package kvcache

import (


// Encoder cache stores K and V tensors that are position independent
// The tensors can be of any shape and will be returned as they were stored
// The mask is currently always nil
// Not currently safe for multiple sequences
type EncoderCache struct {
	// config controls mostly backend-specific optimizations
	config *ml.CacheConfig

	// ** current forward pass **

	// the active layer for Get and Put
	curLayer int

	// if something is stored during this pass, this
	// will be the position (but there is no guarantee
	// anything will be stored)
	curPos int32

	// ** cache metadata **

	// was something stored in the cache?
	encoderCached bool

	// position of the cached data
	encoderPos int32

	// ** cache data storage **

	cacheCtx     ml.Context
	keys, values []ml.Tensor

func NewEncoderCache() *EncoderCache {
	return &EncoderCache{}

func (c *EncoderCache) Init(backend ml.Backend, dtype ml.DType, capacity int32) {
	if c.config == nil {
		var config ml.CacheConfig
		if cc, ok := backend.(ml.BackendCacheConfig); ok {
			config = cc.CacheConfig()
		c.config = &config

	if c.config.CachePadding != 0 && c.config.CachePadding != 1 {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("encoder cache is unable to enforce requested CachePadding (%v)", c.config.CachePadding))

	c.cacheCtx = backend.NewContext()

func (c *EncoderCache) SetConfig(config ml.CacheConfig) {
	if c.config != nil {
		panic("config cannot be changed after being previously set, either by the model or backend")

	c.config = &config

func (c *EncoderCache) Close() {

func (c *EncoderCache) StartForward(ctx ml.Context, positions []int32, seqs []int) error {
	// The image is always in the first position
	c.curPos = positions[0]

	return nil

func (c *EncoderCache) SetLayer(layer int) {
	if layer >= len(c.keys) {
		c.keys = append(c.keys, make([]ml.Tensor, layer-len(c.keys)+1)...)
		c.values = append(c.values, make([]ml.Tensor, layer-len(c.values)+1)...)

	c.curLayer = layer

func (c *EncoderCache) EncoderCached() bool {
	return c.encoderCached

func (c *EncoderCache) Get(ctx ml.Context) (ml.Tensor, ml.Tensor, ml.Tensor) {
	return c.keys[c.curLayer], c.values[c.curLayer], nil

func (c *EncoderCache) Put(ctx ml.Context, key, value ml.Tensor) {
	c.encoderPos = c.curPos
	c.encoderCached = true

	if c.config.PermutedV {
		value = value.Permute(ctx, 1, 2, 0, 3)

	if c.keys[c.curLayer] == nil || c.values[c.curLayer] == nil {
		c.keys[c.curLayer] = c.cacheCtx.Empty(key.DType(), key.Shape()...)
		c.values[c.curLayer] = c.cacheCtx.Empty(value.DType(), value.Shape()...)

		key.Copy(ctx, c.keys[c.curLayer]),
		value.Copy(ctx, c.values[c.curLayer]),

func (c *EncoderCache) CopyPrefix(srcSeq, dstSeq int, len int32) {
	panic("encoder cache does not support multiple sequences")

func (c *EncoderCache) Remove(seq int, beginIndex, endIndex int32) error {
	if c.encoderPos >= beginIndex && c.encoderPos < endIndex {
		c.encoderCached = false

	return nil