// When availability is configured, this controls the conditions needed to set the entity to available. Valid entries are all, any, and latest. If set to all, payload_available must be received on all configured availability topics before the entity is marked as online. If set to any, payload_available must be received on at least one configured availability topic before the entity is marked as online. If set to latest, the last payload_available or payload_not_available received on any configured availability topic controls the availability.
// Defines a template to extract device’s availability from the availability_topic. To determine the devices’s availability result of this template will be compared to payload_available and payload_not_available.
// The MQTT topic subscribed to receive birth and LWT messages from the MQTT cover device. If an availability topic is not defined, the cover availability state will always be available. If an availability topic is defined, the cover availability state will be unavailable by default. Must not be used together with availability.
// Information about the device this cover is a part of to tie it into the device registry. Only works through MQTT discovery and when unique_id is set. At least one of identifiers or connections must be present to identify the device.
// Sets the class of the device, changing the device state and icon that is displayed on the frontend.
// Flag which defines if the entity should be enabled when first added.
// Defines a template to extract the JSON dictionary from messages received on the json_attributes_topic. Usage example can be found in MQTT sensor documentation.
// The MQTT topic subscribed to receive a JSON dictionary payload and then set as sensor attributes. Usage example can be found in MQTT sensor documentation.
// Defines a template that can be used to extract the payload for the position_topic topic. Within the template the following variables are available: entity_id, position_open; position_closed; tilt_min; tilt_max. The entity_id can be used to reference the entity’s attributes with help of the states template function;
// Defines a template to define the position to be sent to the set_position_topic topic. Incoming position value is available for use in the template {{ position }}. Within the template the following variables are available: entity_id, position, the target position in percent; position_open; position_closed; tilt_min; tilt_max. The entity_id can be used to reference the entity’s attributes with help of the states template function;
// The MQTT topic to publish position commands to. You need to set position_topic as well if you want to use position topic. Use template if position topic wants different values than within range position_closed - position_open. If template is not defined and position_closed != 100 and position_open != 0 then proper position value is calculated from percentage position.
// Defines a template that can be used to extract the payload for the tilt_command_topic topic. Within the template the following variables are available: entity_id, tilt_position, the target tilt position in percent; position_open; position_closed; tilt_min; tilt_max. The entity_id can be used to reference the entity’s attributes with help of the states template function;
// Default: true if tilt_status_topic is not defined, else false
// Defines a template that can be used to extract the payload for the tilt_status_topic topic. Within the template the following variables are available: entity_id, position_open; position_closed; tilt_min; tilt_max. The entity_id can be used to reference the entity’s attributes with help of the states template function;