mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 09:01:43 +01:00
403 lines
11 KiB
403 lines
11 KiB
package lsgo
import (
func getIconForFile(name, ext string) string {
// default icon for all files. try to find a better one though...
icon := icons["file"]
// resolve aliased extensions
extKey := strings.ToLower(ext)
alias, hasAlias := aliases[extKey]
if hasAlias {
extKey = alias
// see if we can find a better icon based on extension alone
betterIcon, hasBetterIcon := icons[extKey]
if hasBetterIcon {
icon = betterIcon
// now look for icons based on full names
fullName := name
if ext != "" {
fullName += "." + ext
fullName = strings.ToLower(fullName)
fullAlias, hasFullAlias := aliases[fullName]
if hasFullAlias {
fullName = fullAlias
bestIcon, hasBestIcon := icons[fullName]
if hasBestIcon {
icon = bestIcon
return icon
func getIconForFolder(name string) string {
icon := folders["folder"]
betterIcon, hasBetterIcon := folders[name]
if hasBetterIcon {
icon = betterIcon
return icon
var icons = map[string]string{
"ai": "\ue7b4",
"android": "\ue70e",
"apple": "\uf179",
"as": "\ue60b",
"asm": "\ufb19",
"audio": "\uf1c7",
"avro": "\ue60b",
"bf": "\uf067",
"binary": "\uf471",
"c": "\ue61e",
"cargo.lock": "\uf487",
"cargo.toml": "\uf487",
"cfg": "\uf423",
"clj": "\ue768",
"coffee": "\ue751",
"conf": "\ue615",
"cpp": "\ue61d",
"cr": "\ue23e",
"cs": "\uf81a",
"cson": "\ue601",
"css": "\ue749",
"d": "\ue7af",
"dart": "\ue798",
"db": "\uf1c0",
"deb": "\uf306",
"diff": "\uf440",
"doc": "\uf1c2",
"dockerfile": "\ue7b0",
"dpkg": "\uf17c",
"ebook": "\uf02d",
"elm": "\ue62c",
"env": "\uf462",
"erl": "\ue7b1",
"ex": "\ue62d",
"f": "\uf794",
"file": "\uf15b",
"font": "\uf031",
"fs": "\ue7a7",
"gb": "\ue272",
"gform": "\uf298",
"git": "\ue702",
"go": "\ue724",
"graphql": "\ue284",
"groovy": "\ue775",
"gruntfile.js": "\ue74c",
"gulpfile.js": "\ue610",
"gv": "\ue225",
"h": "\uf0fd",
"hs": "\ue777",
"html": "\uf13b",
"ics": "\uf073",
"image": "\uf1c5",
"iml": "\ue7b5",
"ini": "\uf669",
"ino": "\ue255",
"iso": "\uf7c9",
"java": "\ue738",
"jenkinsfile": "\ue767",
"jl": "\ue624",
"js": "\ue781",
"json": "\ue60b",
"jsx": "\ue7ba",
"key": "\uf43d",
"less": "\ue758",
"lock": "\uf720",
"log": "\uf18d",
"lua": "\ue620",
"m": "\ufb27",
"maintainers": "\uf0c0",
"makefile": "\ue20f",
"md": "\uf48a",
"mjs": "\ue718",
"ml": "\ufb26",
"mustache": "\ue60f",
"nc": "\uf7c0",
"npmignore": "\ue71e",
"passwd": "\uf023",
"patch": "\uf440",
"pdf": "\uf1c1",
"php": "\ue608",
"pl": "\ue7a1",
"ppt": "\uf1c4",
"psd": "\ue7b8",
"py": "\ue606",
"r": "\ufcd2",
"rb": "\ue21e",
"rdb": "\ue76d",
"rpm": "\uf17c",
"rs": "\ue7a8",
"rss": "\uf09e",
"rst": "\uf66a",
"rubydoc": "\ue73b",
"sass": "\ue603",
"scala": "\ue737",
"shell": "\uf489",
"shp": "\ufa5f",
"sol": "\ufcb9",
"sql": "\ue706",
"sqlite3": "\ue7c4",
"styl": "\ue600",
"swift": "\ue755",
"tex": "\u222b",
"tfrecord": "\ufb27",
"toml": "\uf669",
"ts": "\ufbe4",
"twig": "\ue61c",
"txt": "\uf15c",
"vagrantfile": "\ue21e",
"video": "\uf03d",
"vim": "\ue62b",
"vue": "\ufd42",
"windows": "\uf17a",
"xls": "\uf1c3",
"xml": "\ue796",
"yml": "\ue601",
"zip": "\uf410",
var aliases = map[string]string{
"apk": "android",
"gradle": "android",
"ds_store": "apple",
"localized": "apple",
"s": "asm",
"aac": "audio",
"alac": "audio",
"flac": "audio",
"m4a": "audio",
"mka": "audio",
"mp3": "audio",
"ogg": "audio",
"opus": "audio",
"wav": "audio",
"wma": "audio",
"b": "bf",
"bson": "binary",
"feather": "binary",
"mat": "binary",
"o": "binary",
"pb": "binary",
"pickle": "binary",
"pkl": "binary",
"conf": "cfg",
"config": "cfg",
"cljc": "clj",
"cljs": "clj",
"editorconfig": "conf",
"rc": "conf",
"c++": "cpp",
"cc": "cpp",
"cxx": "cpp",
"scss": "css",
"docx": "doc",
"gdoc": "doc",
"epub": "ebook",
"ipynb": "ebook",
"mobi": "ebook",
"f03": "f",
"f77": "f",
"f90": "f",
"f95": "f",
"for": "f",
"fpp": "f",
"ftn": "f",
"eot": "font",
"otf": "font",
"ttf": "font",
"woff": "font",
"woff2": "font",
"fsi": "fs",
"fsscript": "fs",
"fsx": "fs",
"dna": "gb",
"gitattributes": "git",
"gitconfig": "git",
"gitignore": "git",
"gitignore_global": "git",
"gitmirrorall": "git",
"gitmodules": "git",
"gsh": "groovy",
"gvy": "groovy",
"gy": "groovy",
"h++": "h",
"hh": "h",
"hpp": "h",
"hxx": "h",
"lhs": "hs",
"htm": "html",
"xhtml": "html",
"bmp": "image",
"cbr": "image",
"cbz": "image",
"dvi": "image",
"eps": "image",
"gif": "image",
"ico": "image",
"jpeg": "image",
"jpg": "image",
"nef": "image",
"orf": "image",
"pbm": "image",
"pgm": "image",
"png": "image",
"pnm": "image",
"ppm": "image",
"pxm": "image",
"stl": "image",
"svg": "image",
"tif": "image",
"tiff": "image",
"webp": "image",
"xpm": "image",
"disk": "iso",
"dmg": "iso",
"smi": "iso",
"img": "iso",
"vhd": "iso",
"vhdx": "iso",
"vmdk": "iso",
"jar": "java",
"properties": "json",
"webmanifest": "json",
"tsx": "jsx",
"cjsx": "jsx",
"cer": "key",
"crt": "key",
"der": "key",
"gpg": "key",
"p7b": "key",
"pem": "key",
"pfx": "key",
"pgp": "key",
"license": "key",
"codeowners": "maintainers",
"credits": "maintainers",
"cmake": "makefile",
"markdown": "md",
"mkd": "md",
"rdoc": "md",
"readme": "md",
"mli": "ml",
"sml": "ml",
"netcdf": "nc",
"php3": "php",
"php4": "php",
"php5": "php",
"phpt": "php",
"phtml": "php",
"gslides": "ppt",
"pptx": "ppt",
"pxd": "py",
"pyc": "py",
"pyx": "py",
"whl": "py",
"rdata": "r",
"rds": "r",
"rmd": "r",
"gemfile": "rb",
"gemspec": "rb",
"guardfile": "rb",
"procfile": "rb",
"rakefile": "rb",
"rspec": "rb",
"rspec_parallel": "rb",
"rspec_status": "rb",
"ru": "rb",
"erb": "rubydoc",
"slim": "rubydoc",
"awk": "shell",
"bash": "shell",
"bash_history": "shell",
"bash_profile": "shell",
"bashrc": "shell",
"csh": "shell",
"fish": "shell",
"ksh": "shell",
"sh": "shell",
"zsh": "shell",
"zsh-theme": "shell",
"zshrc": "shell",
"plpgsql": "sql",
"plsql": "sql",
"psql": "sql",
"tsql": "sql",
"sl3": "sqlite3",
"stylus": "styl",
"cls": "tex",
"avi": "video",
"flv": "video",
"m2v": "video",
"mkv": "video",
"mov": "video",
"mp4": "video",
"mpeg": "video",
"mpg": "video",
"ogm": "video",
"ogv": "video",
"vob": "video",
"webm": "video",
"vimrc": "vim",
"bat": "windows",
"cmd": "windows",
"exe": "windows",
"csv": "xls",
"gsheet": "xls",
"xlsx": "xls",
"svelte": "xml",
"plist": "xml",
"xul": "xml",
"yaml": "yml",
"7z": "zip",
"Z": "zip",
"bz2": "zip",
"gz": "zip",
"lzma": "zip",
"par": "zip",
"rar": "zip",
"tar": "zip",
"tc": "zip",
"tgz": "zip",
"txz": "zip",
"xz": "zip",
"z": "zip",
var folders = map[string]string{
".atom": "\ue764",
".aws": "\ue7ad",
".docker": "\ue7b0",
".gem": "\ue21e",
".git": "\ue5fb",
".git-credential-cache": "\ue5fb",
".github": "\ue5fd",
".npm": "\ue5fa",
".nvm": "\ue718",
".rvm": "\ue21e",
".Trash": "\uf1f8",
".vscode": "\ue70c",
".vim": "\ue62b",
"config": "\ue5fc",
"folder": "\uf07c",
"hidden": "\uf023",
"node_modules": "\ue5fa",
var otherIcons = map[string]string{
"link": "\uf0c1",
"linkDir": "\uf0c1",
"brokenLink": "\uf127",
"device": "\uf0a0",