#!/bin/bash clear trap 'rm -f "$_temp"' EXIT trap 'rm -f "$_error"' EXIT _temp=$(mktemp -p /dev/shm/) _error=$(mktemp -p /dev/shm/) sudo chmod 7777 ${_error} 2>/dev/null # load raspiblitz config data (with backup from old config) source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf if [ ${#network} -eq 0 ]; then network=$(cat .network); fi if [ ${#network} -eq 0 ]; then network="bitcoin"; fi if [ ${#chain} -eq 0 ]; then echo "gathering chain info ... please wait" chain=$(${network}-cli getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.chain') fi source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars $1 $2) source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars $LNTYPE ${chain}net) # check if chain is in sync if [ $LNTYPE = cl ]; then lncommand="${netprefix}lightning-cli" BLOCKHEIGHT=$($bitcoincli_alias getblockchaininfo | grep blocks | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d, -f1) CLHEIGHT=$($lightningcli_alias getinfo | jq .blockheight) if [ $BLOCKHEIGHT -eq $CLHEIGHT ]; then cmdChainInSync=1 else cmdChainInSync=0 fi elif [ $LNTYPE = lnd ]; then lncommand="${netprefix}lncli" cmdChainInSync="$lncli_alias getinfo | grep '"synced_to_chain": true' -c" fi chainInSync=${cmdChainInSync} while [ "${chainInSync}" == "0" ]; do dialog --title "Fail: not in sync" \ --ok-label "Try now" \ --cancel-label "Give up" \ --pause "\n\n'$lncommand getinfo' shows 'synced_to_chain': false\n\nTry again in a few seconds." 15 60 5 if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then exit 0 fi chainInSync=${cmdChainInSync} done # check number of connected peers echo "check for open channels" if [ $LNTYPE = cl ]; then openChannels=$($lightningcli_alias getinfo | jq .num_active_channels) elif [ $LNTYPE = lnd ]; then openChannels=$($lncli_alias listchannels 2>/dev/null | grep chan_id -c) fi if [ ${openChannels} -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "#########" echo "FAIL - You have NO ESTABLISHED CHANNELS .. open a channel first." echo "#########" sleep 3 exit 0 fi # let user enter the invoice l1="Enter the AMOUNT IN SATOSHIS to invoice:" l2="1 ${network} = 100 000 000 SAT" dialog --title "Request payment through Lightning" \ --inputbox "$l1\n$l2" 9 50 2>$_temp amount=$(cat $_temp | xargs | tr -dc '0-9') shred -u $_temp if [ ${#amount} -eq 0 ]; then clear echo echo "no amount entered - returning to menu ..." sleep 3 exit 0 fi # TODO let user enter a description # build command if [ $LNTYPE = cl ]; then label=$(date +%s) # seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC # invoice msatoshi label description [expiry] [fallbacks] [preimage] [exposeprivatechannels] [cltv] command="$lightningcli_alias invoice ${amount}sat $label ''" # TODO warn about insufficient liquidity elif [ $LNTYPE = lnd ]; then command="$lncli_alias addinvoice ${amount}" fi # info output clear echo "******************************" echo "Create Invoice / Payment Request" echo "******************************" echo echo "COMMAND LINE: " echo $command echo echo "RESULT:" sleep 2 # execute command result=$($command 2>$_error) error=$(cat ${_error} 2>/dev/null) #echo "result(${result})" #echo "error(${error})" if [ ${#error} -gt 0 ]; then echo "###############" echo "FAIL" echo "###############" echo "${error}" else if [ $LNTYPE = cl ]; then payReq=$(echo "$result" | grep bolt11 | cut -d '"' -f4) elif [ $LNTYPE = lnd ]; then rhash=$(echo "$result" | grep r_hash | cut -d '"' -f4) payReq=$(echo "$result" | grep payment_request | cut -d '"' -f4) fi sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh qr "${payReq}" if [ $(sudo dpkg-query -l | grep "ii qrencode" | wc -l) = 0 ]; then sudo apt-get install qrencode -y >/dev/null fi # raise high focus on lightning channel balance next 5min /home/admin/_cache.sh focus ln_${LNTYPE}_${CHAIN}_channels_balance 0 300 echo echo "********************" echo "Here is your invoice" echo "********************" echo qrencode -t ANSI256 "${payReq}" echo echo "Give this Invoice/PaymentRequest to someone to pay it:" echo echo "${payReq}" echo echo "Monitoring the Incoming Payment with:" if [ $LNTYPE = cl ]; then echo "$lightningcli_alias waitinvoice $label" elif [ $LNTYPE = lnd ]; then echo "$lncli_alias lookupinvoice ${rhash}" fi echo "Press x and hold to skip to menu." while :; do if [ $LNTYPE = cl ]; then result=$($lightningcli_alias waitinvoice $label) wasPaid=$(echo $result | grep -c 'paid') elif [ $LNTYPE = lnd ]; then result=$($lncli_alias lookupinvoice ${rhash}) wasPaid=$(echo $result | grep -c '"settled": true') fi if [ ${wasPaid} -gt 0 ]; then echo echo $result echo echo "OK the Invoice was paid - returning to menu." sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh hide sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh image /home/admin/raspiblitz/pictures/ok.png sleep 2 break fi # wait 2 seconds for key input read -n 1 -t 2 keyPressed # check if user wants to abort session if [ "${keyPressed}" = "x" ]; then echo echo $result echo echo "Returning to menu - the invoice has not been paid yet." break fi done sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh hide fi echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key