If you are looking for premade images to load on your Bitaxe, check out the [releases](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/releases) page. Maybe you want [instructions](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/blob/master/flashing.md) for loading factory images.
- Flash both a factory image _and_ a config to your Bitaxe: note the settings in the config file will overwrite the config already baked into the factory image:
The firmware hosts a small web server on port 80 for administrative purposes. Once the Bitaxe device is connected to the local network, the admin web front end may be accessed via a web browser connected to the same network at `http://<IP>`, replacing `IP` with the LAN IP address of the Bitaxe device, or `http://bitaxe`, provided your network supports mDNS configuration.
In the event that the admin web front end is inaccessible, for example because of an unsuccessful firmware update (`www.bin`), a recovery page can be accessed at `http://<IP>/recovery`.
Note: the merge_bin.sh script is a custom script that merges the bootloader, partition table, and the application binary into a single file.
Note: if using VSCode, you may have to configure the settings.json file to match your esp hardware version. For example, if your bitaxe has something other than an esp32-s3, you will need to change the version in the `.vscode/settings.json` file.
### Flashing
With the bitaxe connected to your computer via USB, run:
where xxx is the config file for your hardware version. You can see the list of available config files in the root of the repository.
Note: if you are developing within a dev container, you will need to run the bitaxetool command from outside the container. Otherwise, you will get an error about the device not being found.