package llama /* #cgo CFLAGS: -std=c11 #cgo CXXFLAGS: -std=c++17 #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/llama.cpp/include #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/llama.cpp/common #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/llama.cpp/examples/llava #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/llama.cpp/src #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/../ml/backend/ggml/ggml/include #include #include "ggml.h" #include "llama.h" #include "clip.h" #include "llava.h" #include "gguf.h" #include "mllama.h" #include "sampling_ext.h" extern bool llamaProgressCallback(float progress, void *user_data); extern void llamaLog(int level, char* text, void* user_data); typedef enum {COMP_UNKNOWN,COMP_GCC,COMP_CLANG} COMPILER; COMPILER inline get_compiler() { #if defined(__clang__) return COMP_CLANG; #elif defined(__GNUC__) return COMP_GCC; #else return UNKNOWN_COMPILER; #endif } */ import "C" import ( _ "embed" "errors" "fmt" "os" "runtime" "runtime/cgo" "slices" "strings" "sync/atomic" "unsafe" _ "" _ "" _ "" "" ) func BackendInit() { ggml.OnceLoad() C.llama_backend_init() } func PrintSystemInfo() string { var compiler string switch C.get_compiler() { case C.COMP_UNKNOWN: compiler = "cgo(unknown_compiler)" case C.COMP_GCC: compiler = "cgo(gcc)" case C.COMP_CLANG: compiler = "cgo(clang)" } return C.GoString(C.llama_print_system_info()) + compiler } var logLevel atomic.Int32 func init() { logLevel.Store(int32(C.GGML_LOG_LEVEL_INFO)) C.llama_log_set((C.ggml_log_callback)(C.llamaLog), nil) } func EnableDebug() { logLevel.Store(int32(C.GGML_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)) } //export llamaLog func llamaLog(level int32, text *C.char, _ unsafe.Pointer) { if level < logLevel.Load() { return } fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, C.GoString(text)) } func GetModelArch(modelPath string) (string, error) { mp := C.CString(modelPath) defer gguf_ctx := C.gguf_init_from_file(mp, C.struct_gguf_init_params{no_alloc: true, ctx: (**C.struct_ggml_context)(C.NULL)}) if gguf_ctx == nil { return "", errors.New("unable to load model file") } defer C.gguf_free(gguf_ctx) key := C.CString("general.architecture") defer arch_index := C.gguf_find_key(gguf_ctx, key) if int(arch_index) < 0 { return "", errors.New("unknown model architecture") } arch := C.gguf_get_val_str(gguf_ctx, arch_index) return C.GoString(arch), nil } type ContextParams struct { c C.struct_llama_context_params } func NewContextParams(numCtx int, batchSize int, numSeqMax int, threads int, flashAttention bool, kvCacheType string) ContextParams { params := C.llama_context_default_params() params.n_ctx = C.uint(numCtx) params.n_batch = C.uint(batchSize) params.n_seq_max = C.uint(numSeqMax) params.n_threads = params.n_threads_batch = params.n_threads params.embeddings = C.bool(true) params.flash_attn = C.bool(flashAttention) params.type_k = kvCacheTypeFromStr(strings.ToLower(kvCacheType)) params.type_v = kvCacheTypeFromStr(strings.ToLower(kvCacheType)) return ContextParams{c: params} } // kvCacheTypeFromStr converts a string cache type to the corresponding GGML type value func kvCacheTypeFromStr(s string) C.enum_ggml_type { if s == "" { return C.GGML_TYPE_F16 } switch s { case "q8_0": return C.GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 case "q4_0": return C.GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 default: return C.GGML_TYPE_F16 } } type Context struct { c *C.struct_llama_context numThreads int } var ErrKvCacheFull = errors.New("could not find a kv cache slot") func (c *Context) Decode(batch *Batch) error { // Positive return values does not mean a fatal error, but rather a warning. // 0 - success // 1 - could not find a KV slot for the batch (try reducing the size of the batch or increase the context) // < 0 - error code := int(C.llama_decode(c.c, batch.c)) if code < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("llama_decode failed with code %d", code) } if code > 0 { return ErrKvCacheFull } return nil } func (c *Context) Model() *Model { return &Model{c: C.llama_get_model(c.c)} } func (c *Context) KvCacheSeqAdd(seqId int, p0 int, p1 int, delta int) { C.llama_kv_cache_seq_add(c.c,,,, } func (c *Context) KvCacheSeqRm(seqId int, p0 int, p1 int) bool { return bool(C.llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(c.c,,, } func (c *Context) KvCacheSeqCp(srcSeqId int, dstSeqId int, p0 int, p1 int) { C.llama_kv_cache_seq_cp(c.c,,,, } func (c *Context) KvCacheClear() { C.llama_kv_cache_clear(c.c) } func (c *Context) KvCacheDefrag() { C.llama_kv_cache_defrag(c.c) } // Get the embeddings for a sequence id func (c *Context) GetEmbeddingsSeq(seqId int) []float32 { e := unsafe.Pointer(C.llama_get_embeddings_seq(c.c, if e == nil { return nil } embeddings := make([]float32, c.Model().NEmbd()) _ = copy(embeddings, unsafe.Slice((*float32)(e), c.Model().NEmbd())) return embeddings } func (c *Context) GetEmbeddingsIth(i int) []float32 { e := unsafe.Pointer(C.llama_get_embeddings_ith(c.c, C.int32_t(i))) if e == nil { return nil } embeddings := make([]float32, c.Model().NEmbd()) _ = copy(embeddings, unsafe.Slice((*float32)(e), c.Model().NEmbd())) return embeddings } type ModelParams struct { NumGpuLayers int MainGpu int UseMmap bool UseMlock bool TensorSplit []float32 Progress func(float32) VocabOnly bool } //export llamaProgressCallback func llamaProgressCallback(progress C.float, userData unsafe.Pointer) C.bool { handle := *(*cgo.Handle)(userData) callback := handle.Value().(func(float32)) callback(float32(progress)) return true } func LoadModelFromFile(modelPath string, params ModelParams) (*Model, error) { cparams := C.llama_model_default_params() cparams.n_gpu_layers = cparams.main_gpu = C.int32_t(params.MainGpu) cparams.use_mmap = C.bool(params.UseMmap) cparams.use_mlock = C.bool(params.UseMlock) cparams.vocab_only = C.bool(params.VocabOnly) if len(params.TensorSplit) > 0 { tensorSplitData := ¶ms.TensorSplit[0] var tensorSplitPin runtime.Pinner tensorSplitPin.Pin(tensorSplitData) defer tensorSplitPin.Unpin() cparams.tensor_split = (*C.float)(unsafe.Pointer(tensorSplitData)) } if params.Progress != nil { handle := cgo.NewHandle(params.Progress) defer handle.Delete() var handlePin runtime.Pinner handlePin.Pin(&handle) defer handlePin.Unpin() cparams.progress_callback = C.llama_progress_callback(C.llamaProgressCallback) cparams.progress_callback_user_data = unsafe.Pointer(&handle) } m := Model{c: C.llama_load_model_from_file(C.CString(modelPath), cparams)} if m.c == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load model: %s", modelPath) } return &m, nil } func FreeModel(model *Model) { C.llama_free_model(model.c) } func NewContextWithModel(model *Model, params ContextParams) (*Context, error) { c := Context{ c: C.llama_new_context_with_model(model.c, params.c), numThreads: int(params.c.n_threads), } if c.c == nil { return nil, errors.New("unable to create llama context") } return &c, nil } func (m *Model) NumVocab() int { return int(C.llama_n_vocab(m.Vocab())) } func (m *Model) TokenIsEog(token int) bool { return bool(C.llama_token_is_eog(m.Vocab(), C.llama_token(token))) } func (m *Model) AddBOSToken() bool { return bool(C.llama_add_bos_token(m.Vocab())) } func (m *Model) ApplyLoraFromFile(context *Context, loraPath string, scale float32, threads int) error { cLoraPath := C.CString(loraPath) defer loraAdapter := C.llama_adapter_lora_init(m.c, cLoraPath) if loraAdapter == nil { return errors.New("unable to load lora") } err := -1 if loraAdapter != nil { err = int(C.llama_set_adapter_lora(context.c, loraAdapter, C.float(scale))) } if err != 0 { return errors.New("error applying lora from file") } return nil } func (m *Model) Vocab() *C.struct_llama_vocab { return C.llama_model_get_vocab(m.c) } type Batch struct { c C.struct_llama_batch batchSize int maxSeq int embedSize int } // Creates a new batch for either word tokens or image embeddings (if embedSize is non-zero). // Batches cannot contain both types at the same time. batchSize is the maximum number of entries // that can be added per sequence func NewBatch(batchSize int, maxSeq int, embedSize int) (*Batch, error) { b := Batch{ c: C.llama_batch_init(*maxSeq),,, batchSize: batchSize, maxSeq: maxSeq, embedSize: embedSize, } // Check to see if any of the allocations in llama_batch_init() failed nilPointer := (embedSize == 0 && b.c.token == nil) || (embedSize != 0 && b.c.embd == nil) || b.c.pos == nil || b.c.n_seq_id == nil || b.c.seq_id == nil || b.c.logits == nil || slices.Contains(unsafe.Slice(b.c.seq_id, b.allocSize()), nil) if nilPointer { C.llama_batch_free(b.c) return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to allocate batch (batchSize=%v maxSeq=%v embedSize=%v)", batchSize, maxSeq, embedSize) } return &b, nil } func (b *Batch) Size() int { return b.batchSize } func (b *Batch) allocSize() int { return b.batchSize * b.maxSeq } func (b *Batch) NumTokens() int { return int(b.c.n_tokens) } func (b *Batch) IsEmbedding() bool { return b.embedSize != 0 } // Add adds either a token or an image embedding to the batch depending on the type // when the batch was initialized. The other argument will be ignored. Adds to the // batch with the given position for the given sequence ids, and optionally instructs // to include logits. func (b *Batch) Add(token int, embed []float32, pos int, logits bool, seqIds { if !b.IsEmbedding() { unsafe.Slice(b.c.token, b.allocSize())[b.c.n_tokens] = C.llama_token(token) } else { copy(unsafe.Slice((*float32)(b.c.embd), b.allocSize()*b.embedSize)[int(b.c.n_tokens)*b.embedSize:], embed) } unsafe.Slice(b.c.pos, b.allocSize())[b.c.n_tokens] = C.llama_pos(pos) unsafe.Slice(b.c.n_seq_id, b.allocSize())[b.c.n_tokens] = for i, s := range seqIds { unsafe.Slice((unsafe.Slice(b.c.seq_id, b.allocSize())[b.c.n_tokens]),[i] = C.int32_t(s) } if logits { unsafe.Slice(b.c.logits, b.allocSize())[b.c.n_tokens] = 1 } else { unsafe.Slice(b.c.logits, b.allocSize())[b.c.n_tokens] = 0 } b.c.n_tokens += 1 } func (b *Batch) Clear() { b.c.n_tokens = 0 } func (b *Batch) Free() { b.batchSize = 0 C.llama_batch_free(b.c) } type Model struct { c *C.struct_llama_model } func (m *Model) TokenToPiece(token int) string { tokenLen := 12 buf := make([]byte, tokenLen) tokenLen = int(C.llama_token_to_piece( m.Vocab(), C.int32_t(token), (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), C.int32_t(tokenLen), C.int32_t(0), C.bool(true), )) if tokenLen < 0 { tokenLen = -tokenLen buf = make([]byte, tokenLen) C.llama_token_to_piece( m.Vocab(), C.int32_t(token), (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), C.int32_t(tokenLen), C.int32_t(0), C.bool(true), ) } return strings.TrimRight(string(buf), "\x00") } func (m *Model) Tokenize(text string, addSpecial bool, parseSpecial bool) ([]int, error) { maxTokens := len(text) + 2 cTokens := make([]C.llama_token, maxTokens) cText := C.CString(text) defer result := C.llama_tokenize( m.Vocab(), cText, C.int32_t(len(text)), &cTokens[0], C.int32_t(maxTokens), C.bool(addSpecial), C.bool(parseSpecial), ) // if the result is negative, reallocate and retry with the correct buffer size if result < 0 { maxTokens = int(-result) cTokens = make([]C.llama_token, maxTokens) result = C.llama_tokenize( m.Vocab(), cText, C.int32_t(len(text)), &cTokens[0], C.int32_t(maxTokens), C.bool(addSpecial), C.bool(parseSpecial), ) if result < 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("tokenization failed, required %d tokens", -result) } } tokens := make([]int, result) for i := range result { tokens[i] = int(cTokens[i]) } return tokens, nil } func (m *Model) NEmbd() int { return int(C.llama_n_embd(m.c)) } func Quantize(infile, outfile string, ftype uint32) error { cinfile := C.CString(infile) defer coutfile := C.CString(outfile) defer params := C.llama_model_quantize_default_params() params.nthread = -1 params.ftype = ftype if rc := C.llama_model_quantize(cinfile, coutfile, ¶ms); rc != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("llama_model_quantize: %d", rc) } return nil } // vision processing type ClipContext struct { c *C.struct_clip_ctx } func NewClipContext(llamaContext *Context, modelPath string) (*ClipContext, error) { mp := C.CString(modelPath) defer c := C.clip_model_load(mp, 1) if c == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load clip model: %v", modelPath) } projEmbedSize := int(C.clip_n_mmproj_embd(c)) modelEmbedSize := llamaContext.Model().NEmbd() if projEmbedSize != modelEmbedSize { return nil, fmt.Errorf("projector embedding size (%d) does not match model (%d)", projEmbedSize, modelEmbedSize) } return &ClipContext{c: c}, nil } func (c *ClipContext) Free() { C.clip_free(c.c) } func (c *ClipContext) NewEmbed(llamaContext *Context, data []byte) ([][]float32, error) { l := C.llava_image_embed_make_with_bytes(c.c,, (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])), if l == nil { return nil, errors.New("unable to make llava embedding from image") } numTokens := int(l.n_image_pos) numEmbed := llamaContext.Model().NEmbd() s := unsafe.Slice((*float32)(l.embed), numEmbed*numTokens) embed := make([][]float32, numTokens) rows := make([]float32, len(s)) copy(rows, s) for i := range embed { embed[i] = rows[i*numEmbed : (i+1)*numEmbed] } C.llava_image_embed_free(l) return embed, nil } type MllamaContext struct { c *C.struct_mllama_ctx } func NewMllamaContext(llamaContext *Context, modelPath string) (*MllamaContext, error) { mp := C.CString(modelPath) defer c := C.mllama_model_load(mp, 1) if c == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load mllama model: %v", modelPath) } projEmbedSize := int(C.mllama_n_embd(c)) modelEmbedSize := llamaContext.Model().NEmbd() if projEmbedSize != modelEmbedSize { return nil, fmt.Errorf("projector embedding size (%d) does not match model (%d)", projEmbedSize, modelEmbedSize) } return &MllamaContext{c: c}, nil } func (m *MllamaContext) Free() { C.mllama_free(m.c) } func (m *MllamaContext) NewEmbed(llamaContext *Context, data []byte, aspectRatioId int) ([][]float32, error) { img := C.mllama_image_init() defer C.mllama_image_free(img) ok := bool(C.mllama_image_load_from_data(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]),, 560, 560, 3, 4,, img)) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("unable to load mllama image data") } rows := make([]float32, m.EmbedSize(llamaContext)) ok = bool(C.mllama_image_encode(m.c,, img, (*C.float)(unsafe.Pointer(&rows[0])))) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("unable to make mllama embedding from image") } embed := make([][]float32, 1) embed[0] = rows return embed, nil } func (m *MllamaContext) EmbedSize(llamaContext *Context) int { numTokens := int(C.mllama_n_positions(m.c) * C.mllama_n_tiles(m.c)) numEmbed := llamaContext.Model().NEmbd() return numTokens * numEmbed } func (c *Context) SetCrossAttention(state bool) { C.llama_set_cross_attention(c.c, C.bool(state)) } func (c *Context) Synchronize() { C.llama_synchronize(c.c) } // sampling // TODO: this is a temporary wrapper to allow calling C++ code from CGo type SamplingContext struct { c *C.struct_common_sampler } type SamplingParams struct { TopK int TopP float32 MinP float32 TypicalP float32 Temp float32 RepeatLastN int PenaltyRepeat float32 PenaltyFreq float32 PenaltyPresent float32 Mirostat int MirostatTau float32 MirostatEta float32 PenalizeNl bool Seed uint32 Grammar string } func NewSamplingContext(model *Model, params SamplingParams) (*SamplingContext, error) { var cparams C.struct_common_sampler_cparams cparams.top_k = C.int32_t(params.TopK) cparams.top_p = C.float(params.TopP) cparams.min_p = C.float(params.MinP) cparams.typical_p = C.float(params.TypicalP) cparams.temp = C.float(params.Temp) cparams.penalty_last_n = C.int32_t(params.RepeatLastN) cparams.penalty_repeat = C.float(params.PenaltyRepeat) cparams.penalty_freq = C.float(params.PenaltyFreq) cparams.penalty_present = C.float(params.PenaltyFreq) cparams.mirostat = C.int32_t(params.Mirostat) cparams.mirostat_tau = C.float(params.MirostatTau) cparams.mirostat_eta = C.float(params.MirostatEta) cparams.seed = C.uint32_t(params.Seed) grammar := C.CString(params.Grammar) defer cparams.grammar = grammar context := &SamplingContext{c: C.common_sampler_cinit(model.c, &cparams)} if context.c == nil { return nil, errors.New("unable to create sampling context") } runtime.SetFinalizer(context, func(s *SamplingContext) { C.common_sampler_cfree(s.c) }) return context, nil } func (s *SamplingContext) Reset() { C.common_sampler_creset(s.c) } func (s *SamplingContext) Sample(llamaContext *Context, idx int) int { return int(C.common_sampler_csample(s.c, llamaContext.c, } func (s *SamplingContext) Accept(id int, applyGrammar bool) { C.common_sampler_caccept(s.c, C.llama_token(id), C.bool(applyGrammar)) } // SchemaToGrammar converts the provided JSON schema to a grammar. It returns // nil if the provided schema is invalid JSON or an invalid JSON schema. func SchemaToGrammar(schema []byte) []byte { cStr := C.CString(string(schema)) defer // Allocate buffer for grammar output with reasonable size const maxLen = 32768 // 32KB buf := make([]byte, maxLen) // Call C function to convert schema to grammar n := C.schema_to_grammar(cStr, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), C.size_t(maxLen)) if n == 0 { // preserve nil return nil } return buf[:n] }