import asyncio import json import os import sys from sys import platform from nostr_sdk import PublicKey, Keys, Client, Tag, Event, EventBuilder, Filter, HandleNotification, Timestamp, \ LogLevel, Options, nip04_encrypt, nip44_encrypt, Nip44Version, Kind, RelayLimits, uniffi_set_event_loop, ClientBuilder, NostrSigner from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import admin_make_database_updates, AdminConfig from nostr_dvm.utils.backend_utils import get_amount_per_task, check_task_is_supported, get_task from nostr_dvm.utils.cashu_utils import redeem_cashu from nostr_dvm.utils.database_utils import create_sql_table, get_or_add_user, update_sql_table, \ update_user_subscription from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions, RequiredJobToWatch, JobToWatch from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig from nostr_dvm.utils.mediasource_utils import input_data_file_duration from nostr_dvm.utils.nip88_utils import nip88_has_active_subscription from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import get_event_by_id, get_referenced_event_by_id, check_and_decrypt_tags, \ send_event_outbox, print_send_result from nostr_dvm.utils.nut_wallet_utils import NutZapWallet from nostr_dvm.utils.output_utils import build_status_reaction from nostr_dvm.utils.print_utils import bcolors from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import check_bolt11_ln_bits_is_paid, create_bolt11_ln_bits, parse_zap_event_tags, \ parse_amount_from_bolt11_invoice, zaprequest, pay_bolt11_ln_bits, create_bolt11_lud16 #os.environ["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" class DVM: dvm_config: DVMConfig admin_config: AdminConfig keys: Keys client: Client job_list: list jobs_on_hold_list: list stop_thread = False def __init__(self, dvm_config, admin_config=None, stop_thread=False): try:, admin_config, stop_thread)) #uniffi_set_event_loop(asyncio.get_running_loop()) except Exception as e: print(e) async def run_dvm(self, dvm_config, admin_config, stop_thread): self.dvm_config = dvm_config self.admin_config = admin_config self.keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY) self.stop_thread = stop_thread relaylimits = RelayLimits.disable() opts = Options().relay_limits(relaylimits) #.difficulty(28) #self.client = Client(self.keys) self.client = ClientBuilder().signer(NostrSigner.keys(self.keys)).opts(opts).build() self.job_list = [] self.jobs_on_hold_list = [] pk = self.keys.public_key() print(bcolors.BLUE + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] " + "Nostr DVM public key: " + str( pk.to_bech32()) + " Hex: " + str(pk.to_hex()) + " Supported DVM tasks: " + ', '.join(p.NAME + ":" + p.TASK for p in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS) + bcolors.ENDC) for relay in self.dvm_config.RELAY_LIST: await self.client.add_relay(relay) await self.client.connect() zap_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP, EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP61_NUT_ZAP]).since( kinds = [EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERIC] for dvm in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS: if dvm.KIND not in kinds: kinds.append(dvm.KIND) dvm_filter = (Filter().kinds(kinds).since( create_sql_table(self.dvm_config.DB) await admin_make_database_updates(adminconfig=self.admin_config, dvmconfig=self.dvm_config, client=self.client) await self.client.subscribe([dvm_filter, zap_filter], None) if self.dvm_config.ENABLE_NUTZAP: nutzap_wallet = NutZapWallet() nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(self.client, self.keys) if nut_wallet is None: await nutzap_wallet.create_new_nut_wallet(self.dvm_config.NUZAP_MINTS, self.dvm_config.NUTZAP_RELAYS, self.client, self.keys, "DVM", "DVM Nutsack") nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(self.client, self.keys) await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, self.client, self.keys) if self.dvm_config.REANNOUNCE_MINTS: nut_wallet.mints = dvm_config.NUZAP_MINTS await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, self.client, self.keys) class NotificationHandler(HandleNotification): client = self.client dvm_config = self.dvm_config keys = self.keys async def handle(self, relay_url, subscription_id, nostr_event: Event): if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value: print(nostr_event.as_json()) if EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_EXTRACT_TEXT.as_u16() <= nostr_event.kind().as_u16() <= EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERIC.as_u16(): await handle_nip90_job_event(nostr_event) elif nostr_event.kind().as_u16() == EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP.as_u16(): await handle_zap(nostr_event) elif nostr_event.kind().as_u16() == EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP61_NUT_ZAP.as_u16(): await handle_nutzap(nostr_event) async def handle_msg(self, relay_url, msg): return async def handle_nip90_job_event(nip90_event): # decrypted encrypted events nip90_event, use_legacy_encryption = check_and_decrypt_tags(nip90_event, self.dvm_config) # if event is encrypted, but we can't decrypt it (e.g. because its directed to someone else), return if nip90_event is None: return task_is_free = False user_has_active_subscription = False cashu = "" p_tag_str = "" for tag in nip90_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == "cashu": cashu = tag.as_vec()[1] elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "p": p_tag_str = tag.as_vec()[1] if p_tag_str != "" and p_tag_str != self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY: if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] No public request, also not addressed to me.") return # check if task is supported by the current DVM task_supported, task = await check_task_is_supported(nip90_event, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) # if task is supported, continue, else do nothing. if task_supported: # fetch or add user contacting the DVM from/to local database user = await get_or_add_user(self.dvm_config.DB,, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config, skip_meta=False) # if user is blacklisted for some reason, send an error reaction and return if user.isblacklisted: # await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "error", client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Request by blacklisted user, skipped") return if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.INFO.value: print( bcolors.MAGENTA + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Received new Request: " + task + " from " + + " (" + PublicKey.parse( user.npub).to_bech32() + ")" + bcolors.ENDC) duration = await input_data_file_duration(nip90_event, dvm_config=self.dvm_config, client=self.client) amount = get_amount_per_task(task, self.dvm_config, duration) if amount is None: return # If this is a subscription DVM and the Task is directed to us, check for active subscription if dvm_config.NIP88 is not None and p_tag_str == self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY: # await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "subscription-required", True, amount, self.client, # "Checking Subscription Status, please wait..", self.dvm_config) # if we stored in the database that the user has an active subscription, we don't need to check it print("User Subscription: " + str(user.subscribed) + " Current time: " + str( # if we have an entry in the db that user is subscribed, continue if int(user.subscribed) > int( print("User subscribed until: " + str(Timestamp.from_secs(user.subscribed).to_human_datetime())) user_has_active_subscription = True await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "subscription-active", True, amount, self.client, "User subscripton active until " + Timestamp.from_secs( int(user.subscribed)).to_human_datetime().replace( "Z", " ").replace("T", " ") + " GMT", self.dvm_config) # otherwise we check for an active subscription by checking recipie events # sleep a little to not get rate limited await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Checking Subscription status") # await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "subscription-required", True, amount, self.client, # "I Don't have information about subscription status, checking on the Nostr. This might take a few seconds", # self.dvm_config) subscription_status = await nip88_has_active_subscription(PublicKey.parse(user.npub), self.dvm_config.NIP88.DTAG, self.client, self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY) if subscription_status["isActive"]: await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "subscription-required", True, amount, self.client, "User subscripton active until " + Timestamp.from_secs(int( subscription_status[ "validUntil"])).to_human_datetime().replace("Z", " ").replace( "T", " ") + " GMT", self.dvm_config) print("Checked Recipe: User subscribed until: " + str( Timestamp.from_secs(int(subscription_status["validUntil"])).to_human_datetime())) user_has_active_subscription = True update_user_subscription(user.npub, int(subscription_status["validUntil"]), self.client, self.dvm_config) # sleep a little before sending next status update else: print("No active subscription found") await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "subscription-required", True, amount, self.client, "No active subscription found. Manage your subscription at: " + self.dvm_config.SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT, self.dvm_config) for dvm in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS: if ( dvm.TASK == task or dvm.TASK == "generic") and dvm.FIX_COST == 0 and dvm.PER_UNIT_COST == 0 and dvm_config.NIP88 is None: task_is_free = True cashu_redeemed = False if cashu != "": print(cashu) cashu_redeemed, cashu_message, redeem_amount, fees = await redeem_cashu(cashu, self.dvm_config, self.client, int(amount)) print(cashu_message) if cashu_message != "success": await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "error", False, amount, self.client, cashu_message, self.dvm_config) return # if user is whitelisted or task is free, just do the job if (user.iswhitelisted or task_is_free or cashu_redeemed) and ( p_tag_str == "" or p_tag_str == self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY): if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value: print( "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Free task or Whitelisted for task " + task + ". Starting processing..") if dvm_config.SEND_FEEDBACK_EVENTS: await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "processing", True, 0, content=self.dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) # when we reimburse users on error make sure to not send anything if it was free if user.iswhitelisted or task_is_free: amount = 0 await do_work(nip90_event, amount) # if task is directed to us via p tag and user has balance or is subscribed, do the job and update balance elif (p_tag_str == self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY and ( user.balance >= int( amount) and dvm_config.NIP88 is None) or ( p_tag_str == self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY and user_has_active_subscription)): if not user_has_active_subscription: balance = max(user.balance - int(amount), 0) update_sql_table(db=self.dvm_config.DB, npub=user.npub, balance=balance, iswhitelisted=user.iswhitelisted, isblacklisted=user.isblacklisted, nip05=user.nip05, lud16=user.lud16,,, subscribed=user.subscribed) print( "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Using user's balance for task: " + task + ". Starting processing.. New balance is: " + str(balance)) else: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] User has active subscription for task: " + task + ". Starting processing.. Balance remains at: " + str(user.balance)) await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "processing", True, 0, content=self.dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) await do_work(nip90_event, amount) # else send a payment required event to user elif p_tag_str == "" or p_tag_str == self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY: if dvm_config.NIP88 is not None: print( "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Hinting user for Subscription: " + # await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "subscription-required", # False, 0, client=self.client, # dvm_config=self.dvm_config) else: bid = 0 for tag in nip90_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'bid': bid = int(tag.as_vec()[1]) print( "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Payment required: New Nostr " + task + " Job event: " + nip90_event.as_json()) if bid > 0: bid_offer = int(bid / 1000) if bid_offer >= int(amount): await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "payment-required", False, int(amount), # bid_offer client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) else: # If there is no bid, just request server rate from user print( "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Requesting payment for Event: " + await send_job_status_reaction(nip90_event, "payment-required", False, int(amount), client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) else: if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Job addressed to someone else, skipping..") # else: # print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Task " + task + " not supported on this DVM, skipping..") async def handle_nutzap(nut_zap_event): if self.dvm_config.ENABLE_NUTZAP: nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(self.client, self.keys) if nut_wallet is not None: received_amount, message, sender = await nutzap_wallet.reedeem_nutzap(nut_zap_event, nut_wallet, self.client, self.keys) user = await get_or_add_user(db=self.dvm_config.DB, npub=sender, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) zapped_event = None for tag in nut_zap_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'e': zapped_event = await get_event_by_id(tag.as_vec()[1], client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) if zapped_event is not None: if zapped_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK: amount = 0 job_event = None p_tag_str = "" status = "" for tag in zapped_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'amount': amount = int(float(tag.as_vec()[1]) / 1000) elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'e': job_event = await get_event_by_id(tag.as_vec()[1], client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) if job_event is not None: job_event, use_legacy_encryption = check_and_decrypt_tags(job_event, self.dvm_config) if job_event is None: return else: return elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'status': status = tag.as_vec()[1] # if a reaction by us got zapped print(status) task_supported, task = await check_task_is_supported(job_event, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) if job_event is not None and task_supported: print("NutZap received for NIP90 task: " + str(received_amount) + " Sats from " + str( + " (" + user.npub + ")")) if amount <= received_amount: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Payment-request fulfilled...") await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "processing", client=self.client, content=self.dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.job_list) if x.event == job_event] index = -1 if len(indices) > 0: index = indices[0] if index > -1: if self.job_list[index].is_processed: self.job_list[index].is_paid = True await check_and_return_event(self.job_list[index].result, job_event) elif not (self.job_list[index]).is_processed: # If payment-required appears before processing self.job_list.pop(index) print("Starting work...") await do_work(job_event, received_amount) else: print("Job not in List, but starting work...") await do_work(job_event, received_amount) else: await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "payment-rejected", False, received_amount, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Invoice was not paid sufficiently") if self.dvm_config.ENABLE_AUTO_MELT: balance = nut_wallet.balance + received_amount if balance > self.dvm_config.AUTO_MELT_AMOUNT: lud16 = self.admin_config.LUD16 npub = self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY mint_index = 0 await nutzap_wallet.melt_cashu(nut_wallet, self.dvm_config.NUZAP_MINTS[mint_index], self.dvm_config.AUTO_MELT_AMOUNT, self.client, self.keys, lud16, npub) else: print("NutZaps not enabled for this DVM. ") async def handle_zap(zap_event): try: invoice_amount, zapped_event, sender, message, anon = await parse_zap_event_tags(zap_event, self.keys, self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME, self.client, self.dvm_config) user = await get_or_add_user(db=self.dvm_config.DB, npub=sender, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) if zapped_event is not None: if zapped_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK: amount = 0 job_event = None p_tag_str = "" status = "" for tag in zapped_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'amount': amount = int(float(tag.as_vec()[1]) / 1000) elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'e': job_event = await get_event_by_id(tag.as_vec()[1], client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) if job_event is not None: job_event, use_legacy_encryption = check_and_decrypt_tags(job_event, self.dvm_config) if job_event is None: return else: return elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'status': status = tag.as_vec()[1] print(status) # if a reaction by us got zapped print(status) if job_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT: await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "subscription-success", client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) else: task_supported, task = await check_task_is_supported(job_event, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) if job_event is not None and task_supported: print("Zap received for NIP90 task: " + str(invoice_amount) + " Sats from " + str( + " (" + user.npub + ")")) if amount <= invoice_amount: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Payment-request fulfilled...") await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "processing", client=self.client, content=self.dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.job_list) if x.event == job_event] index = -1 if len(indices) > 0: index = indices[0] if index > -1: if self.job_list[index].is_processed: self.job_list[index].is_paid = True await check_and_return_event(self.job_list[index].result, job_event) elif not (self.job_list[index]).is_processed: # If payment-required appears before processing self.job_list.pop(index) print("Starting work...") await do_work(job_event, invoice_amount) else: print("Job not in List, but starting work...") await do_work(job_event, invoice_amount) else: await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "payment-rejected", False, invoice_amount, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Invoice was not paid sufficiently") elif zapped_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT: print("new subscription, doing nothing") elif zapped_event.kind() in EventDefinitions.ANY_RESULT: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] " "Someone zapped the result of an exisiting Task. Nice") elif not anon: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Note Zap received for DVM balance: " + str(invoice_amount) + " Sats from " + str( + " (" + user.npub + ")")) # update_user_balance(self.dvm_config.DB, sender, invoice_amount, client=self.client, # config=self.dvm_config) # a regular note elif not anon and dvm_config.NIP88 is None: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Profile Zap received for DVM balance: " + str(invoice_amount) + " Sats from " + str( + " (" + user.npub + ")")) # update_user_balance(self.dvm_config.DB, sender, invoice_amount, client=self.client, # config=self.dvm_config) except Exception as e: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Error during content decryption: " + str(e)) async def check_event_has_not_unfinished_job_input(nevent, append, client, dvmconfig): task_supported, task = await check_task_is_supported(nevent, client, config=dvmconfig) if not task_supported: return False for tag in nevent.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'i': if len(tag.as_vec()) < 3: print("Job Event missing/malformed i tag, skipping..") return False else: input = tag.as_vec()[1] input_type = tag.as_vec()[2] if input_type == "job": evt = await get_referenced_event_by_id(event_id=input, client=client, kinds=EventDefinitions.ANY_RESULT, dvm_config=dvmconfig) if evt is None: if append: job_ = RequiredJobToWatch(event=nevent, self.jobs_on_hold_list.append(job_) await send_job_status_reaction(nevent, "chain-scheduled", True, 0, client=client, dvm_config=dvmconfig) return False else: return True async def check_and_return_event(data, original_event: Event): amount = 0 for x in self.job_list: if x.event == original_event: is_paid = x.is_paid amount = x.amount x.result = data x.is_processed = True if self.dvm_config.SHOW_RESULT_BEFORE_PAYMENT and not is_paid: await send_nostr_reply_event(data, original_event.as_json()) await send_job_status_reaction(original_event, "success", amount, dvm_config=self.dvm_config ) # or payment-required, or both? elif not self.dvm_config.SHOW_RESULT_BEFORE_PAYMENT and not is_paid: await send_job_status_reaction(original_event, "success", amount, dvm_config=self.dvm_config ) # or payment-required, or both? if self.dvm_config.SHOW_RESULT_BEFORE_PAYMENT and is_paid: self.job_list.remove(x) elif not self.dvm_config.SHOW_RESULT_BEFORE_PAYMENT and is_paid: self.job_list.remove(x) await send_nostr_reply_event(data, original_event.as_json()) break task = await get_task(original_event, self.client, self.dvm_config) for dvm in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS: if task == dvm.TASK or dvm.TASK == "generic": try: post_processed = await dvm.post_process(data, original_event) await send_nostr_reply_event(post_processed, original_event.as_json()) except Exception as e: print(e) # Zapping back by error in post-processing is a risk for the DVM because work has been done, # but maybe something with parsing/uploading failed. Try to avoid errors here as good as possible await send_job_status_reaction(original_event, "error", content="Error in Post-processing: " + str(e), dvm_config=self.dvm_config, ) if amount > 0 and self.dvm_config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY != "": user = await get_or_add_user(self.dvm_config.DB,, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) print(user.lud16 + " " + str(amount)) bolt11 = zaprequest(user.lud16, amount, "Couldn't finish job, returning sats", original_event, "", self.keys, self.dvm_config.RELAY_LIST, zaptype="private") if bolt11 is None: print("Receiver has no Lightning address, can't zap back.") return try: payment_hash = pay_bolt11_ln_bits(bolt11, self.dvm_config) except Exception as e: print(e) async def send_nostr_reply_event(content, original_event_as_str): original_event = Event.from_json(original_event_as_str) request_tag = Tag.parse(["request", original_event_as_str]) e_tag = Tag.parse(["e",]) p_tag = Tag.parse(["p",]) alt_tag = Tag.parse(["alt", "This is the result of a NIP90 DVM task with kind " + str( original_event.kind().as_u16())]) status_tag = Tag.parse(["status", "success"]) reply_tags = [request_tag, e_tag, p_tag, alt_tag, status_tag] relay_tag = None for tag in original_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == "relays": relay_tag = tag if tag.as_vec()[0] == "client": client = tag.as_vec()[1] reply_tags.append(Tag.parse(["client", client])) if relay_tag is not None: reply_tags.append(relay_tag) encrypted = False is_legacy_encryption = False encryption_tags = [] for tag in original_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == "encrypted": encrypted = True encrypted_tag = Tag.parse(["encrypted"]) encryption_tags.append(encrypted_tag) #_, is_legacy_encryption = check_and_decrypt_tags(original_event, dvm_config) for tag in original_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == "i": if not encrypted: reply_tags.append(tag) elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "expiration": reply_tags.append(tag) if encrypted: encryption_tags.append(p_tag) encryption_tags.append(e_tag) else: reply_tags.append(p_tag) if encrypted: print(content) if is_legacy_encryption: content = nip04_encrypt(self.keys.secret_key(), PublicKey.parse(, content) else: content = nip44_encrypt(self.keys.secret_key(), PublicKey.parse(, content, Nip44Version.V2) reply_tags = encryption_tags reply_event = EventBuilder(Kind(original_event.kind().as_u16() + 1000), str(content)).tags(reply_tags).sign_with_keys( self.keys) #print(reply_event) # send_event(reply_event, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) response_status = await send_event_outbox(reply_event, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) if response_status is not None: if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value: print(bcolors.GREEN + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] " + str( original_event.kind().as_u16() + 1000) + " Job Response event sent: " + reply_event.as_json() + ". Success: " + str( response_status.success) + " Failed: " + str(response_status.failed) + " EventID: " + + " / " + + bcolors.ENDC) elif self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.INFO.value: print(bcolors.GREEN + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] " + str( original_event.kind().as_u16() + 1000) + " Job Response event sent. Success: " + str( response_status.success) + " Failed: " + str(response_status.failed) + " EventID: " + + " / " + + bcolors.ENDC) else: print( bcolors.RED + "No success" + bcolors.ENDC) async def send_job_status_reaction(original_event, status, is_paid=True, amount=0, client=None, content=None, dvm_config=None): task = await get_task(original_event, client=client, dvm_config=dvm_config) alt_description, reaction = build_status_reaction(status, task, amount, content, dvm_config) e_tag = Tag.parse(["e",]) p_tag = Tag.parse(["p",]) alt_tag = Tag.parse(["alt", alt_description]) status_tag = Tag.parse(["status", status]) reply_tags = [e_tag, alt_tag, status_tag] relay_tag = None for tag in original_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == "relays": relay_tag = tag break if relay_tag is not None: reply_tags.append(relay_tag) encryption_tags = [] encrypted = False is_legacy_encryption = False expiration_tag = None for tag in original_event.tags().to_vec(): if tag.as_vec()[0] == "encrypted": encrypted = True encrypted_tag = Tag.parse(["encrypted"]) encryption_tags.append(encrypted_tag) #_, is_legacy_encryption = check_and_decrypt_tags(original_event, dvm_config) elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "expiration": expiration_tag = tag if encrypted: encryption_tags.append(p_tag) encryption_tags.append(e_tag) else: reply_tags.append(p_tag) if status == "success" or status == "error": # for x in self.job_list: if x.event == original_event: is_paid = x.is_paid amount = x.amount break bolt11 = "" payment_hash = "" expires = original_event.created_at().as_secs() + (60 * 60 * 24) if status == "payment-required" or ( status == "processing" and not is_paid): if dvm_config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY != "" and dvm_config.PROVIDE_INVOICE: try: bolt11, payment_hash = create_bolt11_ln_bits(amount, dvm_config) except Exception as e: print(e) try: bolt11, payment_hash = create_bolt11_lud16(dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS, amount) except Exception as e: print(e) bolt11 = None elif dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS != "" and dvm_config.PROVIDE_INVOICE: try: bolt11, payment_hash = create_bolt11_lud16(dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS, amount) except Exception as e: print(e) bolt11 = None else: bolt11 = None if not any(x.event == original_event for x in self.job_list): self.job_list.append( JobToWatch(event=original_event, timestamp=original_event.created_at().as_secs(), amount=amount, is_paid=is_paid, status=status, result="", is_processed=False, bolt11=bolt11, payment_hash=payment_hash, expires=expires)) # print(str(self.job_list)) if (status == "payment-required" or status == "payment-rejected" or ( status == "processing" and not is_paid) or (status == "success" and not is_paid)): if dvm_config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY != "" and bolt11 is not None: amount_tag = Tag.parse(["amount", str(amount * 1000), bolt11]) else: amount_tag = Tag.parse(["amount", str(amount * 1000)]) # to millisats reply_tags.append(amount_tag) if encrypted: content_tag = Tag.parse(["content", reaction]) reply_tags.append(content_tag) str_tags = [] for element in reply_tags: str_tags.append(element.as_vec()) content = json.dumps(str_tags) if is_legacy_encryption: content = nip04_encrypt(self.keys.secret_key(), PublicKey.parse(, content) else: content = nip44_encrypt(self.keys.secret_key(), PublicKey.parse(, content, version=Nip44Version.V2) reply_tags = encryption_tags else: content = reaction if expiration_tag is not None: reply_tags.append(expiration_tag) keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY) reaction_event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK, str(content)).tags(reply_tags).sign_with_keys(keys) # send_event(reaction_event, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) response_status = await send_event_outbox(reaction_event, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) if response_status is not None: if self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value: print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Sent Kind " + str( EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK.as_u16()) + " Reaction: " + status + " " + reaction_event.as_json() + ". Success: " + str( response_status.success) + " Failed: " + str(response_status.failed) + " EventID: " + + " / " + + bcolors.ENDC) elif self.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.INFO.value: print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Sent Kind " + str( EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK.as_u16()) + " Reaction: " + status + ". Success: " + str( response_status.success) + " Failed: " + str(response_status.failed) + " EventID: " + + " / " + + bcolors.ENDC) else: print(bcolors.RED + "No success" + bcolors.ENDC) return reaction_event.as_json() async def _read_stream(stream, cb): while True: line = await stream.readline() if line: cb(line) else: break async def _stream_subprocess(cmd, stdout_cb, stderr_cb): process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) async def run_subprocess(python_bin, dvm_config, request_form, stdout_cb, stderr_cb): print("Running subprocess, please wait..") process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( python_bin, dvm_config.SCRIPT, '--request', json.dumps(request_form), '--identifier', dvm_config.IDENTIFIER, '--output', 'output.txt', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) await asyncio.gather( _read_stream(process.stdout, stdout_cb), _read_stream(process.stderr, stderr_cb) ) return await process.wait() # stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() # retcode = process.returncode # if retcode != 0: # print(f"Error: {stderr.decode()}") # else: # print(f"Output: {stdout.decode()}") # return retcode async def do_work(job_event, amount): if (( EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_EXTRACT_TEXT.as_u16() <= job_event.kind().as_u16() <= EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERIC.as_u16()) or job_event.kind().as_u16() == EventDefinitions.KIND_DM.as_u16()): task = await get_task(job_event, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) for dvm in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS: result = "" try: if task == dvm.TASK or dvm.TASK == "generic": request_form = await dvm.create_request_from_nostr_event(job_event, self.client, self.dvm_config) if dvm_config.USE_OWN_VENV: python_location = "/bin/python" if platform == "win32": python_location = "/Scripts/python" python_bin = (r'cache/venvs/' + os.path.basename(dvm_config.SCRIPT).split(".py")[0] + python_location) # retcode =[python_bin, dvm_config.SCRIPT, # '--request', json.dumps(request_form), # '--identifier', dvm_config.IDENTIFIER, # '--output', 'output.txt']) await run_subprocess(python_bin, dvm_config, request_form, lambda x: print("%s" % x.decode("utf-8").replace("\n", "")), lambda x: print("STDERR: %s" % x.decode("utf-8"))) print("Finished processing, loading data..") with open(os.path.abspath('output.txt'), encoding="utf-8") as f: resultall = f.readlines() for line in resultall: if line != '\n': result += line os.remove(os.path.abspath('output.txt')) assert not result.startswith("Error:") print(result) else: # Some components might have issues with running code in otuside venv. # We install locally in these cases for now result = await dvm.process(request_form) try: post_processed = await dvm.post_process(result, job_event) await send_nostr_reply_event(post_processed, job_event.as_json()) except Exception as e: print(bcolors.RED + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Error: " + str( e) + bcolors.ENDC) await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "error", content=str(e), dvm_config=self.dvm_config) except Exception as e: print( bcolors.RED + "[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Error: " + str(e) + bcolors.ENDC) # we could send the exception here to the user, but maybe that's not a good idea after all. await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "error", content=result, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) # Zapping back the user on error if amount > 0 and self.dvm_config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY != "": user = await get_or_add_user(self.dvm_config.DB,, client=self.client, config=self.dvm_config) print(user.lud16 + " " + str(amount)) bolt11 = zaprequest(user.lud16, amount, "Couldn't finish job, returning sats", job_event, PublicKey.parse(user.npub), self.keys, self.dvm_config.RELAY_LIST, zaptype="private") if bolt11 is None: print("Receiver has no Lightning address, can't zap back.") return try: payment_hash = pay_bolt11_ln_bits(bolt11, self.dvm_config) except Exception as e: print(e) return asyncio.create_task(self.client.handle_notifications(NotificationHandler())) try: while not self.stop_thread: for dvm in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS: await dvm.schedule(self.dvm_config) for job in self.job_list: if job.bolt11 != "" and job.payment_hash != "" and not job.payment_hash is None and not job.is_paid: ispaid = check_bolt11_ln_bits_is_paid(job.payment_hash, self.dvm_config) if ispaid and job.is_paid is False: print("is paid") job.is_paid = True amount = parse_amount_from_bolt11_invoice(job.bolt11) job.is_paid = True await send_job_status_reaction(job.event, "processing", True, 0, content=self.dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config) print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] doing work from joblist") await do_work(job.event, amount) elif ispaid is None: # invoice expired self.job_list.remove(job) if > job.expires: self.job_list.remove(job) for job in self.jobs_on_hold_list: if await check_event_has_not_unfinished_job_input(job.event, False, client=self.client, dvmconfig=self.dvm_config): await handle_nip90_job_event(nip90_event=job.event) try: self.jobs_on_hold_list.remove(job) except: print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Error removing Job on Hold from List after expiry") if > job.timestamp + 60 * 20: # remove jobs to look for after 20 minutes.. self.jobs_on_hold_list.remove(job) await asyncio.sleep(1) except BaseException: print("ende")