diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md index 7de6259..e48d41c 100644 --- a/Home.md +++ b/Home.md @@ -29,3 +29,27 @@ Right now, there are three types of public rooms found in the 'public channels' 3. #location tags with values such as usa, india, which are also given their own rooms. Any of these can be entered by writing their id or name, or portions/prefixes thereofs. + +# Menu Info + +## Main Menu + +1. Global Feed - all kind 1 messages made in last few hours from almost everyone. +2. Social Network - The social network as seen on astral.ninja or Damus + 1. Your Feed - All replies, likes, posts from your follows + 2. Post/Reply/Like - Use it to make a post + 3. Replies/Likes to you - replies and likes made by others to your posts. By default such replies in last 24 hours are shown. + 4. Your posts - Top threads that you started + 5. Your Replies/Likes - Replies and likes that you made + 6. Follows' Posts/Replies/Likes - Made by follows + 7. Search word(s) or event id - Search for words ( exact match) or event id ( event id should be minimum 6 bytes, all the first chars are matched) + 8. Follow new contact - Follow a new contact. You can mention users by their names, pubkeys or partial intial prefixes thereof. + 9. Show user profile - See your or any one else's profile + 10. Change # of hours printed - By default only latest 6 hours of events are printed. This number can be changed here. + 11. E(x)it to main menu - can use 11 or x to exit +3. 1. Enter a public channel - enter a public channel. Type its name or id, or prefixes thereof. + 2. Show all public channels - show all the hundreds of channels, or however many there are. By default only 20 are printed. + 3. Create channel - create a kind 4x channel. + 4. E(x)it to main menu + +