# [nostream](https://github.com/Cameri/nostream)

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This is a [nostr](https://github.com/fiatjaf/nostr) relay, written in Typescript. This implementation is production-ready. See below for supported features. The project master repository is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/Cameri/nostream). [![Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/button.svg)](https://railway.app/new/template/Xfk5F7?referralCode=Kfv2ly) ## Features NIPs with a relay-specific implementation are listed here. - [x] NIP-01: Basic protocol flow description - [x] NIP-02: Contact list and petnames - [x] NIP-04: Encrypted Direct Message - [x] NIP-09: Event deletion - [x] NIP-11: Relay information document - [x] NIP-11a: Relay Information Document Extensions - [x] NIP-12: Generic tag queries - [x] NIP-13: Proof of Work - [x] NIP-15: End of Stored Events Notice - [x] NIP-16: Event Treatment - [x] NIP-20: Command Results - [x] NIP-22: Event `created_at` Limits - [x] NIP-26: Delegated Event Signing - [x] NIP-28: Public Chat - [x] NIP-33: Parameterized Replaceable Events - [x] NIP-40: Expiration Timestamp ## Requirements ### Standalone setup - PostgreSQL 14.0 - Redis - Node v18 - Typescript ### Docker setups - Docker v20.10 - Docker Compose v2.10 ### Local Docker setup - Docker Desktop v4.2.0 or newer - [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert) WARNING: Docker distributions from Snap, Brew or Debian repositories are NOT SUPPORTED and will result in errors. Install Docker from their [official guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) ONLY. ## Full Guide - [Set up a Paid Nostr relay with Nostream and ZBD](https://andreneves.xyz/p/how-to-setup-a-paid-nostr-relay) by [André Neves](https://snort.social/p/npub1rvg76s0gz535txd9ypg2dfqv0x7a80ar6e096j3v343xdxyrt4ksmkxrck) (CTO & Co-Founder at [ZEBEDEE](https://zebedee.io/)) - [Set up a Nostr relay in under 5 minutes](https://andreneves.xyz/p/set-up-a-nostr-relay-server-in-under) by [André Neves](https://twitter.com/andreneves) (CTO & Co-Founder at [ZEBEDEE](https://zebedee.io/)) ## Quick Start (Docker Compose) Install Docker following the [official guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/). You may have to uninstall Docker if you installed it using a different guide. Clone repository and enter directory: ``` git clone git@github.com:Cameri/nostream.git cd nostream ``` Start: ``` ./scripts/start ``` or ``` ./scripts/start_with_tor ``` Stop the server with: ``` ./scripts/stop ``` Print the Tor hostname: ``` ./scripts/print_tor_hostname ``` ### Running as a Service By default this server will run continuously until you stop it with Ctrl+C or until the system restarts. You can [install as a systemd service](https://www.swissrouting.com/nostr.html#installing-as-a-service) if you want the server to run again automatically whenever the system is restarted. For example: ``` $ nano /etc/systemd/system/nostream.service # Note: replace "User=..." with your username, and # "/home/nostr/nostream" with the directory where you cloned the repo. [Unit] Description=Nostr TS Relay After=network.target StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=5 User=nostr WorkingDirectory=/home/nostr/nostream ExecStart=/home/nostr/nostream/scripts/start ExecStop=/home/nostr/nostream/scripts/stop [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` And then: ``` systemctl enable nostream systemctl start nostream ``` The logs can be viewed with: ``` journalctl -u nostream ``` ## Quick Start (Standalone) Set the following environment variables: ``` DB_URI="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/nostr_ts_relay_test" DB_USER=postgres ``` or ``` DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=nostr_ts_relay DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=postgres ``` ``` REDIS_URI="redis://default:nostr_ts_relay@localhost:6379" REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_USER=default REDIS_PASSWORD=nostr_ts_relay ``` If enabling payments, generate a long random secret and set SECRET: You may want to use `openssl rand -hex 128` to generate a secret. ``` SECRET=aaabbbccc...dddeeefff # Secret shortened for brevity ``` In addition, if using Zebedee for payments, you must also set ZEBEDEE_API_KEY with an API Key from one of your projects in your Zebedee Developer Dashboard. Contact @foxp2zeb on Telegram or npub1rvg76s0gz535txd9ypg2dfqv0x7a80ar6e096j3v343xdxyrt4ksmkxrck on Nostr requesting access to the Zebedee Developer Dashboard. Create `nostr_ts_relay` database: ``` $ psql -h $DB_HOST -p $DB_PORT -U $DB_USER -W postgres=# create database nostr_ts_relay; postgres=# quit ``` Start Redis and use `redis-cli` to set the default password and verify: ``` $ redis-cli> CONFIG SET requirepass "nostr_ts_relay" OK> AUTH nostr_ts_relay Ok ``` Clone repository and enter directory: ``` git clone git@github.com:Cameri/nostream.git cd nostream ``` Install dependencies: ``` npm install -g knex npm install ``` Run migrations (at least once and after pulling new changes): ``` NODE_OPTIONS="-r dotenv/config" npm run db:migrate ``` Create .nostr folder inside nostream project folder and copy over the settings file: ``` mkdir .nostr cp resources/default-settings.yaml .nostr/settings.yaml ``` To start in development mode: ``` npm run dev ``` Or, start in production mode: ``` npm run start ``` To clean up the build, coverage and test reports run: ``` npm run clean ``` ## Development Quick Start (Docker Compose) Install Docker Desktop following the [official guide](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/). You may have to uninstall Docker on your machine if you installed it using a different guide. Clone repository and enter directory: ``` git clone git@github.com:Cameri/nostream.git cd nostream ``` Start: ``` ./scripts/start_local ``` This will run in the foreground of the terminal until you stop it with Ctrl+C. ## Tests ### Unit tests Open a terminal and change to the project's directory: ``` cd /path/to/nostream ``` Run unit tests with: ``` npm run test:unit ``` Or, run unit tests in watch mode: ``` npm run test:unit:watch ``` To get unit test coverage run: ``` npm run cover:unit ``` To see the unit tests report open `.test-reports/unit/index.html` with a browser: ``` open .test-reports/unit/index.html ``` To see the unit tests coverage report open `.coverage/unit/lcov-report/index.html` with a browser: ``` open .coverage/unit/lcov-report/index.html ``` ### Integration tests (Docker Compose) Open a terminal and change to the project's directory: ``` cd /path/to/nostream ``` Run integration tests with: ``` npm run docker:test:integration ``` And to get integration test coverage run: ``` npm run docker:cover:integration ``` ### Integration tests (Standalone) Open a terminal and change to the project's directory: ``` cd /path/to/nostream ``` Set the following environment variables: ``` DB_URI="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/nostr_ts_relay_test" or DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=nostr_ts_relay_test DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=postgres DB_MIN_POOL_SIZE=1 DB_MAX_POOL_SIZE=2 ``` Then run the integration tests: ``` npm run test:integration ``` To see the integration tests report open `.test-reports/integration/report.html` with a browser: ``` open .test-reports/integration/report.html ``` To get the integration test coverage run: ``` npm run cover:integration ``` To see the integration test coverage report open `.coverage/integration/lcov-report/index.html` with a browser. ``` open .coverage/integration/lcov-report/index.html ``` ## Configuration You can change the default folder by setting the `NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR` environment variable to a different path. Run nostream using one of the quick-start guides at least once and `nostream/.nostr/settings.json` will be created. Any changes made to the settings file will be read on the next start. Default settings can be found under `resources/default-settings.yaml`. Feel free to copy it to `nostream/.nostr/settings.yaml` if you would like to have a settings file before running the relay first. See [CONFIGURATION.md](CONFIGURATION.md) for a detailed explanation of each environment variable and setting. ## Dev Channel For development discussions, please use the [Nostr Typescript Relay Dev Group](https://t.me/nostream_dev). For discussions about the protocol, please feel free to use the [Nostr Telegram Group](https://t.me/nostr_protocol). # Author I'm Cameri on most social networks. You can find me on Nostr by npub1qqqqqqyz0la2jjl752yv8h7wgs3v098mh9nztd4nr6gynaef6uqqt0n47m. # Contributors (A-Z) - Anton Livaja - Juan Angel - Kevin Smith - Saransh Sharma - swissrouting - André Neves - Semisol ## License This project is MIT licensed.