//go:build darwin package discover /* #cgo CFLAGS: -x objective-c #cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Foundation -framework CoreGraphics -framework Metal #include "gpu_info_darwin.h" */ import "C" import ( "log/slog" "runtime" "syscall" "github.com/ollama/ollama/format" ) const ( metalMinimumMemory = 512 * format.MebiByte ) func GetGPUInfo() GpuInfoList { mem, _ := GetCPUMem() if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { return []GpuInfo{ { Library: "cpu", memInfo: mem, }, } } info := GpuInfo{ Library: "metal", ID: "0", } info.TotalMemory = uint64(C.getRecommendedMaxVRAM()) // TODO is there a way to gather actual allocated video memory? (currentAllocatedSize doesn't work) info.FreeMemory = info.TotalMemory info.MinimumMemory = metalMinimumMemory return []GpuInfo{info} } func GetCPUInfo() GpuInfoList { mem, _ := GetCPUMem() return []GpuInfo{ { Library: "cpu", memInfo: mem, }, } } func GetCPUMem() (memInfo, error) { return memInfo{ TotalMemory: uint64(C.getPhysicalMemory()), FreeMemory: uint64(C.getFreeMemory()), // FreeSwap omitted as Darwin uses dynamic paging }, nil } func (l GpuInfoList) GetVisibleDevicesEnv() (string, string) { // No-op on darwin return "", "" } func GetSystemInfo() SystemInfo { mem, _ := GetCPUMem() query := "hw.perflevel0.physicalcpu" perfCores, err := syscall.SysctlUint32(query) if err != nil { slog.Warn("failed to discover physical CPU details", "query", query, "error", err) } query = "hw.perflevel1.physicalcpu" efficiencyCores, _ := syscall.SysctlUint32(query) // On x86 xeon this wont return data // Determine thread count query = "hw.logicalcpu" logicalCores, _ := syscall.SysctlUint32(query) return SystemInfo{ System: CPUInfo{ GpuInfo: GpuInfo{ memInfo: mem, }, CPUs: []CPU{ { CoreCount: int(perfCores + efficiencyCores), EfficiencyCoreCount: int(efficiencyCores), ThreadCount: int(logicalCores), }, }, }, GPUs: GetGPUInfo(), } }