package cert

import (

var (
	// End of ASN.1 time.
	endOfTime = time.Date(2049, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.UTC)

	// Max serial number.
	serialNumberLimit = new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 128)

// ipAddresses returns the parsed IP addresses to use when creating the TLS
// certificate. If tlsDisableAutofill is true, we don't include interface
// addresses to protect users privacy.
func ipAddresses(tlsExtraIPs []string, tlsDisableAutofill bool) ([]net.IP,
	error) {

	// Collect the host's IP addresses, including loopback, in a slice.
	ipAddresses := []net.IP{net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP("::1")}

	// addIP appends an IP address only if it isn't already in the slice.
	addIP := func(ipAddr net.IP) {
		for _, ip := range ipAddresses {
			if ip.Equal(ipAddr) {
		ipAddresses = append(ipAddresses, ipAddr)

	// To protect their privacy, some users might not want to have all
	// their network addresses include in the certificate as this could
	// leak sensitive information.
	if !tlsDisableAutofill {
		// Add all the interface IPs that aren't already in the slice.
		addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for _, a := range addrs {
			ipAddr, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(a.String())
			if err == nil {

	// Add extra IPs to the slice.
	for _, ip := range tlsExtraIPs {
		ipAddr := net.ParseIP(ip)
		if ipAddr != nil {

	return ipAddresses, nil

// dnsNames returns the host and DNS names to use when creating the TLS
// certificate.
func dnsNames(tlsExtraDomains []string, tlsDisableAutofill bool) (string,
	[]string) {

	// Collect the host's names into a slice.
	host, err := os.Hostname()

	// To further protect their privacy, some users might not want
	// to have their hostname include in the certificate as this could
	// leak sensitive information.
	if err != nil || tlsDisableAutofill {
		// Nothing much we can do here, other than falling back to
		// localhost as fallback. A hostname can still be provided with
		// the tlsExtraDomain parameter if the problem persists on a
		// system.
		host = "localhost"

	dnsNames := []string{host}
	if host != "localhost" {
		dnsNames = append(dnsNames, "localhost")
	dnsNames = append(dnsNames, tlsExtraDomains...)

	// Because we aren't including the hostname in the certificate when
	// tlsDisableAutofill is set, we will use the first extra domain
	// specified by the user, if it's set, as the Common Name.
	if tlsDisableAutofill && len(tlsExtraDomains) > 0 {
		host = tlsExtraDomains[0]

	// Also add fake hostnames for unix sockets, otherwise hostname
	// verification will fail in the client.
	dnsNames = append(dnsNames, "unix", "unixpacket")

	// Also add hostnames for 'bufconn' which is the hostname used for the
	// in-memory connections used on mobile.
	dnsNames = append(dnsNames, "bufconn")

	return host, dnsNames

// IsOutdated returns whether the given certificate is outdated w.r.t. the IPs
// and domains given. The certificate is considered up to date if it was
// created with _exactly_ the IPs and domains given.
func IsOutdated(cert *x509.Certificate, tlsExtraIPs,
	tlsExtraDomains []string, tlsDisableAutofill bool) (bool, error) {

	// Parse the slice of IP strings.
	ips, err := ipAddresses(tlsExtraIPs, tlsDisableAutofill)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// To not consider the certificate outdated if it has duplicate IPs or
	// if only the order has changed, we create two maps from the slice of
	// IPs to compare.
	ips1 := make(map[string]net.IP)
	for _, ip := range ips {
		ips1[ip.String()] = ip

	ips2 := make(map[string]net.IP)
	for _, ip := range cert.IPAddresses {
		ips2[ip.String()] = ip

	// If the certificate has a different number of IP addresses, it is
	// definitely out of date.
	if len(ips1) != len(ips2) {
		return true, nil

	// Go through each IP address, and check that they are equal. We expect
	// both the string representation and the exact IP to match.
	for s, ip1 := range ips1 {
		// Assert the IP string is found in both sets.
		ip2, ok := ips2[s]
		if !ok {
			return true, nil

		// And that the IPs are considered equal.
		if !ip1.Equal(ip2) {
			return true, nil

	// Get the full list of DNS names to use.
	_, dnsNames := dnsNames(tlsExtraDomains, tlsDisableAutofill)

	// We do the same kind of deduplication for the DNS names.
	dns1 := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, n := range cert.DNSNames {
		dns1[n] = struct{}{}

	dns2 := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, n := range dnsNames {
		dns2[n] = struct{}{}

	// If the number of domains are different, it is out of date.
	if len(dns1) != len(dns2) {
		return true, nil

	// Similarly, check that each DNS name matches what is found in the
	// certificate.
	for k := range dns1 {
		if _, ok := dns2[k]; !ok {
			return true, nil

	// Certificate was up-to-date.
	return false, nil

// GenCertPair generates a key/cert pair and returns the pair in byte form.
// The auto-generated certificates should *not* be used in production for
// public access as they're self-signed and don't necessarily contain all of the
// desired hostnames for the service. For production/public use, consider a
// real PKI.
// This function is adapted from and
func GenCertPair(org string, tlsExtraIPs, tlsExtraDomains []string,
	tlsDisableAutofill bool, certValidity time.Duration) (
	[]byte, []byte, error) {

	now := time.Now()
	validUntil := now.Add(certValidity)

	// Check that the certificate validity isn't past the ASN.1 end of time.
	if validUntil.After(endOfTime) {
		validUntil = endOfTime

	// Generate a serial number that's below the serialNumberLimit.
	serialNumber, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, serialNumberLimit)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate serial "+
			"number: %s", err)

	// Get all DNS names and IP addresses to use when creating the
	// certificate.
	host, dnsNames := dnsNames(tlsExtraDomains, tlsDisableAutofill)
	ipAddresses, err := ipAddresses(tlsExtraIPs, tlsDisableAutofill)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Generate a private key for the certificate.
	priv, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Construct the certificate template.
	template := x509.Certificate{
		SerialNumber: serialNumber,
		Subject: pkix.Name{
			Organization: []string{org},
			CommonName:   host,
		NotBefore: now.Add(-time.Hour * 24),
		NotAfter:  validUntil,

		KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment |
			x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature |
		ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{
		IsCA:                  true, // so can sign self.
		BasicConstraintsValid: true,

		DNSNames:    dnsNames,
		IPAddresses: ipAddresses,

	derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(
		rand.Reader, &template,
		&template, &priv.PublicKey, priv,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create certificate: %w",

	certBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	err = pem.Encode(
		certBuf, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes},
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode certificate: %w",

	keybytes, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(priv)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode privkey: %w",
	keyBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	err = pem.Encode(
		keyBuf, &pem.Block{Type: "EC PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: keybytes},
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode private key: %w",

	return certBuf.Bytes(), keyBuf.Bytes(), nil

// WriteCertPair writes certificate and key data to disk if a path is provided.
func WriteCertPair(certFile, keyFile string, certBytes, keyBytes []byte) error {
	// Write cert and key files.
	if certFile != "" {
		err := os.WriteFile(certFile, certBytes, 0644)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if keyFile != "" {
		err := os.WriteFile(keyFile, keyBytes, 0600)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil