Current implementation has a race condition with the first mining.notify message and can cause the miner to take a long time to start if it misses that message.
ESP-Miner is bitcoin miner software designed to run on the ESP32. It mines on ASICs such as the Bitmain BM1397. The Bitaxe is a handy board for this!
Hardware Required
This example can be run on any commonly available ESP32 development board.
Configure the project
Set the target set-target esp32s3
Use menuconfig to set the stratum server address/port and WiFi SSID/Password menuconfig
Set following parameters under Example Configuration Options, these will define the stratum server you connect to:
Set IP version of example to be IPV4 or IPV6.
Set IPV4 Address in case your chose IP version IPV4 above.
Set IPV6 Address in case your chose IP version IPV6 above.
Set Port number that represents remote port the example will connect to.
Set following parameters under Example Connection Configuration Options:
to your target wifi network SSID. -
Wifi Password
to the password for your target SSID. -
Stratum address
to the stratum pool domain name. example "" -
Stratum username
to the stratum pool username -
Stratum password
to the stratum pool password
For more information about the example_connect() method used here, check out
#define STRATUM_USERNAME "johnny9.esp"
Build and Flash
Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output: -p PORT flash monitor
(To exit the serial monitor, type Ctrl-]
See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.
Run Unit tests
The unit tests for the project use the unity test framework and currently require actual esp32 hardware to run.
They are located at
cd ./test/ set-target esp32s3 -p PORT flash monitor