import 'package:nostr_console/event_ds.dart'; import 'package:nostr_console/settings.dart'; import 'package:nostr_console/utils.dart'; // From the list of events provided, lookup the lastst contact information for the given user/pubkey Event? getContactEvent(String pubkey) { // get the latest kind 3 event for the user, which lists his 'follows' list if( gKindONames.containsKey(pubkey)) { Event? e = (gKindONames[pubkey]?.latestContactEvent)??null; return e; } return null; } Set getUserChannels(Set userEvents, String userPublicKey) { Set userChannels = {}; userEvents.forEach((event) { if( event.eventData.pubkey == userPublicKey) { if( [42, 142].contains( event.eventData.kind) ) { String channelId = event.eventData.getChannelIdForKind4x(); if( channelId.length == 64) { userChannels.add(channelId); } } else if([40,41,140,141].contains(event.eventData.kind)) { userChannels.add(; } } }); return userChannels; } void addToHistogram(Map histogram, List pTags) { Set tempPtags = {}; pTags.retainWhere((x) => tempPtags.add(x)); for(int i = 0; i < pTags.length; i++ ) { String pTag = pTags[i]; if( histogram.containsKey(pTag)) { int? val = histogram[pTag]; if( val != null) { histogram[pTag] = ++val; } else { } } else { histogram[pTag] = 1; } } //return histogram; } // return the numMostFrequent number of most frequent p tags ( user pubkeys) in the given events Set getpTags(Set events, int numMostFrequent) { List listHistogram = []; Map histogramMap = {}; for(var event in events) { addToHistogram(histogramMap, event.eventData.pTags); } histogramMap.forEach((key, value) {listHistogram.add(HistogramEntry(key, value));/* print("added to list of histogramEntry $key $value"); */}); listHistogram.sort(HistogramEntry.histogramSorter); List ptags = []; for( int i = 0; i < listHistogram.length && i < numMostFrequent; i++ ) { ptags.add(listHistogram[i].str); } return ptags.toSet(); } Set getOnlyUserEvents(Set initialEvents, String userPubkey) { Set userEvents = {}; initialEvents.forEach((event) { if( event.eventData.pubkey == userPubkey) { userEvents.add(; } }); return userEvents; }