// When availability is configured, this controls the conditions needed to set the entity to available. Valid entries are all, any, and latest. If set to all, payload_available must be received on all configured availability topics before the entity is marked as online. If set to any, payload_available must be received on at least one configured availability topic before the entity is marked as online. If set to latest, the last payload_available or payload_not_available received on any configured availability topic controls the availability.
// Defines a template to extract device’s availability from the availability_topic. To determine the devices’s availability result of this template will be compared to payload_available and payload_not_available.
// Information about the device this switch is a part of to tie it into the device registry. Only works through MQTT discovery and when unique_id is set. At least one of identifiers or connections must be present to identify the device.
// The encoding of the payloads received and published messages. Set to "" to disable decoding of incoming payload.
// Defines a template to extract the JSON dictionary from messages received on the json_attributes_topic. Usage example can be found in MQTT sensor documentation.
// The MQTT topic subscribed to receive a JSON dictionary payload and then set as sensor attributes. Usage example can be found in MQTT sensor documentation.
// The MQTT topic subscribed to receive state messages from the vacuum. Messages received on the state_topic must be a valid JSON dictionary, with a mandatory state key and optionally battery_level and fan_speed keys as shown in the example.
// supported_features string | list (optional)
// List of features that the vacuum supports (possible values are start, stop, pause, return_home, battery, status, locate, clean_spot, fan_speed, send_command).