# ![RaspiBlitz](pictures/raspilogo_tile_400px.png) _Build your own Bitcoin & Lightning Fullnode on a RaspberryPi with an optional Display._ ([API](https://github.com/fusion44/blitz_api)|[WebUI](https://github.com/raspiblitz/raspiblitz-web)) ![RaspiBlitz](pictures/raspiblitz.jpg) **The RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself Bitcoin & Lightning Fullnode running on a RaspberryPi 4&5 with a nice display for easy setup & monitoring.** RaspiBlitz is mainly targeted for learning how to run your own node decentralized from home - because: Not your Node, Not your Rules. Discover & develop the open-source ecosystem of Bitcoin by becoming a full part of it. **Links to Quickstart your RaspiBlitz journey:** - [Project Homepage: raspiblitz.org](https://raspiblitz.org) - [How to build & setup your own RaspiBlitz & Documentation](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/setup/intro) - [Download latest SD Card images](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/setup/software-setup/download) - [How to get Support](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/community/support) **Additional Resources:** - [ChangeLog](CHANGES.md) - [FAQ User](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/faq) - [FAQ Development](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/faq/dev) - [FAQ Core Lightning](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/faq/cl) - [Workshop Tutorial](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/community/workshops) - [Security Policy](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/docs/security) - [Alternative Platforms](alternative.platforms/README.md) - [Automated Builds](ci/README.md) - [MIT OpenSource License](LICENSE) **Developer Notes:** This is main RaspiBlitz repo containing the **bash & python** scripts to build the RaspiBlitz software. It it complimented by the following side repos: - [WebUI](https://github.com/raspiblitz/raspiblitz-web) (React & Tailwind) - [API](https://github.com/fusion44/blitz_api) (Python FastAPI) - [Documentation](https://github.com/raspiblitz/raspiblitz-docs) (Docusaurus) To get started with RaspiBlitz Development check the [Community Development](CONTRIBUTING.md) notes.