## Welcome to your new SaaS App! πŸŽ‰ Open SaaS - Open-source & 100% free React & Node.js SaaS starter! | Product Hunt https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas/assets/70215737/5ff289b1-12b9-4b46-aa90-a6a3122de93e You've decided to build a SaaS app with the Open SaaS template. Great choice! This template is: 1. fully open-source 2. completely free to use and distribute 3. comes with a ton of features out of the box! 4. focused on free, open-source services, where possible πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Check it out in action here: [OpenSaaS.sh](https://opensaas.sh) πŸ“š Check out the Docs here: [Open SaaS Docs](https://docs.opensaas.sh) ## What's inside? The template itself is built on top of some very powerful tools and frameworks, including: - 🐝 [Wasp](https://wasp.sh) - a full-stack React, NodeJS, Prisma framework with superpowers - πŸš€ [Astro](https://starlight.astro.build/) - Astro's lightweight "Starlight" template for documentation and blog - πŸ’Έ [Stripe](https://stripe.com) or [Lemon Squeezy](https://lemonsqueezy.com/) - for products and payments - πŸ“ˆ [Plausible](https://plausible.io) or [Google](https://analytics.google.com/) Analytics - πŸ€– [OpenAI](https://openai.com) - OpenAI API w/ function calling example - πŸ“¦ [AWS S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) - for file uploads - πŸ“§ [SendGrid](https://sendgrid.com), [MailGun](https://mailgun.com), or SMTP - for email sending - πŸ’… [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com) - for styling - πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό [TailAdmin](https://tailadmin.com/) - admin dashboard & components for TailwindCSS - πŸ§ͺ [Playwright](https://playwright.dev) - end-to-end tests with Playwright Because we're using Wasp as the full-stack framework, we can leverage a lot of its features to build our SaaS in record time, including: - πŸ” [Full-stack Authentication](https://wasp.sh/docs/auth/overview) - Email verified + social Auth in a few lines of code. - β›‘ [End-to-end Type Safety](https://wasp.sh/docs/data-model/operations/overview) - Type your backend functions and get inferred types on the front-end automatically, without the need to install or configure any third-party libraries. Oh, and type-safe Links, too! - πŸ€– [Jobs](https://wasp.sh/docs/advanced/jobs) - Run cron jobs in the background or set up queues simply by defining a function in the config file. - πŸš€ [One-command Deploy](https://wasp.sh/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) - Easily deploy via the CLI to [Fly.io](https://fly.io), or to other providers like [Railway](https://railway.app) and [Netlify](https://netlify.com). You also get access to Wasp's diverse, helpful community if you get stuck or need help. - 🀝 [Wasp Discord](https://discord.gg/aCamt5wCpS) ## Getting Started ### Simple Instructions First, to install the latest version of [Wasp](https://wasp.sh/) on macOS, Linux, or Windows with WSL, run the following command: ```bash curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh ``` Then, create a new SaaS app with the following command: ```bash wasp new -t saas ``` This will create a **clean copy of the Open SaaS template** into a new directory, and you can start building your SaaS app right away! ### Detailed Instructions For everything you need to know about getting started and using this template, check out the [Open SaaS Docs](https://docs.opensaas.sh). We've documented everything in great detail, including installation instructions, pulling updates to the template, guides for integrating services, SEO, deployment, and more. πŸš€ ## Getting Help & Providing Feedback There are two ways to get help or provide feedback (and we try to always respond quickly!): 1. [Open an issue](https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas/issues) 2. [Wasp Discord](https://discord.gg/aCamt5wCpS) -- please direct questions to the #πŸ™‹questions forum channel ## Contributing Note that we've tried to get as many of the core features of a SaaS app into this template as possible, but there still might be some missing features or functionality. We could always use some help tying up loose ends: contributions are welcome! Check out [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details.