import os import signal import time from pathlib import Path import dotenv from import Bot from playground import build_pdf_extractor, build_googletranslator, build_unstable_diffusion, build_sketcher, \ build_dalle, \ build_whisperx, build_libretranslator, build_external_dvm, build_media_converter, build_inactive_follows_finder, \ build_image_converter, build_googletranscribe from utils.definitions import EventDefinitions from utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig from utils.nostr_utils import check_and_set_private_key def run_nostr_dvm_with_local_config(): # We will run an optional bot that can communicate with the DVMs # Note this is very basic for now and still under development bot_config = DVMConfig() bot_config.PRIVATE_KEY = check_and_set_private_key("bot") bot_config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY = os.getenv("LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY") bot_config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY = os.getenv("LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY") # The bot will forward zaps for us, use responsibly bot_config.LNBITS_URL = os.getenv("LNBITS_HOST") # Spawn some DVMs in the playground and run them # You can add arbitrary DVMs there and instantiate them here # Spawn DVM1 Kind 5000: A local Text Extractor from PDFs pdfextractor = build_pdf_extractor("PDF Extractor", "pdf_extractor") # If we don't add it to the bot, the bot will not provide access to the DVM # Spawn DVM2 Kind 5002 Local Text TranslationGoogle, calling the free Google API. translator = build_googletranslator("Google Translator", "google_translator") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(translator) # We add translator to the bot # Spawn DVM3 Kind 5002 Local Text TranslationLibre, calling the free LibreTranslateApi, as an alternative. # This will only run and appear on the bot if an endpoint is set in the .env if os.getenv("LIBRE_TRANSLATE_ENDPOINT") is not None and os.getenv("LIBRE_TRANSLATE_ENDPOINT") != "": libre_translator = build_libretranslator("Libre Translator", "libre_translator") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(libre_translator) # We add translator to the bot # Spawn DVM3 Kind 5100 Image Generation This one uses a specific backend called nova-server. # If you want to use it, see the instructions in backends/nova_server if os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") is not None and os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") != "": unstable_artist = build_unstable_diffusion("Unstable Diffusion", "unstable_diffusion") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(unstable_artist) # We add unstable Diffusion to the bot # Spawn DVM4, another Instance of text-to-image, as before but use a different privatekey, model and lora this time. if os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") is not None and os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") != "": sketcher = build_sketcher("Sketcher", "sketcher") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(sketcher) # We also add Sketcher to the bot # Spawn DVM5, image-to-image, . if os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") is not None and os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") != "": imageconverter = build_image_converter("Image Converter Inkpunk", "image_converter_inkpunk") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(imageconverter) # We also add Sketcher to the bot # Spawn DVM5, Another script on nova-server calling WhisperX to transcribe media files if os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") is not None and os.getenv("NOVA_SERVER") != "": whisperer = build_whisperx("Whisperer", "whisperx") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(whisperer) # We also add Sketcher to the bot transcriptor = build_googletranscribe("Transcriptor", "speech_recognition") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(transcriptor) # We also add Sketcher to the bot # Spawn DVM6, this one requires an OPENAI API Key and balance with OpenAI, you will move the task to them and pay # per call. Make sure you have enough balance and the DVM's cost is set higher than what you pay yourself, except, you know, # you're being generous. if os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") is not None and os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") != "": dalle = build_dalle("Dall-E 3", "dalle3") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(dalle) # Spawn DVM7.. oh wait, actually we don't spawn a new DVM, we use the dvmtaskinterface to define an external dvm by providing some info about it, such as # their pubkey, a name, task, kind etc. (unencrypted) tasktiger_external = build_external_dvm(name="External DVM: TaskTiger", pubkey="d483935d6bfcef3645195c04c97bbb70aedb6e65665c5ea83e562ca3c7acb978", task="text-to-image", kind=EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERATE_IMAGE, fix_cost=100, per_unit_cost=0) tasktiger_external.SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION = False # if the dvm does not support encrypted events, just send a regular event and mark it with p tag. Other dvms might initial answer bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(tasktiger_external) # Don't run it, it's on someone else's machine, and we simply make the bot aware of it. # DVM: 8 Another external dvm for recommendations: ymhm_external = build_external_dvm(name="External DVM: You might have missed", pubkey="6b37d5dc88c1cbd32d75b713f6d4c2f7766276f51c9337af9d32c8d715cc1b93", task="content-discovery", kind=EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_CONTENT_DISCOVERY, fix_cost=0, per_unit_cost=0) ymhm_external.SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION = False # if the dvm does not support encrypted events, just send a regular event and mark it with p tag. Other dvms might initial answer bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(ymhm_external) # Spawn DVM9.. A Media Grabber/Converter media_bringer = build_media_converter("Media Bringer", "media_converter") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(media_bringer) # Spawn DVM10 Discover inactive followers discover_inactive = build_inactive_follows_finder("Bygones", "discovery_inactive_follows") bot_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS.append(discover_inactive) Bot(bot_config) # Keep the main function alive for libraries that require it, like openai try: while True: time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': env_path = Path('.env') if env_path.is_file(): print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}') dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ') run_nostr_dvm_with_local_config()