package gpu

import (


func TestBasicGetGPUInfo(t *testing.T) {
	info := GetGPUInfo()
	assert.NotEmpty(t, len(info))
	assert.Contains(t, "cuda rocm cpu metal", info[0].Library)
	if info[0].Library != "cpu" {
		assert.Greater(t, info[0].TotalMemory, uint64(0))
		assert.Greater(t, info[0].FreeMemory, uint64(0))

func TestCPUMemInfo(t *testing.T) {
	info, err := GetCPUMem()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	switch runtime.GOOS {
	case "darwin":
		t.Skip("CPU memory not populated on darwin")
	case "linux", "windows":
		assert.Greater(t, info.TotalMemory, uint64(0))
		assert.Greater(t, info.FreeMemory, uint64(0))

func TestByLibrary(t *testing.T) {
	type testCase struct {
		input  []GpuInfo
		expect int

	testCases := map[string]*testCase{
		"empty":                    {input: []GpuInfo{}, expect: 0},
		"cpu":                      {input: []GpuInfo{{Library: "cpu"}}, expect: 1},
		"cpu + GPU":                {input: []GpuInfo{{Library: "cpu"}, {Library: "cuda"}}, expect: 2},
		"cpu + 2 GPU no variant":   {input: []GpuInfo{{Library: "cpu"}, {Library: "cuda"}, {Library: "cuda"}}, expect: 2},
		"cpu + 2 GPU same variant": {input: []GpuInfo{{Library: "cpu"}, {Library: "cuda", Variant: "v11"}, {Library: "cuda", Variant: "v11"}}, expect: 2},
		"cpu + 2 GPU diff variant": {input: []GpuInfo{{Library: "cpu"}, {Library: "cuda", Variant: "v11"}, {Library: "cuda", Variant: "v12"}}, expect: 3},

	for k, v := range testCases {
		t.Run(k, func(t *testing.T) {
			resp := (GpuInfoList)(v.input).ByLibrary()
			if len(resp) != v.expect {
				t.Fatalf("expected length %d, got %d => %+v", v.expect, len(resp), resp)

// TODO - add some logic to figure out card type through other means and actually verify we got back what we expected