from datetime import timedelta from pathlib import Path import dotenv from nostr_sdk import PublicKey, Timestamp, Event, HandleNotification, Alphabet, Filter, SingleLetterTag, Kind import asyncio import argparse from nostr_dvm.utils import dvmconfig from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig from nostr_dvm.utils.nut_wallet_utils import NutZapWallet from nostr_dvm.utils.print import bcolors # Run with params for test functions or set the default here parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Nutzaps') parser.add_argument("--mint", type=bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("--zap", type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument("--melt", type=bool, default=False) args = parser.parse_args() async def test(relays, mints): nutzap_wallet = NutZapWallet() update_wallet_info = False # leave this on false except when you manually changed relays/mints/keys client, keys = await nutzap_wallet.client_connect(relays) set_profile = False # Attention, this overwrites your current profile if on True, do not set if you use an non-test account if set_profile: lud16 = "" #overwrite with your ln address await nutzap_wallet.set_profile("Test", "I'm a nutsack test account", lud16, "", client, keys) # Test 1 Config: Mint Tokens mint_to_wallet = # Test function to mint 5 sats on the mint in your list with given index below mint_index = 0 # Index of mint in mints list to mint a token mint_amount = 10 # Amount to mint # Test 2 Config: Send Nutzap send_test = args.zap # Send a Nutzap send_zap_amount = 3 send_zap_message = "From my nutsack" send_reveiver = "npub139nfkqamy53j7vce9lw6w7uwxm3a8zrwnd2m836tj5y3aytv37vqygz42j" # keys.public_key().to_bech32() # This is ourself, for testing purposes, some other people to nutzap: #npub1nxa4tywfz9nqp7z9zp7nr7d4nchhclsf58lcqt5y782rmf2hefjquaa6q8 # dbth #npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft # pablof7z send_zapped_event = None # None, or zap an event like this: Nip19Event.from_nostr_uri("nostr:nevent1qqsxq59mhz8s6aj9jzltcmqmmv3eutsfcpkeny2x755vdu5dtq44ldqpz3mhxw309ucnydewxqhrqt338g6rsd3e9upzp75cf0tahv5z7plpdeaws7ex52nmnwgtwfr2g3m37r844evqrr6jqvzqqqqqqyqtxyr6").event_id().to_hex() # Test 3 Config: Melt to ln address melt = args.melt melt_amount = 6 print("PrivateKey: " + keys.secret_key().to_bech32() + " PublicKey: " + keys.public_key().to_bech32()) # See if we already have a wallet and fetch it nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys) # If we have a wallet but want to maually update the info.. if nut_wallet is not None and update_wallet_info: await nutzap_wallet.update_nut_wallet(nut_wallet, mints, client, keys) await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, client, keys) # If we don't have a wallet, we create one, fetch it and announce our info if nut_wallet is None: await nutzap_wallet.create_new_nut_wallet(mints, relays, client, keys, "Test", "My Nutsack") nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys) if nut_wallet is not None: await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, client, keys) else: print("Couldn't fetch wallet, please restart and see if it is there") # Test 1: We mint to our own wallet if mint_to_wallet: await nutzap_wallet.mint_cashu(nut_wallet, mints[mint_index], client, keys, mint_amount) nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys) # Test 2: We send a nutzap to someone (can be ourselves) if send_test: zapped_event_id_hex = send_zapped_event zapped_user_hex = PublicKey.parse(send_reveiver).to_hex() await nutzap_wallet.send_nut_zap(send_zap_amount, send_zap_message, nut_wallet, zapped_event_id_hex, zapped_user_hex, client, keys) #Test 3: Melt back to lightning: if melt: # you can overwrite the lu16 and/or npub, otherwise it's fetched from the profile (set it once by setting set_profile to True) lud16 = None npub = None await nutzap_wallet.melt_cashu(nut_wallet, mints[mint_index], melt_amount, client, keys, lud16, npub) await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys) if __name__ == '__main__': env_path = Path('.env') if env_path.is_file(): print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}') dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ') show_history = True, DVMConfig().NUZAP_MINTS))