package readline

import (


type Buffer struct {
	DisplayPos int
	Pos        int
	Buf        *arraylist.List
	// LineHasSpace is an arraylist of bools to keep track of whether a line has a space at the end
	LineHasSpace *arraylist.List
	Prompt       *Prompt
	LineWidth    int
	Width        int
	Height       int

func NewBuffer(prompt *Prompt) (*Buffer, error) {
	fd := int(os.Stdout.Fd())
	width, height := 80, 24
	if termWidth, termHeight, err := term.GetSize(fd); err == nil {
		width, height = termWidth, termHeight

	lwidth := width - len(prompt.prompt())

	b := &Buffer{
		DisplayPos:   0,
		Pos:          0,
		Buf:          arraylist.New(),
		LineHasSpace: arraylist.New(),
		Prompt:       prompt,
		Width:        width,
		Height:       height,
		LineWidth:    lwidth,

	return b, nil

func (b *Buffer) GetLineSpacing(line int) bool {
	hasSpace, _ := b.LineHasSpace.Get(line)

	if hasSpace == nil {
		return false

	return hasSpace.(bool)

func (b *Buffer) MoveLeft() {
	if b.Pos > 0 {
		// asserts that we retrieve a rune
		if e, ok := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos - 1); ok {
			if r, ok := e.(rune); ok {
				rLength := runewidth.RuneWidth(r)

				if b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth == 0 {
					fmt.Print(CursorUp + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(b.Width))
					if rLength == 2 {

					line := b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth - 1
					hasSpace := b.GetLineSpacing(line)
					if hasSpace {
						b.DisplayPos -= 1
				} else {

				b.Pos -= 1
				b.DisplayPos -= rLength

func (b *Buffer) MoveLeftWord() {
	if b.Pos > 0 {
		var foundNonspace bool
		for {
			v, _ := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos - 1)
			if v == ' ' {
				if foundNonspace {
			} else {
				foundNonspace = true

			if b.Pos == 0 {

func (b *Buffer) MoveRight() {
	if b.Pos < b.Buf.Size() {
		if e, ok := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos); ok {
			if r, ok := e.(rune); ok {
				rLength := runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
				b.Pos += 1
				hasSpace := b.GetLineSpacing(b.DisplayPos / b.LineWidth)
				b.DisplayPos += rLength

				if b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth == 0 {
					fmt.Print(CursorDown + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(len(b.Prompt.prompt())))
				} else if (b.DisplayPos-rLength)%b.LineWidth == b.LineWidth-1 && hasSpace {
					fmt.Print(CursorDown + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(len(b.Prompt.prompt())+rLength))
					b.DisplayPos += 1
				} else if b.LineHasSpace.Size() > 0 && b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth == b.LineWidth-1 && hasSpace {
					fmt.Print(CursorDown + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(len(b.Prompt.prompt())))
					b.DisplayPos += 1
				} else {

func (b *Buffer) MoveRightWord() {
	if b.Pos < b.Buf.Size() {
		for {
			v, _ := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos)
			if v == ' ' {

			if b.Pos == b.Buf.Size() {

func (b *Buffer) MoveToStart() {
	if b.Pos > 0 {
		currLine := b.DisplayPos / b.LineWidth
		if currLine > 0 {
			for range currLine {
		fmt.Print(CursorBOL + CursorRightN(len(b.Prompt.prompt())))
		b.Pos = 0
		b.DisplayPos = 0

func (b *Buffer) MoveToEnd() {
	if b.Pos < b.Buf.Size() {
		currLine := b.DisplayPos / b.LineWidth
		totalLines := b.DisplaySize() / b.LineWidth
		if currLine < totalLines {
			for range totalLines - currLine {
			remainder := b.DisplaySize() % b.LineWidth
			fmt.Print(CursorBOL + CursorRightN(len(b.Prompt.prompt())+remainder))
		} else {
			fmt.Print(CursorRightN(b.DisplaySize() - b.DisplayPos))

		b.Pos = b.Buf.Size()
		b.DisplayPos = b.DisplaySize()

func (b *Buffer) DisplaySize() int {
	sum := 0
	for i := range b.Buf.Size() {
		if e, ok := b.Buf.Get(i); ok {
			if r, ok := e.(rune); ok {
				sum += runewidth.RuneWidth(r)

	return sum

func (b *Buffer) Add(r rune) {
	if b.Pos == b.Buf.Size() {
		b.AddChar(r, false)
	} else {
		b.AddChar(r, true)

func (b *Buffer) AddChar(r rune, insert bool) {
	rLength := runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
	b.DisplayPos += rLength

	if b.Pos > 0 {
		if b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth == 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%c", r)
			fmt.Printf("\n%s", b.Prompt.AltPrompt)

			if insert {
				b.LineHasSpace.Set(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth-1, false)
			} else {

			// this case occurs when a double-width rune crosses the line boundary
		} else if b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth < (b.DisplayPos-rLength)%b.LineWidth {
			if insert {
			fmt.Printf("\n%s", b.Prompt.AltPrompt)
			b.DisplayPos += 1
			fmt.Printf("%c", r)

			if insert {
				b.LineHasSpace.Set(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth-1, true)
			} else {
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%c", r)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%c", r)

	if insert {
		b.Buf.Insert(b.Pos, r)
	} else {

	b.Pos += 1

	if insert {

func (b *Buffer) countRemainingLineWidth(place int) int {
	var sum int
	counter := -1
	var prevLen int

	for place <= b.LineWidth {
		counter += 1
		sum += prevLen
		if e, ok := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos + counter); ok {
			if r, ok := e.(rune); ok {
				place += runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
				prevLen = len(string(r))
		} else {

	return sum

func (b *Buffer) drawRemaining() {
	var place int
	remainingText := b.StringN(b.Pos)
	if b.Pos > 0 {
		place = b.DisplayPos % b.LineWidth

	// render the rest of the current line
	currLineLength := b.countRemainingLineWidth(place)

	currLine := remainingText[:min(currLineLength, len(remainingText))]
	currLineSpace := runewidth.StringWidth(currLine)
	remLength := runewidth.StringWidth(remainingText)

	if len(currLine) > 0 {
		fmt.Print(ClearToEOL + currLine + CursorLeftN(currLineSpace))
	} else {

	if currLineSpace != b.LineWidth-place && currLineSpace != remLength {
		b.LineHasSpace.Set(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth, true)
	} else if currLineSpace != b.LineWidth-place {
		b.LineHasSpace.Remove(b.DisplayPos / b.LineWidth)
	} else {
		b.LineHasSpace.Set(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth, false)

	if (b.DisplayPos+currLineSpace)%b.LineWidth == 0 && currLine == remainingText {
		fmt.Printf("\n%s", b.Prompt.AltPrompt)
		fmt.Print(CursorUp + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(b.Width-currLineSpace))

	// render the other lines
	if remLength > currLineSpace {
		remaining := (remainingText[len(currLine):])
		var totalLines int
		var displayLength int
		var lineLength int = currLineSpace

		for _, c := range remaining {
			if displayLength == 0 || (displayLength+runewidth.RuneWidth(c))%b.LineWidth < displayLength%b.LineWidth {
				fmt.Printf("\n%s", b.Prompt.AltPrompt)
				totalLines += 1

				if displayLength != 0 {
					if lineLength == b.LineWidth {
						b.LineHasSpace.Set(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth+totalLines-1, false)
					} else {
						b.LineHasSpace.Set(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth+totalLines-1, true)

				lineLength = 0

			displayLength += runewidth.RuneWidth(c)
			lineLength += runewidth.RuneWidth(c)
			fmt.Printf("%c", c)
		fmt.Print(ClearToEOL + CursorUpN(totalLines) + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(b.Width-currLineSpace))

		hasSpace := b.GetLineSpacing(b.DisplayPos / b.LineWidth)

		if hasSpace && b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth != b.LineWidth-1 {


func (b *Buffer) Remove() {
	if b.Buf.Size() > 0 && b.Pos > 0 {
		if e, ok := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos - 1); ok {
			if r, ok := e.(rune); ok {
				rLength := runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
				hasSpace := b.GetLineSpacing(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth - 1)

				if b.DisplayPos%b.LineWidth == 0 {
					// if the user backspaces over the word boundary, do this magic to clear the line
					// and move to the end of the previous line
					fmt.Print(CursorBOL + ClearToEOL + CursorUp + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(b.Width))

					if b.DisplaySize()%b.LineWidth < (b.DisplaySize()-rLength)%b.LineWidth {
						b.LineHasSpace.Remove(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth - 1)

					if hasSpace {
						b.DisplayPos -= 1

					if rLength == 2 {
						fmt.Print(CursorLeft + "  " + CursorLeftN(2))
					} else {
						fmt.Print(" " + CursorLeft)
				} else if (b.DisplayPos-rLength)%b.LineWidth == 0 && hasSpace {
					fmt.Print(CursorBOL + ClearToEOL + CursorUp + CursorBOL + CursorRightN(b.Width))

					if b.Pos == b.Buf.Size() {
						b.LineHasSpace.Remove(b.DisplayPos/b.LineWidth - 1)
					b.DisplayPos -= 1
				} else {
					for range rLength {
						fmt.Print(" ")

				var eraseExtraLine bool
				if (b.DisplaySize()-1)%b.LineWidth == 0 || (rLength == 2 && ((b.DisplaySize()-2)%b.LineWidth == 0)) || b.DisplaySize()%b.LineWidth == 0 {
					eraseExtraLine = true

				b.Pos -= 1
				b.DisplayPos -= rLength

				if b.Pos < b.Buf.Size() {
					// this erases a line which is left over when backspacing in the middle of a line and there
					// are trailing characters which go over the line width boundary
					if eraseExtraLine {
						remainingLines := (b.DisplaySize() - b.DisplayPos) / b.LineWidth
						fmt.Print(CursorDownN(remainingLines+1) + CursorBOL + ClearToEOL)
						place := b.DisplayPos % b.LineWidth
						fmt.Print(CursorUpN(remainingLines+1) + CursorRightN(place+len(b.Prompt.prompt())))

func (b *Buffer) Delete() {
	if b.Buf.Size() > 0 && b.Pos < b.Buf.Size() {
		if b.DisplaySize()%b.LineWidth == 0 {
			if b.DisplayPos != b.DisplaySize() {
				remainingLines := (b.DisplaySize() - b.DisplayPos) / b.LineWidth
				fmt.Print(CursorDownN(remainingLines) + CursorBOL + ClearToEOL)
				place := b.DisplayPos % b.LineWidth
				fmt.Print(CursorUpN(remainingLines) + CursorRightN(place+len(b.Prompt.prompt())))

func (b *Buffer) DeleteBefore() {
	if b.Pos > 0 {
		for cnt := b.Pos - 1; cnt >= 0; cnt-- {

func (b *Buffer) DeleteRemaining() {
	if b.DisplaySize() > 0 && b.Pos < b.DisplaySize() {
		charsToDel := b.Buf.Size() - b.Pos
		for range charsToDel {

func (b *Buffer) DeleteWord() {
	if b.Buf.Size() > 0 && b.Pos > 0 {
		var foundNonspace bool
		for {
			v, _ := b.Buf.Get(b.Pos - 1)
			if v == ' ' {
				if !foundNonspace {
				} else {
			} else {
				foundNonspace = true

			if b.Pos == 0 {

func (b *Buffer) ClearScreen() {
	fmt.Print(ClearScreen + CursorReset + b.Prompt.prompt())
	if b.IsEmpty() {
		ph := b.Prompt.placeholder()
		fmt.Print(ColorGrey + ph + CursorLeftN(len(ph)) + ColorDefault)
	} else {
		currPos := b.DisplayPos
		currIndex := b.Pos
		b.Pos = 0
		b.DisplayPos = 0
		fmt.Print(CursorReset + CursorRightN(len(b.Prompt.prompt())))
		if currPos > 0 {
			targetLine := currPos / b.LineWidth
			if targetLine > 0 {
				for range targetLine {
			remainder := currPos % b.LineWidth
			if remainder > 0 {
			if currPos%b.LineWidth == 0 {
				fmt.Print(CursorBOL + b.Prompt.AltPrompt)
		b.Pos = currIndex
		b.DisplayPos = currPos

func (b *Buffer) IsEmpty() bool {
	return b.Buf.Empty()

func (b *Buffer) Replace(r []rune) {
	b.DisplayPos = 0
	b.Pos = 0
	lineNums := b.DisplaySize() / b.LineWidth


	fmt.Print(CursorBOL + ClearToEOL)

	for range lineNums {
		fmt.Print(CursorUp + CursorBOL + ClearToEOL)

	fmt.Print(CursorBOL + b.Prompt.prompt())

	for _, c := range r {

func (b *Buffer) String() string {
	return b.StringN(0)

func (b *Buffer) StringN(n int) string {
	return b.StringNM(n, 0)

func (b *Buffer) StringNM(n, m int) string {
	var s string
	if m == 0 {
		m = b.Buf.Size()
	for cnt := n; cnt < m; cnt++ {
		c, _ := b.Buf.Get(cnt)
		s += string(c.(rune))
	return s