	"global": {
		"relay": "Relay",
		"back": "Back",
		"continue": "Continue",
		"loading": "Loading",
		"error": "Error",
		"moveLeft": "Move Left",
		"moveRight": "Move Right",
		"newColumn": "New Column",
		"inspect": "Inspect",
		"loadMore": "Load more",
		"delete": "Delete",
		"refresh": "Refresh",
		"cancel": "Cancel",
		"save": "Save",
		"post": "Post",
		"update": "Update",
		"noResult": "No results found.",
		"emptyFeedTitle": "This feed is empty",
		"emptyFeedSubtitle": "You can follow more users to build up your timeline",
		"apiKey": "API Key",
		"skip": "Skip",
		"close": "Close"
	"nip89": {
		"unsupported": "Lume isn't support this event",
		"openWith": "Open with"
	"note": {
		"showThread": "Show thread",
		"showMore": "Show more",
		"error": "Failed to fetch event.",
		"posted": "posted",
		"replied": "replied",
		"reposted": "reposted",
		"menu": {
			"viewThread": "View thread",
			"copyLink": "Copy shareable link",
			"copyNoteId": "Copy note ID",
			"copyAuthorId": "Copy author ID",
			"viewAuthor": "View author",
			"pinAuthor": "Pin author",
			"copyRaw": "Copy raw event",
			"mute": "Mute"
		"buttons": {
			"pin": "Pin",
			"pinTooltip": "Pin Note",
			"repost": "Repost",
			"quote": "Quote",
			"viewProfile": "View profile"
		"zap": {
			"zap": "Zap",
			"tooltip": "Send zap",
			"modalTitle": "Send zap to",
			"messagePlaceholder": "Enter message (optional)",
			"buttonFinish": "Zapped",
			"buttonLoading": "Processing...",
			"invoiceButton": "Scan to zap",
			"invoiceFooter": "You must use Bitcoin wallet which support Lightning\nsuch as: Blue Wallet, Bitkit, Phoenix,..."
		"reply": {
			"single": "reply",
			"plural": "replies",
			"empty": "Be the first to Reply!"
	"user": {
		"avatar": "Avatar",
		"displayName": "Display Name",
		"name": "Name",
		"bio": "Bio",
		"lna": "Lightning address",
		"website": "Website",
		"verified": "Verified",
		"unverified": "Unverified",
		"follow": "Follow",
		"unfollow": "Unfollow",
		"latestPosts": "Latest posts",
		"avatarButton": "Change avatar",
		"coverButton": "Change cover",
		"editProfile": "Edit profile",
		"settings": "Settings",
		"logout": "Log out",
		"logoutConfirmTitle": "Are you sure!",
		"logoutConfirmSubtitle": "You can always log back in at any time. If you just want to switch accounts, you can do that by adding an existing account."
	"editor": {
		"title": "New Post",
		"placeholder": "What are you up to?",
		"successMessage": "Your note has been published successfully.",
		"replyPlaceholder": "Post your reply"
	"search": {
		"placeholder": "Type something to search...",
		"empty": "Try searching for people, notes, or keywords"
	"welcome": {
		"title": "Lume is a magnificent client for Nostr to meet, explore\nand freely share your thoughts with everyone.",
		"signup": "Join Nostr",
		"login": "Login",
		"footer": "Before joining Nostr, you can take time to learn more about Nostr"
	"login": {
		"title": "Welcome back, anon!",
		"footer": "Lume will put your Private Key in Secure Storage depended on your OS Platform. It will be secured by Password or Biometric ID",
		"loginWithAddress": "Login with Nostr Address",
		"loginWithBunker": "Login with nsecBunker",
		"or": "Or continue with",
		"loginWithPrivkey": "Login with Private Key"
	"loginWithAddress": {
		"title": "Enter your Nostr Address"
	"loginWithBunker": {
		"title": "Enter your nsecbunker token"
	"loginWithPrivkey": {
		"title": "Enter your Private Key",
		"subtitle": "Lume will put your private key to <1>{{service}}</1>.\nIt will be secured by your OS."
	"signup": {
		"title": "Let's Get Started",
		"subtitle": "Choose one of methods below to create your account",
		"selfManageMethod": "Self-Managed",
		"selfManageMethodDescription": "You create your keys and keep them safe.",
		"providerMethod": "Managed by Provider",
		"providerMethodDescription": "A 3rd party provider will handle your sign in keys for you."
	"signupWithSelfManage": {
		"title": "This is your new Account Key",
		"subtitle": "Keep your key in safe place. If you lose this key, you will lose access to your account.",
		"confirm1": "I understand the risk of lost private key.",
		"confirm2": "I will make sure keep it safe and not sharing with anyone.",
		"confirm3": "I understand I cannot recover private key.",
		"button": "Save key & Continue"
	"signupWithProvider": {
		"title": "Let's set up your account on Nostr",
		"username": "Username *",
		"chooseProvider": "Choose a Provider",
		"usernameFooter": "Use to login to Lume and other Nostr apps. You can choose provider you trust to manage your account",
		"email": "Backup Email (optional)",
		"emailFooter": "Use for recover your account if you lose your password"
	"onboardingSettings": {
		"title": "You're almost ready to use Lume.",
		"subtitle": "Let's start personalizing your experience.",
		"notification": {
			"title": "Push notification",
			"subtitle": "Enabling push notifications will allow you to receive notifications from Lume."
		"lowPower": {
			"title": "Low Power Mode",
			"subtitle": "Limited relay connection and hide all media, sustainable for low network environment."
		"translation": {
			"title": "Translation (nostr.wine)",
			"subtitle": "Translate text to your preferred language, powered by Nostr Wine."
		"footer": "There are many more settings you can configure from the 'Settings' Screen. Be sure to visit it later."
	"relays": {
		"global": "Global",
		"follows": "Follows",
		"sidebar": {
			"title": "Connected relays",
			"empty": "Empty."
		"relayView": {
			"empty": "Could not load relay information 😬",
			"owner": "Owner",
			"contact": "Contact",
			"software": "Software",
			"nips": "Supported NIPs",
			"limit": "Limitation",
			"payment": "Open payment website",
			"paymentNote": "You need to make a payment to connect this relay"
	"suggestion": {
		"title": "Suggested Follows",
		"error": "Error. Cannot get trending users",
		"button": "Save & Go back"
	"interests": {
		"title": "Interests",
		"subtitle": "Pick things you'd like to see in your home feed.",
		"edit": "Edit Interest",
		"followAll": "Follow All",
		"unfollowAll": "Unfollow All"
	"settings": {
		"general": {
			"title": "General",
			"update": {
				"title": "Update",
				"subtitle": "Automatically download new update"
			"lowPower": {
				"title": "Low Power",
				"subtitle": "Sustainable for low network environment"
			"startup": {
				"title": "Startup",
				"subtitle": "Launch Lume at Login"
			"media": {
				"title": "Media",
				"subtitle": "Automatically load media"
			"hashtag": {
				"title": "Hashtag",
				"subtitle": "Show all hashtags in content"
			"notification": {
				"title": "Notification",
				"subtitle": "Automatically send notification"
			"translation": {
				"title": "Translation",
				"subtitle": "Translate text to your language"
			"appearance": {
				"title": "Appearance",
				"light": "Light",
				"dark": "Dark",
				"system": "System"
		"user": {
			"title": "User"
		"zap": {
			"title": "Zap",
			"nwc": "Connection String"
		"backup": {
			"title": "Backup",
			"privkey": {
				"title": "Private key",
				"button": "Remove private key"
		"advanced": {
			"title": "Advanced",
			"cache": {
				"title": "Cache",
				"subtitle": "Use for boost up nostr connection",
				"button": "Clear"
			"instant": {
				"title": "Instant Zap",
				"subtitle": "Zap with default amount, no confirmation"
			"defaultAmount": "Default amount"
		"about": {
			"title": "About",
			"version": "Version",
			"checkUpdate": "Check for update",
			"installUpdate": "Install"
	"onboarding": {
		"home": {
			"title": "Your account was successfully created!",
			"subtitle": "For starters, let's set up your profile.",
			"profileSettings": "Profile Settings"
		"profile": {
			"title": "About you",
			"subtitle": "Tell Lume about yourself to start building your home feed."
		"finish": {
			"title": "Profile setup complete!",
			"subtitle": "You can exit the setup here and start using Lume.",
			"report": "Report a issue"
	"activity": {
		"title": "Activity",
		"empty": "Yo! Nothing new yet.",
		"mention": "mention you",
		"repost": "reposted",
		"zap": "zapped",
		"newReply": "New reply",
		"boost": "Boost",
		"boostSubtitle": "@ Someone has reposted to your note",
		"conversation": "Conversation",
		"conversationSubtitle": "@ Someone has replied to your note"