	case AnchorsCommitVersion:
	case AnchorsZeroFeeHtlcTxCommitVersion:
	case ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion:
	case SimpleTaprootVersion:
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to serialize w/ unknown "+
			"version: %v", s.Version)

	// If the sha chain root has specified a public key (which is
	// optional), then we'll encode it now.
	var shaChainPub [33]byte
	if s.ShaChainRootDesc.PubKey != nil {

	// First we gather the SCB as is into a temporary buffer so we can
	// determine the total length. Before we write out the serialized SCB,
	// we write the length which allows us to skip any Singles that we
	// don't know of when decoding a multi.
	var singleBytes bytes.Buffer
	if err := lnwire.WriteElements(


		// We only need to write out the KeyLocator portion of the
		// local channel config.


		// We only need to write out the raw pubkey for the remote
		// channel config.

	); err != nil {
		return err
	if s.Version == ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion {
		err := lnwire.WriteElements(&singleBytes, s.LeaseExpiry)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// TODO(yy): remove the type assertion when we finished refactoring db
	// into using write buffer.
	buf, ok := w.(*bytes.Buffer)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("expect io.Writer to be *bytes.Buffer")

	return lnwire.WriteElements(

// PackToWriter is similar to the Serialize method, but takes the operation a
// step further by encryption the raw bytes of the static channel back up. For
// encryption we use the chacah20poly1305 AEAD cipher with a 24 byte nonce and
// 32-byte key size. We use a 24-byte nonce, as we can't ensure that we have a
// global counter to use as a sequence number for nonces, and want to ensure
// that we're able to decrypt these blobs without any additional context. We
// derive the key that we use for encryption via a SHA2 operation of the with
// the golden keychain.KeyFamilyBaseEncryption base encryption key.  We then
// take the serialized resulting shared secret point, and hash it using sha256
// to obtain the key that we'll use for encryption. When using the AEAD, we
// pass the nonce as associated data such that we'll be able to package the two
// together for storage. Before writing out the encrypted payload, we prepend
// the nonce to the final blob.
func (s *Single) PackToWriter(w io.Writer, keyRing keychain.KeyRing) error {
	// First, we'll serialize the SCB (StaticChannelBackup) into a
	// temporary buffer so we can store it in a temporary place before we
	// go to encrypt the entire thing.
	var rawBytes bytes.Buffer
	if err := s.Serialize(&rawBytes); err != nil {
		return err

	// Finally, we'll encrypt the raw serialized SCB (using the nonce as
	// associated data), and write out the ciphertext prepend with the
	// nonce that we used to the passed io.Reader.
	e, err := lnencrypt.KeyRingEncrypter(keyRing)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate encrypt key %v", err)
	return e.EncryptPayloadToWriter(rawBytes.Bytes(), w)

// readLocalKeyDesc reads a KeyDescriptor encoded within an unpacked Single.
// For local KeyDescs, we only write out the KeyLocator information as we can
// re-derive the pubkey from it.
func readLocalKeyDesc(r io.Reader) (keychain.KeyDescriptor, error) {
	var keyDesc keychain.KeyDescriptor

	var keyFam uint32
	if err := lnwire.ReadElements(r, &keyFam); err != nil {
		return keyDesc, err
	keyDesc.Family = keychain.KeyFamily(keyFam)

	if err := lnwire.ReadElements(r, &keyDesc.Index); err != nil {
		return keyDesc, err

	return keyDesc, nil

// readRemoteKeyDesc reads a remote KeyDescriptor encoded within an unpacked
// Single. For remote KeyDescs, we write out only the PubKey since we don't
// actually have the KeyLocator data.
func readRemoteKeyDesc(r io.Reader) (keychain.KeyDescriptor, error) {
	var (
		keyDesc keychain.KeyDescriptor
		pub     [33]byte

	_, err := io.ReadFull(r, pub[:])
	if err != nil {
		return keychain.KeyDescriptor{}, err

	keyDesc.PubKey, err = btcec.ParsePubKey(pub[:])
	if err != nil {
		return keychain.KeyDescriptor{}, err

	return keyDesc, nil

// Deserialize attempts to read the raw plaintext serialized SCB from the
// passed io.Reader. If the method is successful, then the target
// StaticChannelBackup will be fully populated.
func (s *Single) Deserialize(r io.Reader) error {
	// First, we'll need to read the version of this single-back up so we
	// can know how to unpack each of the SCB.
	var version byte
	err := lnwire.ReadElements(r, &version)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.Version = SingleBackupVersion(version)

	switch s.Version {
	case DefaultSingleVersion:
	case TweaklessCommitVersion:
	case AnchorsCommitVersion:
	case AnchorsZeroFeeHtlcTxCommitVersion:
	case ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion:
	case SimpleTaprootVersion:
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to de-serialize w/ unknown "+
			"version: %v", s.Version)

	var length uint16
	if err := lnwire.ReadElements(r, &length); err != nil {
		return err

	err = lnwire.ReadElements(
		r, &s.IsInitiator, s.ChainHash[:], &s.FundingOutpoint,
		&s.ShortChannelID, &s.RemoteNodePub, &s.Addresses, &s.Capacity,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = lnwire.ReadElements(r, &s.LocalChanCfg.CsvDelay)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.LocalChanCfg.MultiSigKey, err = readLocalKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.LocalChanCfg.RevocationBasePoint, err = readLocalKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.LocalChanCfg.PaymentBasePoint, err = readLocalKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.LocalChanCfg.DelayBasePoint, err = readLocalKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.LocalChanCfg.HtlcBasePoint, err = readLocalKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = lnwire.ReadElements(r, &s.RemoteChanCfg.CsvDelay)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.RemoteChanCfg.MultiSigKey, err = readRemoteKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.RemoteChanCfg.RevocationBasePoint, err = readRemoteKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.RemoteChanCfg.PaymentBasePoint, err = readRemoteKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.RemoteChanCfg.DelayBasePoint, err = readRemoteKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.RemoteChanCfg.HtlcBasePoint, err = readRemoteKeyDesc(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Finally, we'll parse out the ShaChainRootDesc.
	var (
		shaChainPub [33]byte
		zeroPub     [33]byte
	if err := lnwire.ReadElements(r, shaChainPub[:]); err != nil {
		return err

	// Since this field is optional, we'll check to see if the pubkey has
	// been specified or not.
	if !bytes.Equal(shaChainPub[:], zeroPub[:]) {
		s.ShaChainRootDesc.PubKey, err = btcec.ParsePubKey(
		if err != nil {
			return err

	var shaKeyFam uint32
	if err := lnwire.ReadElements(r, &shaKeyFam); err != nil {
		return err
	s.ShaChainRootDesc.KeyLocator.Family = keychain.KeyFamily(shaKeyFam)
	err = lnwire.ReadElements(r, &s.ShaChainRootDesc.KeyLocator.Index)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if s.Version == ScriptEnforcedLeaseVersion {
		if err := lnwire.ReadElement(r, &s.LeaseExpiry); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

// UnpackFromReader is similar to Deserialize method, but it expects the passed
// io.Reader to contain an encrypt SCB. Refer to the SerializeAndEncrypt method
// for details w.r.t the encryption scheme used. If we're unable to decrypt the
// payload for whatever reason (wrong key, wrong nonce, etc), then this method
// will return an error.
func (s *Single) UnpackFromReader(r io.Reader, keyRing keychain.KeyRing) error {
	e, err := lnencrypt.KeyRingEncrypter(keyRing)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate key decrypter %v", err)
	plaintext, err := e.DecryptPayloadFromReader(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Finally, we'll pack the bytes into a reader to we can deserialize
	// the plaintext bytes of the SCB.
	backupReader := bytes.NewReader(plaintext)
	return s.Deserialize(backupReader)

// PackStaticChanBackups accepts a set of existing open channels, and a
// keychain.KeyRing, and returns a map of outpoints to the serialized+encrypted
// static channel backups. The passed keyRing should be backed by the users
// root HD seed in order to ensure full determinism.
func PackStaticChanBackups(backups []Single,
	keyRing keychain.KeyRing) (map[wire.OutPoint][]byte, error) {

	packedBackups := make(map[wire.OutPoint][]byte)
	for _, chanBackup := range backups {
		chanPoint := chanBackup.FundingOutpoint

		var b bytes.Buffer
		err := chanBackup.PackToWriter(&b, keyRing)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to pack chan backup "+
				"for %v: %v", chanPoint, err)

		packedBackups[chanPoint] = b.Bytes()

	return packedBackups, nil

// PackedSingles represents a series of fully packed SCBs. This may be the
// combination of a series of individual SCBs in order to batch their
// unpacking.
type PackedSingles [][]byte

// Unpack attempts to decrypt the passed set of encrypted SCBs and deserialize
// each one into a new SCB struct. The passed keyRing should be backed by the
// same HD seed as was used to encrypt the set of backups in the first place.
// If we're unable to decrypt any of the back ups, then we'll return an error.
func (p PackedSingles) Unpack(keyRing keychain.KeyRing) ([]Single, error) {

	backups := make([]Single, len(p))
	for i, encryptedBackup := range p {
		var backup Single

		backupReader := bytes.NewReader(encryptedBackup)
		err := backup.UnpackFromReader(backupReader, keyRing)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		backups[i] = backup

	return backups, nil

// TODO(roasbeef): make codec package?