#include <assert.h>
#include <bfc/platform/types.h>

template <class Type, int INCREMENT = 32, int MULTIPLIER=1>
class Vector
	typedef Type *iterator;
	typedef const Type *const_iterator;
	Vector()                                                          {}
	virtual ~Vector()
		delete [] values;

	Vector(const Vector<Type, INCREMENT, MULTIPLIER> &copy)
		if (copy.numPtrs)
			values = new Type[copy.numPtrs];
			allocSize = copy.numPtrs;
			numPtrs = copy.numPtrs;
			for (size_t i = 0;i != numPtrs;i++)
				values[i] = copy.values[i];

	void operator=(const Vector<Type, INCREMENT, MULTIPLIER> &copy)
		if (copy.numPtrs)
			values = new Type[copy.numPtrs];
			allocSize = copy.numPtrs;
			numPtrs = copy.numPtrs;
			for (size_t i = 0;i != numPtrs;i++)
				values[i] = copy.values[i];

	Type &operator[](size_t index)
		return values[index];
	Type *data()
		return values;
	Type *begin() const
		return values;
	Type *end() const
		if (values) return values + numPtrs; else return 0;
	void Reset()
		delete [] values; values = 0; numPtrs = 0; allocSize=0;
	void clear()
		numPtrs = 0;
	size_t size() const
		return numPtrs;
	size_t capacity()
		return allocSize;
	Type &back()
		return values[numPtrs-1];

	Type &at(size_t index) const
		return values[index];

	void reserve(size_t size)
		if (size <= numPtrs)

		Type *newTable = new Type[size];
		for (size_t i = 0;i != numPtrs;i++)
			newTable[i] = values[i];
		allocSize = size;
		delete[] values;
		values = newTable;

	void push_back(Type t)
		if (numPtrs == allocSize)
			reserve(allocSize*MULTIPLIER + INCREMENT);
		values[numPtrs++] = t;

	void insert(size_t index, const Type &value)
		if (numPtrs == allocSize)
			reserve(allocSize*MULTIPLIER + INCREMENT);

		for (size_t i = numPtrs;i != index;i--)
			values[i] = values[i-1];
		values[index] = value;

	void append(size_t size, Type *t)
		reserve(numPtrs + size + INCREMENT);
		for (size_t i = 0;i != size;i++)

	void pop_back()
		if (numPtrs)
			// next line removed to allow structs and classes
			// values[numPtrs] = 0; // TODO: an inplace delete might be better?

	void erase(iterator itr)
		size_t index = itr - values;

	void eraseAt(size_t index)
		if (numPtrs > index)
			for (size_t k = index + 1; k < numPtrs; k++) 
				values[k-1] = values[k];


	/* Removes an item by swapping it with the last item in the list.  faster but can ruin order */
	void eraseAtFast(size_t index)
		if (index < numPtrs)
			values[index] = values[--numPtrs];
//			if (numPtrs != index)
//				values[numPtrs]=0;			

	bool empty() const
		return numPtrs == 0;

	void resize(size_t newSize, Type val)
		if (newSize < numPtrs)
			numPtrs = newSize;
		else if (newSize > numPtrs)
			reserve(allocSize + (newSize - numPtrs) + INCREMENT);
			while(numPtrs < newSize)
				values[numPtrs] = val;

	void resize(size_t newSize)
		if (newSize < numPtrs)
			numPtrs = newSize;
		else if (newSize > numPtrs)
			reserve(allocSize + (newSize - numPtrs) + INCREMENT);
			numPtrs = newSize;

	void set(Type *ptr, size_t num)
		delete [] values;

	size_t  numPtrs   = 0;
	size_t  allocSize = 0;
	Type   *values    = 0;
