frequency throttling during voltage drops

This commit is contained in:
Ben 2023-06-14 12:08:11 -04:00 committed by johnny9
parent 6949b73bb9
commit e8f36e89fa
2 changed files with 26 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -120,8 +120,10 @@ void BM1397_send_hash_frequency(float frequency) {
int i;
//bound the frequency setting
if (frequency < 13) {
f1 = 13;
// You can go as low as 13 but it doesn't really scale or
// produce any nonces
if (frequency < 50) {
f1 = 50;
} else if (frequency > 500) {
f1 = 500;
} else {

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@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
#define THROTTLE_TEMP 80.0
static const char * TAG = "power_management";
static float _fbound(float value, float lower_bound, float upper_bound)
@ -47,29 +51,34 @@ void POWER_MANAGEMENT_task(void * pvParameters){
power_management->power = INA260_read_power() / 1000;
power_management->current = INA260_read_current();
float old_multiplier = power_management->frequency_multiplier;
float old_frequency = power_management->frequency_value;
//float voltage_multiplier = _fbound((power_management->voltage - 4.5) * 2, 0, 1);
// power_management->frequency_multiplier = voltage_multiplier;
// Voltage
// We'll throttle between 4.9v and 3.5v
float voltage_multiplier = _fbound((power_management->voltage - VOLTAGE_MIN_THROTTLE) * (1/(float)VOLTAGE_RANGE), 0, 1);
// Temperature
float temperature_multiplier = 1;
float over_temp = -(THROTTLE_TEMP - power_management->chip_temp);
float over_temp = -(THROTTLE_TEMP - power_management->chip_temp);
if(over_temp > 0){
temperature_multiplier = (THROTTLE_TEMP_RANGE - over_temp)/THROTTLE_TEMP_RANGE;
power_management->frequency_multiplier = temperature_multiplier;
float lowest_multiplier = 1;
float multipliers[2] = {voltage_multiplier, temperature_multiplier};
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
if(multipliers[i] < lowest_multiplier){
lowest_multiplier = multipliers[i];
power_management->frequency_multiplier = lowest_multiplier;
float target_frequency = _fbound(power_management->frequency_multiplier * BM1397_FREQUENCY, 0, BM1397_FREQUENCY);
if(target_frequency < 13){
if(target_frequency < 50){
// TODO: Turn the chip off
@ -84,7 +93,7 @@ void POWER_MANAGEMENT_task(void * pvParameters){
last_frequency_increase > 250 &&
power_management->frequency_value != BM1397_FREQUENCY
float add = power_management->frequency_value - (((power_management->frequency_value * 29.0) + target_frequency)/30.0);
float add = power_management->frequency_value - (((power_management->frequency_value * 9.0) + target_frequency)/10.0);
power_management->frequency_value += _fbound(add, 2 , 10);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "target %f, Freq %f, Temp %f, Power %f", target_frequency, power_management->frequency_value, power_management->chip_temp, power_management->power);
@ -97,7 +106,7 @@ void POWER_MANAGEMENT_task(void * pvParameters){
//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "target %f, Freq %f, Temp %f, Power %f", target_frequency, power_management->frequency_value, power_management->chip_temp, power_management->power);
//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "target %f, Freq %f, Volt %f, Power %f", target_frequency, power_management->frequency_value, power_management->voltage, power_management->power);
vTaskDelay(POLL_RATE / portTICK_RATE_MS);