# @nostrgg/react
React Hooks for Nostr
## Installation
npm install @nostrgg/react
## Example usage:
Wrap your app in the NostrProvider:
import { NostrProvider } from "@nostrgg/react";
const relayUrls = [
function MyApp() {
return (
{event.pubkey} posted: {event.content}
))} > ); }; ``` **Fetching all `text_note` events from a specific user, since the beginning of time:** ```tsx import { Kind, useNostrEvents, dateToUnix } from "@nostrgg/react"; const ProfileFeed = () => { const { events } = useNostrEvents({ filter: { authors: [ "9c2a6495b4e3de93f3e1cc254abe4078e17c64e5771abc676a5e205b62b1286c", ], since: 0, kinds: [Kind.TextNote], }, }); return ( <> {events.map((event) => ({event.pubkey} posted: {event.content}
))} > ); }; ``` **Post a message:** ```tsx import { generateSignedEvent, Kind, SendMsgType, useNostr, } from "@nostrgg/react"; export default function PostButton() { const { sendEvent } = useNostr(); const onPost = async () => { const privKey = prompt("Paste your private key here:"); if (!privKey) { alert("no private key provided"); return; } const event = { content: "Hello world!", kind: Kind.TextNote, tags: [], }; const signedEvent = await generateSignedEvent(event, privKey); sendEvent?.([SendMsgType.EVENT, signedEvent]); }; return ( ); } ```